Shireen’s Favorite Things – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale Fri, 22 Nov 2019 00:12:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shireen’s Favorite Things – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale 32 32 Pilates: A Story of Healing & Reinvention Wed, 20 Nov 2019 16:56:08 +0000 What:
When I think back on my illness, getting sick was the easy part, everything that came after was, well, devastating – there’s no other way to put it. It was emotionally heartbreaking & physically debilitating; add those two things together and life-altering is what I was left with.

9-years later, the tears still fall freely when processing all I’ve been through. I’m not sure I’ll ever make sense of it, but I do know there have been some great people along the way who’ve helped me fight the good fight and one of them is my beloved Pilates teacher, Gretchen Wagoner.

When I first walked into Breathe Pilates on 79th Street in Miami’s MIMo district, it was an ordinary day, but my journey to get that moment in my life had been nothing short of extraordinary. 6 years earlier…

A neurologist changed my life forever when he said: “You have Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy.” Honestly, it didn’t surprise me. I knew it was coming. Not the diagnosis per se, but some kind of life altering news. For months, I’d been struggling with horrific pain in my lower back that eventually spread to my hands and feet. Like a bad rash, it crept its way up my arms and legs until I was practically immobile.

If you’re a regular blog reader, you probably already know the story. I contracted a virus that sparked a rare neurological condition in my body called, Guillain-Barré syndrome. Because it wasn’t diagnosed properly and in a timely manner, I now have the chronic version of it known as CIDP.

GBS is when your bodies immune system attacks its own nerves and the chronic version means I suffer neurological inflammation. On any given day, I can experience extreme muscle fatigue, numbness and pain in my extremities and severe soreness in my lower back. At the beginning of my illness, Immunoglobulin therapy helped tremendously, but as time wore on a less aggressive, more stabilizing approach became standard. Meaning…

IVIG got me out of the woods, but the years that followed, became about managing my chronic pain and trying to find some type of new normal. That’s the tricky part, no one teaches you HOW to put your life back together after getting sick or HOW to heal with limitations, but it’s been a very real part of my CIDP journey – one I haven’t shared until now.

I was referred to Breathe Pilates by one of my favorite doctors who had heard the owner of the studio, Gretchen Wagoner, was versed in neurological issues. When he told me I should try one of her classes, I rolled my eyes, mumbled something under my breath and changed the subject. I wasn’t being a bad patient, I was scared.

When I was first diagnosed with GBS, I went to physical therapy religiously, but eventually I was advised to find an exercise that would pick up where my PT left off. So — I tried a little bit of everything, but either the exercise was too aggressive or the trainer/instructor treated me like I was training for the Olympics (despite knowing my limitations.)

Sooner or later, I would end up flat on my back, in bed with an excruciating neurological flare-up. Sometimes it took days to recover, sometimes weeks. That’s the thing about CIDP, exercise too much you’re in pain, not enough, you’re in pain. It’s a fine line that’s almost impossible to balance and the fear of crossing it frightened me. So, I scaled back on my physical activity and as a result, started loosing the strength I had gained in PT. My doctor knew I was struggling and urged me to try Pilates. “What do you have to lose?” He said, matter-of-factly.

By the time I met Gretchen, I was in pretty bad shape, both physically and emotionally. I hunched to protect my spine, I was stiff from pain and inactivity and walked with a limp because of a nagging knee injury. The worst part, though, was the overwhelming sadness inside me. Serious illness does that to a person. It blatantly robs you of your physical prowess, then silently invades your psyche — until you feel helpless, alone and sometimes angry. I think Gretchen sensed that about me, though, she never said as much.

We started slowly with one-on-one sessions called Private’s, because I wasn’t well enough to be in an actual class. Gretchen helped me stretch and more importantly, breathe. She taught me that deep breathing was ultimately a way to connect the mind, body and spirit, which is exactly what I needed, although, I didn’t know it at the time. By the way, I liked Gretchen instantly, but I had my reservations about Pilates. I had been through so much suffering, why would THIS be any different ?

Week after week, session after session, Gretchen earned my trust. She was smart, funny and compassionate. She studied up on my GBS/CIDP and when my physical limitations held me back or scared me, she found different solutions; helping me rediscover myself and my body. I learned to open my chest, articulate my spine and build strength in my core area (which are the ab, pelvis and back muscles.) Eventually, I felt like a different person. I had less chronic pain and more body confidence. My limp disappeared and my posture improved.

