SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Team Depot, Home Depot’s associate volunteer force, partnered with Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade to help fix up the home of Harry Johnson, an Army veteran, and his wife, Stephanie.

“I spent 3 years of active service started in 1967 during the Vietnam era,” said Harry.

The Johnson family, who have been residents of their home since 1973, received a much needed renovation to their home to make it a safe and pleasant place to live.

“I thank the good Lord that I was able to be here to see all of the good that’s happening to me and my family,” said Harry

Volunteers dedicated their time to painting the home, landscaping the garden, revamping the walkway, and installing a new flagpole and flag to honor and assist the veteran who served his country.

“It feels good that someone is here caring about you,” said Stephanie.

Over the years, he has had trouble keeping up with repairs and upkeep as Harry has had two knee replacements. Harry then continued his service locally as a mail carrier for 38 years.

With the help of Team Depot spending the week touching up the home and redoing the backyard, fresh herbs were planted along the side of the house, a new patio was put in place and a new fence with potted flowers.

“This means the world to all the associates out here that’s helping out today. It’s one of the best things we can do by giving back to the ones that gave back to us,” said Dino Farley, assistant store manager of Home Depot.

The Johnsons raised two biological children and two adopted daughters in their home. They are overjoyed as they are already picturing the new memories to be made.

“To enjoy, to laugh, to dance, to cry, to be thankful — we are just happy,” said Stephanie. “It’s happy to know we have this here now on Earth.”

Team Depot put on the finishing touches to the Johnson’s home on Friday, inspiring others to contribute their time and energy to America’s heroes.

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