Miami-Dade Police said they were forced to fire on a 28-year-old robbery suspect following a brief police pursuit.

The incident began as a traffic stop Monday evening in the area of 58th Street and Northwest 15th Avenue. Police said they matched the suspect’s car to one possibly involved in a robbery. “I heard a crash, a big boom. Then I heard, as far as I could tell, shots. It sounded like fireworks at the time,” said Early Stitt. “I heard bullets hitting the gate.”

Police in two unmarked cars located a white Nissan Maxima that matched the description of a car involved in a robbery. “If it’s an armed robbery, obviously that’s a danger to the community,” said Miami-Dade Police Lt. John Jenkins.

Officers signaled for the car to stop, but the driver kept going and a pursuit ensued. A short time later, the suspect bailed out of the vehicle and ran on foot.

That’s when a string of shots were fired and some residents’ property suffered damaged. “Three hit my truck and flattened one of the tires on it,” said a man identified as, “Larry.” “So, I don’t know about the other vehicles that was parked out front, but they dropped two clips on the ground, so whatever they carry and however many guns it takes, they were empty.”

Stitt said he was afraid to come outside to see what the commotion was about. “I’m scared enough to not come out those doors,” he said. “When I heard those bullets, I stayed still.”

Stitt said he does not know the robbery suspect who was shot. “I don’t know how old he was, but he was younger than me,” said Stitt. “He was slim. I seen him just kicking, kicking his legs. I could still tell he was still alive.”

The 28-year-old suspect was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital in critical condition. No one else was harmed in the shooting. “Nobody was injured as far as the officers, none of the citizens and unfortunately the subject was struck,” Jenkins.

Police recovered a weapon from the scene.

None of the officers were injured during the altercation.

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