MIRAMAR, FLA. (WSVN) - Police on Thursday arrested a man connected to a hit-and-run in Miramar that sent a pedestrian to the hospital in critical condition.

7News cameras captured Tremaine Maurice Herbert after he bonded out of the Broward County Jail, Friday night.

When asked about the case, he said, “No comment.”

The 31-year-old is facing several charges, which include leaving the scene of a crash involving serious bodily injury, tampering with evidence and driving with a suspended license.

Herbert appeared in bond court Friday morning where a judge gave him a $36,000 bond. He is not allowed to drive nor make contact with the victim.

According to Miramar Police, the incident happened on March 4 when Jahmaar Williams was crossing Pembroke Road, near the 6500 block and was struck by a 2016 BMW 528i.

Investigators said Herbert fled the scene, leaving the victim on the side of the road.

Jahmaar, 31, was transported to the hospital in critical condition.

Jahmaar was in a coma after the crash. Police said he will need medical services for the rest of his life.

The victim now lives in Texas with his mother, Eleska Moore. She spoke with 7News on Friday as she took her son to a rehab appointment.

“He’s strapped in a certain way. He’s not able to – if you could see the feeding tube hanging out, you could see how much weight he’s lost,” she said. “He still has a traumatic brain injury. He’s still not able to walk yet or talk yet or even stand up; he’s bedridden. He has to be fed through a tube; he’s not able to tell you if something is hurting him. His jaw is still dislocated, he still has some broken bones.”

His brother, Chris Williams, witnessed the crash after they were leaving a lounge in the area.

“Me and my brother were just out having a good time, and as we were crossing the street, he was struck by a car that was close enough to hit both of us, but somehow, I was unscathed, untouched and survived,” Chris said.

During their investigation, detectives said, they were able to track down the BMV that hit Williams after they did a five-mile-radius search, which ultimately led them to Herbert.

When officers went to the suspect’s home, they said, there was evidence of him covering up the damage to his car, which was covered under a blue tarp.

Furthermore, police said, they found blood spatter and evidence of cleaning solution on the car. Shards of glass were also discovered inside a vacuum cleaner.

“Once we located the vehicle, from there we were able to also get further video and locate the driver,” said Miramar Police Officer Jose Rosales with the department’s Traffic Homicide Division.

The investigation took several months.

Jahmaar was a sergeant in the U.S. Army and an active member of the National Guard for more than 12 years.

“I joined the military with him, he’s motivated me and brought me out of so many different dark spots, dark places,” Chris said.

“You’re not expecting your 32-year-old son to come back home in this condition, based on someone else’s actions,” said Moore, “and so, that’s why I say it’s bittersweet. Yes, [Herbert] got arrested, but it doesn’t change the circumstance with my son, and unfortunately, this young man had no insurance and was driving with a suspended license.”

Jahmaat’s family is footing the bill for his medical care on their own.

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