If you’ve made it this far in the blog, I want you to know, it hasn’t always been unicorn and rainbows. “Pilates: A Story of Healing and Reinvention” is and continues to be a lot of hard work and dedication. Like any exercise worth doing, Gretchen says, “consistency is key” and while I’ve been committed, sometimes my CIDP has other plans for me. I still have flare-up’s, but the good news is, they happen less often, they’re less acute and…

When I make it to the other side of a painful few days in bed, nauseous from neuro meds and hazy from pain, Gretchen is always waiting for me — with a kind smile, words of encouragement and exercises to help me feel better. That in itself gives me strength.

Pilates hasn’t just helped my body, for the first time in a long time, I have hope again…that I’m going to be okay and that my new normal, my reinvention if you will, is the person I was always meant to be and while most of my stories have endings, this one doesn’t, because I’m busy living it and that’s the good part: just living — and that will always be one of my Favorite Things.

Breathe Pilates Miami
715 NE 79th Street
Miami, Florida 33138

Be Social:
IG: @breathepilatesmiami
FB: @breathepilatesmiami

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.”— Joseph Pilates

This blog runs in tandem with an article in the latest issue of Pilates Style Magazine, featuring my road to recovery and how Gretchen has become my secret weapon in my fight against CIDP. While you have to be a digital member of the magazine to read the article, I promise to share it once it becomes available to everyone.

James Woodley Photography
All photos were taken at Breathe Pilates Miami with my teacher, Gretchen Wagoner (Owner of Breathe & Certified Pilates Instructor)
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Stay Strong, SS” Auerbach

Boho City Chic Wed, 24 Jul 2019 17:09:52 +0000 What:
Playing dress-up at Boheme Boutique’s newest location inside Paradise Plaza in the Miami Design District — bringing beautiful bohemian styles to the heart of the Magic City. ✨

I’ve always considered myself bohemian; an independent woman wandering the world doing things on her own terms, but as I’ve grown older (and happen to be staring a pivotal birthday in the face,) I’ve realized, perhaps, I never fully understood the true nature of the word — until recently. Part of the reason I just assumed I knew what it meant was because of my New Mexico roots: a state filled with artists, actors and free spirited, hippie-dippy-minded people. I thought growing up in that kind of environment gave me an inside track to an unconventional lifestyle and a free pass to express myself without traditional guidelines. And, for the most part, I did.

I spent weekends wandering around Santa Fe in billowy skirts and Birkenstocks, draped in turquoise with fuzzy hair and big dreams. I went to the opera, watched flamenco dancing (Maria Benitez is my favorite,) meandered up Canyon Drive where my mother showcased her oil paintings at Pipe Dreams Gallery and roamed the Georgia O’Keefe Museum so many times, I knew it by heart. Don’t tell my mom, but I climbed the stairs to the Coyote Cafe bar so often, I knew that by heart, too. The adventures of the desert raised me and because of that I thought I was automatically bequeathed the hippie/bohemian badge of honor.

Grounded by the Southwest sunsets and the purity of a small town, I set out on my own life’s journey to find myself, although I was pretty sure I already knew who I was. By the way, I didn’t. Not a clue and that would be the first of many awakenings. Then — I did something that went against everything I was raised to be: I chose a high octane, aggressive, multidisciplinary television career or as I like to say, it chose me. My billowy skirts and Birkenstock’s gave way to suits and heels and my carefree attitude turned into sharp concentration with a steadfast purpose.

When times got tough, I would cry and wonder why I traded being a daughter of the desert for big city dreams and a career that seemed almost unattainable. Still, I pressed on and when things got really bad, I went home to New Mexico to regather my strength and recharge my spirit. Each time, though, I felt a little less bohemian and knew that part of me was changing or at least, merging with something else.

As the years passed, I slowly became the journalist I had always dreamed of, but constantly wondered why I had turned my back on the path of least resistance. Wasn’t being a hippie in my beloved Land of Enchantment the person I was meant to be? For old time’s sake, I’d get out a billowy skirt, my Old Gringo cowboy boots and drape myself in my favorite confetti turquoise necklace my mom gifted me and walk around whatever town I was currently calling home. I convinced myself I was a nomad gypsy, floating around in search of my true destiny. Then…

I moved to Miami and found myself in a place just as special as Santa Fe. The spirituality of the water, the magical surf and sand — it was different than the desert, but its pull was just as intoxicating. For the first time in a long time I felt like I was home, even though technically I was thousands of miles away from it. Is it possible to love two places equally? Time would tell.

