(WSVN) - It was one terrible blow after another for a South Florida woman. Her husband died and their complex told her she was being evicted because only her husband’s name was on the lease. Is that legal to do? It’s why she called Help Me Howard with Patrick Fraser.

When it comes to relationships, you don’t hear the word perfect very often. But Annie says when it came to her husband, Bryant, it was appropriate.

Annie Saunders: “Perfect. We get along with each other. We loved doing the same stuff, he’s really Godsent.”

For 10 years they were together, and for 10 years, Bryant lived with a difficult disease.

Annie Saunders: “He had sickle cell disease. It’s a terrible disease. You know, it damages your organs.”

In December, Bryant lost his battle with the disease.

Annie Saunders: “He died December 16th, 2023. That day was a horrible day for me.”

At that time, Annie needed support, help, and after Bryant’s death, went to the rental office to let them know he passed.

Their words shocked her.

Annie Saunders: “I’m not on the lease. So she said to me, ‘OK, well, you can’t stay here. You have to leave by February the 3rd.'”

Annie’s reply.

Annie Saunders: “I say, ‘That’s so quick because I haven’t buried my husband yet. I’m still mourning.'”

Annie was told when they moved into the complex, only Bryant’s name was on the lease, meaning, Annie had no lease.

Annie Saunders: “Is there option can I go on a lease? She said, ‘No, you can’t go on the lease.'”

When Annie came back home, she put Bryant’s ring around her neck.

Annie Saunders: “Oh this is my husband’s wedding ring. I wear it, you know, just to feel that he’s close to me.”

And as she sat in their apartment, looking through their wedding album, she came up with an idea.

Annie Saunders: “The lease expires in August, and I see already, I should have the right to live out the lease. She said, ‘No. He’s passed away.'”

The apartment she and Bryant shared is for low income families and she can’t afford the cost to move out.

Annie Saunders: “Everything now that’s available is like almost $2,000 and up, which is very expensive for me alone.”

Annie is alone. Her comfort: Their photo album. And she wonders what she is going to do now.

Annie Saunders: “It’s tough by myself, I’m trying to find somewhere and mourning my husband. Sorry.”

Well, if your spouse passes away and your name is not on the lease, can you stay til the lease expires?


Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “In most case you can. A lease does not expire because the tenant dies, meaning family members can live there if they pay the rent until the lease expires. Here comes the bad, however. Annie lives in what’s known as low-income housing and leases are not transferred to family members. The owners can evict Annie, but if she qualifies, they can also let her stay if they want.”

We spoke to the management company who told us because it’s considered an “affordable” site, residents have to “income qualify to occupy a unit.”

Then what we wanted to hear.

They wrote, “If Ms. Saunders applies and qualifies, we would love to keep her on in the same unit Mr. Saunders leased.”

Annie Saunders: “Right now, I can relax more.”

Annie qualified and signed the lease to stay in the apartment in her name.

Annie Saunders: “It was so happy and now it’s like a one burden gone.”

It happened after her call to Help Me Howard.

She’s grateful for that and knows how Bryant would feel about her.

Annie Saunders: “He would be very proud of me fighting. ‘Babe, don’t give up. You have to fight.'”

That’s nice, Annie. Bless you.

Now, when you sign a lease, make sure you put the names of everyone living with you on that lease, even the children. That way, there won’t be any problems if you pass away or they try to evict you for having unauthorized occupants. If their names are on the lease, they are not unauthorized.

Housing a problem that’s upsetting your dwelling? Ready to evict it from your life? Sign up with us. To give you a new lease on life.

With this Help Me Howard, i’m Patrick Fraser, 7News.

Email: helpmehoward@wsvn.com
Reporter: Patrick Fraser at pfraser@wsvn.com
Miami-Dade: 305-953-WSVN
Broward: 954-761-WSVN

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