You L-E-D up my life

The Fourth of July on Miami Beach blows, literally. Everyone and their brother (and cousin, for that matter) buys a handful of fireworks, heads toRead More

“You’re on, KNUCKLEHEAD!”

I’ll never forget the first time I was on television. I was petrified and that’s putting it mildly. I was a hot mess and I’mRead More

Falling for Winklepickers …

I didn’t notice him at first – but once I realized he was staring at me from across the room – I was a goner.Read More

The Widow Hat

The rain beat down so hard on the windshield it was like God himself was mad. May didn’t care though, she kept driving under theRead More

The Gallant Gladiator

The Gallant Gladiator a blog story… I know it didn’t happen in slow motion but it felt that way. My feet danced around me; forward andRead More