Along the way, I met Edit Meurrens. A beautiful woman with a radiant smile and kind spirit. She oozes sophisticated confidence. We worked together four years ago on “A Bohemian Winter,” a blog featuring fashions from her store Boheme Boutique on Key Biscayne. I was attracted to her clothing because they reminded me of home and she did, too. Edit had that hippie vibe without even trying, but it was mixed with city sensibility.

When I heard she was opening another location in the Design District, I was immediately interested and wondered how her boho fashionings would resonate in Miami proper. The new store is gorgeous, snuggled into Paradise Plaza and has the same zen vibe as her flagship on Key Biscayne. The boutique is filled with goodies from Love Shack Fancy, Zimmerman, Spell & The Gypsy Collective, to name a few. Whether you’re shopping for a special occasion, a beach day or vacation, you’ll find the beautifully unique at Boheme Boutique. I’m a sucker for the accessories, too: basket purses, bejeweled clutches, statement jewelry, fabulous hats… the list goes on.

The best part for me? Realizing the store’s “Boho City Chic” personality is the perfect mix of who I’ve actually become. A desert girl-slash-mermaid-slash-big city career woman. There’s no proper emoji for that kind of hybrid. With that being said: age has also made me realize being bohemian isn’t about where you are, geographically speaking, or what you’re wearing, it’s about a sense of freedom on the inside. Independence of thought, kindness in spirit and forgiveness and acceptance of your own humanity. It’s something I’m still working on, but at least now I have two beautiful places (New Mexico & South Florida) to be “Boho City Chic” and that’s why it’s one of my #FavoriteThings. Happy Shopping !

Boheme Boutique
1st level of Paradise Plaza
Miami Design District
151 NE 41st Street
Miami, Florida 33137

Boheme Boutique
650 Crandon Boulevard
Key Biscayne, FL 33149

Monday – Saturday: 11 A.M. – 8 P.M.
Sunday: 12 P.M. – 6 P.M.

Be Social:
IG: @Bohemeboutique
FB: Boheme Boutique @ShopModaBohemeKB

“A free spirit isn’t a rebel. A free spirit is simply free within oneself, radiating their light up and out to breathe the sweet medicine of new rhythms and roads into an often stagnant world.” — Victoria Erickson

James Woodley Photography
all clothing & accessories from Boheme Boutique
styling: Edit Meurrens
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “She Knows The Way To San Jose” Auerbach

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Colors of Cuba Wed, 10 Jul 2019 18:29:52 +0000 What:
Celebrating the opening of “House of Yas” in Sunset Place, a couture fashion house with an authentic Cuban flair created by designer Yas Gonzalez. #StandOutMiamiStyle

Artistic, provocative and incredibly unique — that’s how I’d describe designs by Yas Gonzalez and honestly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, but since it’s South Florida, let’s go with the tip of a tropical oasis surrounded by the beauty of deep blue oceans, lush greenery and island architecture. In fashion terms, Yas creates sultry pieces reminiscent of 80’s Versace mixed with structured lines of modern day designer, Philip Lim.

I first discovered “House of Yas” last summer when someone suggested I feature the #HavanaCollection, an ode to Yas’ beloved home country of Cuba. The limited edition line consists of dresses, skirts, shirts and swimsuits decorated with iconic Havana landmarks. Yas took the photos herself and transferred them onto her body-con pieces. She even designed with her childhood memories in mind, like her grandmother’s decorative tiled floors and viola. Beautiful prints with lively personalities were born, but…

As fashion fate would have it, a collaboration with Yas would have to wait — to accommodate her worldly schedule. She was busy traveling to places like New York, Vancouver and Dubai to showcase her work. If that’s not impressive, how about the people she’s creatively clothed: Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Lady Gaga and more recently, #ShireenFavoriteThings. 😉

Yas is also participating in Miami Swim Week (which is in full swing right now.) It’s where she got her start four years ago, designing an eye-popping bathing suit line right out of fashion school. Its success motivated her to open her atelier, which progressed into her first brick and mortar: “House of Yas” at Sunset Place in South Miami.

