MIAMI (WSVN) - Several pro-Palestine protesters were arrested by Miami Police as they attempted to block the entrance to PortMiami, a move that was reportedly part of a multi-city protest demanding a cease-fire in Gaza.

Officers responded to over 100 protesters who were in front of Bayside Marketplace in downtown Miami, at around 1 p.m., Monday.

“Netanyahu, what do you say,” said protesters, waving signs with messages for support of Palestine.

City of Miami officers appeared in riot gear, on horseback, and on motorcycles to prevent the protesters from advancing. Police officers were joined by state troopers and armored vehicles.

7Skyforce flew over the area as protesters were being arrested and taken into a transport van.

Several protesters were also seen being dragged from the street by police after they tried to lie down and block traffic to PortMiami. After repeatedly trying to block traffic, some were arrested by the police.

According to Miami Police, seven people were arrested due to obstructing traffic and refusing to remain in the designated area. They were charged with Obstructing Traffic and Breach of the Peace/unlawful assembly.

A few demonstrators who spoke to 7News shared they did not have ties to Palestine or were Palestinian but still wanted to show support for the cause.

“We are here to let South Florida know that we stand with the Palestinian people and that they deserve aid, they deserve water, they deserve food, they deserve to eat their food with their families, they deserve to grow up with dreams,” said protester Valentina Jadue.

The protest is part of a coordinated effort across the country to block several economic hubs like airports and port terminals to demand a cease-fire in Gaza.

Monday marks Tax Day in America, and Monday’s protesters disagree that taxpayers’ dollars should be used to support the war in Israel.

“After October 7, they have given more tax dollars, what we’re saying is that money could better be used to address the housing crisis in the US, the public education issue, the lack of accessible food and affordable housing, and better transportation,” said protester Libra Sankara.

In addition, the protesters in attendance talk about solutions to end what they are calling a genocide toward the Palestinian people.

Towards the end of the protest, a few people came out on the corner of Biscayne and 2nd Street to show their support for Israel.

“We’re both living in the same land, we’re not going anywhere. And I will always fight for my right to live peacefully in my own land, I will fight for theirs as well,” said Jesse Fromer, Israel supporter. 

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