TSA: 3,000 checked bags miss flights leaving Phoenix airport

PHOENIX (AP) — The Transportation Security Administration says more than 3,000 bags checked bags missed their outbound flights in Phoenix because of a problem withRead More

Felon charged with raping woman 12 hours after release

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles man has been charged with raping a woman less than 12 hours after he had been released fromRead More

Police: Times Square hugger punches tourist who won’t tip

NEW YORK (AP) — A man offering “free hugs” in New York’s Times Square is accused of punching a Canadian tourist in the face afterRead More

Doctor says brain tumor growing in Panama’s Manuel Noriega

PANAMA CITY (AP) — A personal doctor and a daughter of imprisoned former Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega say his benign brain tumor has grown significantlyRead More

Judge sides with House Republicans against health care law

By SAM HANANEL Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that the Obama administration is unconstitutionally spending federal money to fund theRead More

Queen Elizabeth II: Chinese officials were ‘very rude’

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s 90-year-old monarch has made a rare foray into political affairs, being caught on film characterizing Chinese officials as “very rude” inRead More

Amputee from 9/11 attacks wins 7 medals at Invictus Games

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Sarah Rudder was on the verge of a key promotion in the U.S. Marines on Sept. 11, 2001, when the terroristRead More

Small plane hits deer, flips while trying to land at airport

KEENE, N.H. (AP) — Authorities say two people escaped from a small plane after it struck a deer and flipped over while landing at aRead More

SpaceX Dragon returns to Earth with precious science load

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A SpaceX capsule returned to Earth on Wednesday with precious science samples from NASA’s one-year space station resident. Less thanRead More

If you’re bored at the airport, snap a picture

An airline industry group has created a campaign that encourages customers who are waiting in long lines to complain. According to CNN, an airline industryRead More