That’s when the fashion stars finally aligned and “Colors of Cuba” came alive when I walked into Yas’ new boutique. Not only are her designs one of a kind, you’ll be the life of the party in one of her pieces. Yas describes them as “La Vida es un carnival,” (life is a carnival) and while I agree with that spirit, I also relish in the powerful individuality of what she creates. I’m not the only one who’s noticed..

Yas has been featured in British Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair. While you can shop just about any trend at “House of Yas,” I’m most attracted to her stunning special occasion dresses. I feel like a million bucks in them and that’s the point. She’s the kind of designer who creates in a way that extinguishes vulnerability and celebrates the female form, in all its gorgeous glory and that’s why I love wearing “Colors of Cuba” — one of my new #FavoriteThings.

House of Yas
Ground floor of Sunset Place
5701 Sunset Drive #192
Miami, Florida 33145

Tuesday – Thursday: 12 – 7 P.M.
Friday – Sunday: 12 – 9 P.M.

shop on-line:

Be Social:
FB: @HouseofYas
IG: @houseofyas_

Catch Yas’ swim designs
Friday, July 12th.
WeWork South of Fifth Rooftop
1st Show: 5PM, 2nd Show: 7PM
429 Lenox Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Koko Swim Week Show

“Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual.” — Ernest Hemingway

James Woodley Photography
all clothing & accessories: House of Yas
styling: Yas Gonzalez
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Artistic, provocative and incredibly unique” Auerbach

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Summer Fun Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:29:46 +0000 What:
Fashionably frolicking on Miami Beach in the hottest one-piece styles of the summer from “Bikini Island Swimwear.” Think retro suits from the 80’s & 90’s: high cuts, low backs, a lot of texture and a little leopard print never hurt nobody. #Meow

When it comes to celebrating a woman’s body, no one does it better than Sports Illustrated’s annual Swimsuit Edition. Not only is the magazine changing the way the world perceives beauty, it’s also changing the way women see themselves. How do I know? Because it’s changed me.

Gone are the days of unattainable beauty and overly airbrushed bodies. Instead, SI’s images are steadily being replaced with voluptuous curves, athletic builds and alluring individuality. In other words, REAL women are finally being celebrated and as a former beauty queen, waif-era model and current on-air television personality, it’s not only a relief, it’s empowering.

For years, alongside most women, I’ve held myself to unrealistic beauty standards. The constant dieting, working out and overall self-criticism has been exhausting, but now, instead of trying to be something I’m not, I’m slowly reprogramming myself to love the skin I’m in. While it’s good for the self-esteem, it’s definitely a process, especially after decades of being put under the beauty microscope by pageant officials, modeling agents and television consultants — who all wanted to transform me into THEIR definition of pretty — which honestly, was never the best version of myself. In fact, it was usually the opposite.

Thank God those days are over and I can focus on things like “Summer Fun” — my annual bathing suit blog featuring the latest and greatest in swimwear trends. Usually, I build a high-fashion theme around basic beachwear, but not this year. Instead, as an ode to Sports Illustrated, I wanted to peel back the layers of my body insecurities and keep things more natural while featuring looks from “Bikini Island Swimwear” in Fort Lauderdale.

The boutique is a rare jewel in this “buy it online” day and age. Owner & Professional Fashion Stylist, Marielle Voets Ortiz, believes choosing a bathing suit should be an intimate experience. Touching the material, seeing the textures and ultimately trying it on is the key to finding what truly fits your body and personality. Marielle is also from Europe and used to boutique-style shopping and wanted to bring that type of experience to South Florida women. She combs the globe to find the most chic and sophisticated styles to fill her store with swimsuits, cover-up’s, summer fashions and accessories.

Everything I’ve worn from her store makes me feel confident and classically on trend, which is no easy task considering my swimsuit standards are incredibly high. It’s one thing to snap a photo on a blog, it’s another to wear a suit with reckless abandon on a girls’ weekend to Key West or to Miami Beach running, jumping and swimming in the ocean — which is exactly what I did in each of these fabulous one-pieces. I felt so comfortable, I even rolled around in the sand a few times. 🤓

