(WSVN) - Residents at a condo in Sweetwater woke up to find their cars gone, and they were shocked when they found out who had towed them. 7’s Heather Walker investigates.

No one wants to start their day this way.

Arely Correa, car towed: “We got up early in the morning to go to work, and we were surprised when both of our cars went missing.”

It was April Fools Day, but this was no joke for Arely Correa and her mom.

They both had parked their cars, like they do every night. But the cars were gone the next morning, along with dozens of others.

Desiree Vannucci, car towed: “I came outside, and the vehicles were all gone.”

Desiree Vannucci says it was a shock for people living at Soleil Lake Condominium in Sweetwater.

Desiree Vannucci: “My neighbors were out here walking around, looking for their cars.”

When they called the condo management, they learned the cars had been towed.

But why? We went to get answers.

Heather Walker: “I’m with 7News. We’re here about the cars that were towed.”

Company employee: “This is private property. I’m going to ask you to stop filming, please.”

Excel Management Associates, or EMA, manages the building.

Off camera, we were told this letter was sent to condo owners back in January. It says the condo “Association has decided to change the parking permits and issue new ones,” giving residents until the end of February to make the change.

Desiree Vannucci: “They don’t notify us, they change rules.”

Desiree and other residents say they never received that letter.

Arely Correa: “We had decals, but they weren’t ‘valid’ ones.”

The management company tells 7 Investigates it has suspended towing, at least temporarily.

But residents say the damage is done.

Arely Correa: “It was, like, really hard. We lost, like, a full day of work.”

In addition to the hassle, they had to pay $165 to get their cars back.

Arely Correa: “It’s not like we all have that money. It’s hard; I know everyone is going through a tough time.”

The management company says it will determine if anyone can be reimbursed.

Residents are hoping to get their money back but happy that at least they have their cars.

Heather Walker, 7News.


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