FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Newly released surveillance video captured the moment when, police said, a man set fire to a car behind a synagogue in Fort Lauderdale, and now the rabbi whose vehicle was targeted is speaking out about how the incident is impacting the local community.

Grainy surveillance video showed what investigators described as an arson attack behind the Las Olas Chabad Jewish Center, Saturday morning.

The footage shows the suspect lighting up not just the vehicle but an air conditioning unit as well.

The vehicle belongs to Rabbi Chaim Slavaticki. He spoke with 7News on Sunday.

“This is the most important thing, that nobody was hurt. It could have been much worse,” he said. “It could have been an hour later, when the building would have been packed with people. It could have been a couple of hours earlier, in the middle of the night, and nobody would have noticed it to call 911, and the entire building would be gone.”

Slavaticki said he is grateful for the outpouring of support at a stressful and scary time.

“On Saturday, I don’t use my cellphone. Somebody’s knocking on my door, screaming, ‘Fire at the center, fire at the center!’ And I rushed over here,” he said.

Units with Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue, Fort Lauderdale Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco And Firearms responded to the scene.

Police tracked down and arrested Scott Hannaford. The 50-year-old faces charges of arson and criminal mischief involving a house of worship.

Investigators said the suspect has mental illness and at this point in their investigation, they don’t believe it is a hate crime.

Hannaford refused to appear in court on Sunday.

As for Slavaticki, he said he’s willing to wait for investigators to do their work, but he now needs to find some space to continue work for his community.

“The center houses the organization Friendship Circle for special needs kids. Every day there’s a life skills program. Young adults with special needs who come here, this is their home away from home,” he said. “This is something that will have an impact for a very long time on so many people.”

The fire destroyed a vehicle and this community’s sense of security, but Slavaticki says a prayer book that survived the flames is a symbol, and he will continue trying to bring light and purpose to Fort Lauderdale.

“The vehicle was completely destroyed — burned, couldn’t recognize the interior of the vehicle — and as they pulled out the vehicle, the police officer said, ‘I noticed a blue prayer book between the two seats, untouched,'” he said. “I think this was a hug from God.”

Along with the two counts of arson and criminal mischief, Hannaford was also charged with cocaine possession.

A neighboring church offered its sanctuary for Chabad services. Slavaticki held Sunday services at his home.

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