And while it’s eternally summer in South Florida, trends are still changing with the seasons in the rest of the world. This year, high- cut, low-back one-pieces are all the rage. Think 80’s & 90’s-style swimsuits worn by some of the original SI models like Christie Brinkley, Kathy Ireland and more recently, Tyra Banks. Pretty beading, crochet overlays and fun prints keep the look modern. When choosing a suit, I think of four things: comfort, style, sophistication and sex appeal. The “Summer Fun” trend incorporates all of them, mixed with a healthy dose of pizzazz and what South Florida girl doesn’t like a little or a lot of that? During our sweltering, half-naked, wearing-as-little-clothes-as-possible months, remember…

Loving and accepting yourself in any capacity takes work, but it’s worth doing when the end result is #selflove & #selfempowerment and with more realistic images of the female body, thanks to publications like SI, “Summer Fun” isn’t such a bad place to be and that’s why it’s one of my #FavoriteThings. Happy summer, fashionistas!

Bikini Island Swimwear
3335 NE 32nd Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

Tuesday – Saturday: 10:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
See all the photos at

Be Social:
IG: @bikini_island_swimwear
FB: @bikiniislandswimwear

“I would be remiss when talking about beauty secrets to not say that one of the best is to care about the world around you. That’s what really matters.” — Christie Brinkley

James Woodley Photography
Swimsuits, handmade beach bag tote & beaded sandals by Bikini Island Swimwear
Jewelry: @handmademiamibeach available at @wynwoodshop
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Beach Boy” Auerbach

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A Cabana Clutch Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:09:14 +0000 What:
Discovering Christina’s Cabana Clutches, perfect for the South Florida fashionista who needs chic versatility for beach days, brunch plans and dinner dates. #HelloSummer ⛱

There are three key ingredients a South Florida girl needs to survive summer in the tropics: a strong sunscreen, a stylish SPF hat and an easy, breezy clutch that’ll take you from day to night, no questions asked. The first two I’ve always had a pretty good handle on; the last one? Not so much — until a few weeks ago.

That’s when I met Christina McGuire, the creator of “Christina’s Cabana,” an on-line boutique specializing in tropically-inspired clutches. The first time I saw one of her pretty purses on Instagram, I was smitten, but it was the story of WHY she created them that inspired me to write “A Cabana Clutch”…

Christina started her bag business out of sheer fashion frustration and believe me, most of us have been there. You’re about to wear an amazing dress, you’ve accessorized it with fabulous jewelry, you even have sassy sandals to match, but your handbag? It’s got more issues than Vogue (I read that once on a coffee cup.) Anyway, you try on every single clutch in your closet, but nothing’s quite right — they’re either too big, too small, the wrong color, the wrong texture or it’s the wrong time of day and the list goes on…

That’s when Christina took matters into her own hands and created “A Cabana Clutch.” It’s just what she needed, too: a bag streamlined enough to go with any outfit; adding details, like fringe, gave it posh personality. She knew she was onto something: she would go out with her friends and they kept commenting on her coordinated clutches. Each time they urged her to make more, eventually convincing her to pursue purse-making full-time and lucky for us, “Christina’s Cabana” was born. Crazy enough, that was only six months ago.

After her pet project turned into a bonafide business, Christina expanded, selling her clutches in select retail stores like #BrinyBoutique who provided the gorgeous dresses for the blog. She also started utilizing social media to promote her purses and that’s where I come in. Isn’t Instagram a beautiful thing? After we connected, we planned out a #FavoriteThings feature.

In person, Christina has a radiant glow about her, but it’s her bubbly personality that I really adore and both attributes are definitely infused into her contemporary, fringe and/or pom-pom creations. Christina also has a deep appreciation for all things tropical; naming her Cabana Clutches “The Golden Tan,” “The Oyster’s Pearl” and “The Beach Bar,” just to name a few. No two are alike either, because she hand-makes them so they’re uniquely one-of-a-kind.

Whether your dressing up or down, “A Cabana Clutch” will effortlessly connect the dots in your ever-changing wardrobe. Even better, you’ll be able to go from day to night without ever missing a stylish beat and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

Shop the Cabana Clutches here:

Be Social:
FB: @ChristinasCabana
IG: @christinascabana

wardrobe provided by
IG: @brinyboutique
Briny Boutique
274 N Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33301

See the blog in full

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” — Sam Keen

James Woodley Photography
All clutches are by Christina’s Cabana and appear in the following order: The Golden Shelly Clutch, The Coral Clutch & The Golden Tan Clutch
Outfits provided by @brinyboutique
Rings: @handmademiamibeach
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Captain Clutch” Auerbach

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Golden Fingers Wed, 15 May 2019 18:09:42 +0000 What:
Discovering Pharaoun Cocktail Rings — perfect for the woman who loves to fancy-up her fingers. Yes, that would be me. After all, I’m an unabashed ring girl. Dahhhhhling.

