MIAMI (WSVN) - A pregnant mother fled Israel after the terrorist attack and one South Florida doctor helped make sure her baby was delivered from danger.

This is what Eve Revivo and her family woke up to when Hamas launched their terrorist attack in October.

“My husband told me, ‘OK stay there, OK close the door, don’t talk, don’t cry,'” said Revivo.

Her 3-year-old son was so scared, he was throwing up.

“I go to my child like that,” Revivo said as she showed how she covered her son’s mouth to stop him from making any noise. “We don’t need to cry because the terrorists are outside.”

Eve was five months pregnant, huddled in a safe room with her husband, son, and in-laws in the city of Sderot, near the Gaza border.

The five of them armed with only a kitchen knife.

“What were you thinking during this time,” asked 7News’ reporter Heather Walker.

“Maybe, are we going to die, yeah, and my family, my baby, what are we going to do,” said Revivo.

For seven hours they hid until her husband decided they needed to leave, but first, he needed to get gas for the car. Waiting for him to return was the longest 10 minutes of Eve’s life.

“My, baby cry because, where, ‘where’s my dad,'” said Revivo. ‘Where is my dad?’ and we were hearing the shotguns.”

When her husband made it back, he told everyone to go grab what they could head straight to the car, and don’t look around.

“But I look and I see a lot of people, oh my God,” said Revivo. “Like, my grandfather and grandmother. Yeah and so sad and then go and cry.”

She walked past bodies to get to the car. Once inside, she used her body to protect her son from gunfire. Her husband drove south as fast as he could, but even when they arrived at a hotel, more than three hours away, they couldn’t escape the rocket attacks.

“He told me, ‘Mommy, I don’t want to stay here, I want to go home,’ but we can’t go home,” said Revivo.

It was then that she decided to leave the country and booked a flight to Miami.

“This was your only way to survive?” asked 7News’ reporter Heather Walker.

“Yeah,” said Revivo.

They landed here in Miami with nothing. They stayed with relatives but had no money, no plan, and a baby on the way.

After a couple months, Eve reached out to a local Jewish Community Center and they knew just the man to call.

“Says ‘There’s a woman here who is seven months pregnant, hasn’t seen a doctor in two months, can you maybe help?,'” said Dr. Steven Silvers from Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Dr. Silvers was eager to help.

“No one deserves to die, whether it’s someone in Gaza or someone in Israel,” said Dr. Silvers. “I said to myself, ‘How can I not take care of this woman and alleviate at least one stress in her life?'”

He started providing care at no cost and two months later, a healthy baby boy was born.

“That I could do this for her,” said Dr. Silvers. “You know, people now are saying what I wonderful thing I did. I did what was right. I helped a woman who needed help and I think it’s a lesson to all of us that when you’re given this opportunity to help someone, you do.”

It helps Eve to know that for now, her son David is safe in South Florida, away from the war.

“For my newborn and new life, not in Israel,” said Revivo.

A new life in Miami with the hope for peace in her homeland.

Heather Walker, 7News.

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