(WSVN) - A South Florida baseball team is setting a striking example. It’s no longer an all boys’ team. Two girls are hitting it out of the park. 7’s Heather Walker has today’s 7 Spotlight.

Batter up. The boys at Dade Christian School are making room for Chelsea and Chloe, the first females to ever play on the school’s junior varsity baseball team.

And they’re sisters.

Chelsea Bacallao, baseball player: “She motivates me to be better and stuff because I usually like making things as a competition.”

The two have been carrying a bat since they were young. They started playing softball at 6 and 7 years old and grew into star players.

So when Dade Christian didn’t have enough girls to form a softball team, the boys’ head coach saw an opportunity.

Jorge Molleda, head coach: “I saw them practicing, and I got on top of the dad to bring them to me to play. They play very well, so the boys are on their tippy toes the whole entire time. They’re ready to rock.”

The girls were eager to play, but they had to change up their game.

Chloe Bacallao: “I’m starting to get the hang of it. It’s different. The hitting is like way harder than you would see in softball. You’re gonna be running a lot ’cause the bases are, like, big.”

Dad was nervous about putting his daughters on a field full of boys, but the jitters quickly went away.

Jesse Bacallao, father: “My key was safety on their part. Having them go out for a practice and just seeing them, you know, with the boys. I was good. They’re able to hang, and they can take care of themselves out there. It’s definitely a proud moment for me in the family, watching them out there on the field.”

Chloe covers first and second base, while Chelsea plays shortstop, one of the toughest positions.

Jorge Molleda: “They’re fearless. Every time they step out there, they have something new to add to their game. They’re fast. They’re very aware. Their hand-eye coordination is great.”

When Chelsea and Chloe played their first game, the opposing team was shocked to see girls on the field.

But coaches at Dade Christian want to see more girls play.

Jorge Molleda: “We love the gender equality. Whoever wants to play baseball is more than welcome to play.”

The sisters are happy to show that girls can shine in softball and baseball.

Chelsea Bacallao: “That’s pretty cool. Like, that just proves that girls can do anything a boy can do.”

Chloe Bacallao: “You could do anything that you put your mind into.”

And the fact that they get to do it side by side is a home run.

Heather Walker, 7News.

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