(WSVN) - It’s officially 2024, and many people are resolved to get in shape. One group is helping women do just that, one step at a time.

Fitness and friendship. They are top of mind for these women who are leaving tracks throughout Fort Lauderdale.

Runsi Patro, co-founder, Pretty Girls Who Walk: “A lot of the girls are also new to Fort Lauderdale. A lot of the girls work from home, so they’ve also looked at the walk as a way to get outside and make friends.”

Almost every Saturday, members of Pretty Girls Who Walk lace up to get in their miles.

Jenna Rappaport and Runsi Patro started the group in 2022.

Jenna Rappaport, co-founder, Pretty Girls Who Walk: “I live here in downtown Fort Lauderdale. I work from home as well. The only thing I could do during the COVID time was go on walks.”

Runsi Patro: “When I first moved down here, which was a year ago, it was a new city. I didn’t know anyone here.”

At the time, they didn’t know each other, but they had the same idea.

Jenna Rappaport: “I was like, ‘How fun! If I had a group of girls that had like-minded interests as going on walks.'”

They both reached out to a walking group in Miami, hoping the organizer would start one in Fort Lauderdale.

Instead, the organizer put them in contact with each other, and they decided to start the group themselves.

Runsi Patro: “Our first walk was about five to 10 girls. We kept going every week, you know, we were like, ‘You know, eventually it’s going to grow,’ and it consistently started growing.”

As more and more people discovered their Instagram page, the number of walkers grew.

At one point, 150 women showed up to participate.

Runsi Patro: “I didn’t know Jenna before this, and she’s one of my best friends now because of this walk. Like, I met her through this walk, just like a lot of other women that I’ve met through the walk.”

In addition to providing exercise and companionship, the walk has also been a great way to discover new businesses in Fort Lauderdale.

Jenna Rappaport: “We’re growing, and we’re also showing different girls different opportunities to try new restaurants, try new bars, try new coffee shops that, you know, a lot of these girls have no idea about, even me.”

Some of the women say the walk has pulled them off their couch and into a supportive community.

Jamielet Reynoso, participant: “For myself, it’s about being active and trying to get, you know, my body moving. Also meeting new friends and networking.”

Andrea Linhares, participant: “We’ll go to the walk together, and then we’ll maybe stay later on at that same place that we’re collaborating at, the same business, or we’ll go get some food after. We’ll make plans, like, it’s really a great place to meet friends.”

A group of women making strides toward good health and good friendships, all at the same time.

Pretty Girls Who Walk will host their next event Saturday morning.

If you want to know more of when the next girl’s walk is, check out their Instagram page.

Lynn Martinez, 7News.

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