How to get repairman to do the job

She hired a man to install new blinds in her house in time for the holidays last year. Now she can’t get him to installRead More

Illegal towing nightmare: South Florida woman’s car disappears from CVS lot, forced to pay to retrieve it

She walked into a drugstore. When she came out, her car had been towed and she had to pay to get it back. Is itRead More

Privacy Nightmare: City’s disclosure of resident’s complaints to code enforcement stirs controversy

When she became worried about unpermitted electrical work done at her condo complex, she notified code enforcement, who then told her condo board about herRead More

Botched repairs caused a neighbor’s ceiling to collapse

She hired someone to redo a bathroom not only did they do that, but their sloppy work caused a neighbor’s ceiling to collapse. Does theRead More

South Florida man’s struggle with scammers and hardship ends in a surprising twist of fate

You have heard that old line about if it wasn’t for bad luck, you would have no luck at all. Well, one South Florida familyRead More

Landowner’s Dilemma: Buyer shocked to discover land purchased is actually miles away from any roads

They had a dream of buying a piece of land out in the country to raise their family. They bought the property, and guess whatRead More

Ticket Woes: Frustrated fans left empty-handed after failed Shakira concert purchase

Two sisters, who really enjoy music, got an email about a world-famous singer appearing in South Florida. They bought tickets but didn’t get what theyRead More

Boxes with a surprise keep showing up at her house

A hacker got into her account and stole $6,000 from her. Normally, you would get your money back because you were scammed, but in thisRead More

Surprising Revelation: Beloved pet turns out to be a different breed, leaving family astonished and seeking answers

She went to a pet store to buy a cockapoo for her other dog. She bought what was advertised as a cockapoo, but a coupleRead More