I don’t know how, when or why it happened, but somewhere between adolescence and womanhood, I became a bonafide #RingGirl. It’s not like I have swan hands, either. In fact, when I was growing up, my brothers bequeathed me the title “Flintstone Fingers” (the famous cartoon characters known for their chubby hands & feet.) I hated the nickname, but instead of trying to distract from my meaty digits, I celebrated them by painting my nails and wearing any kind of sparkly jewels I could get my hands on. Eventually, flashing my fingers turned into a full-blown love affair with rings. Mainly, statement ones.

For me, a ring isn’t just an extension of my personality; it reflects my mood, enhances what I’m wearing or, simply put, the presence of one on my pretty pointers makes me happy. Glam, whimsical and sophisticated is what I’m most attracted to and that’s exactly what a Pharaoun Cocktail Ring is. Designer Sergio Andrés Mendoza makes sure of that. His motto: “I want you to find a ring that symbolizes a version of yourself that you love.”

When I first read that quote, I was like, “man, he totally gets me” and I’m sure a lot of other women feel that way, too. Sergio doesn’t like suggesting which of his designs you should wear; he wants you to find it for yourself. Think of it as an emotional treasure hunt where you get in touch with your own feelings and/or inner goddess-ness. When it comes to choosing one of his creations, he told Ocean Drive Magazine: “Maybe it reflects a part of you that you don’t see often but want to be reminded of. Maybe it is your greatest strength. Maybe it is the person you want to be.”

I first learned about Pharaoun Cocktail Rings when we featured Sergio on Deco Drive, where he was quick to point out his gemstone-esque collections are made right here in Miami and if you look closely, the rings (which are perched on 22k gold over silver) are just as beautiful from the back as the front — underneath they’re decorated with intricate carvings and glass stones. It’s almost as if the ring talks out loud to its admirers, yet at the same time, whispers something special to the woman wearing it.

With collections named “Sea Urchin,” “Superpower” and “I am Beautiful,” you can’t help but feel a connection to Sergio’s jewelry. Especially, in this pop culture climate of “I am Woman hear me roar.” Who doesn’t want to feel empowered by what they’re wearing? I know I do. In fact, opening up a little black box with a Pharaoun Cocktail Ring snuggled inside can make a girl glow and that’s why “Golden Fingers” is one of my #FavoriteThings.

Shop the rings here:

Be Social:
IG: @pharaouncocktailrings
FB: @pharaounrings

“I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You cannot possess radiance; you can only admire it.” — Elizabeth Taylor

James Woodley Photography
Gold Body Suit: @belle_damour_lingerie
All cocktail rings are Pharaoun designed by Sergio Andres Mendoza. From left to right I’m wearing: Ovni, Starry Night, Bash, Lotus and Sea Urchin.
Prices available upon request
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Ringo” Auerbach

Wordy Woman Wed, 01 May 2019 17:16:56 +0000 What:
Celebrating the Slogan Gown trend in a one-of-a-kind dress made by ISA Couture Fabrics — while exploring Miami’s famed Little Havana.

Words mean something — it’s a phrase that I live by, especially as a journalist. I pour over thousands and thousands of them a week; creating, crafting, writing and rewriting stories. Not just for television and #FavoriteThings, but in life, too. Intimate exchanges, friendly hello’s, meaningful conversations, spirited debates and heated arguments. Words are everything.

As a writer, they’re my sanctuary, my therapy, my comfort. The gift of self-expression in written form is a skill I’ve been honing since grade school. Back in the day, I wrote monster stories, alien stories, love stories and eventually human interest stories — which led me to journalism and now, blogging.

Words are an expression of our inner-most thoughts, feelings and emotions. They share joy, pain, sadness, empowerment and if you truly fall in love with them, they become art via poems, books, movies and oration. Yes, I am and will always be a “Wordy Woman”…

That’s why I can’t resist the latest haute couture fashion trend known as “Slogan Gowns.” The idea was birthed by Viktor & Rolf at this year’s Paris Fashion week. Big, beautiful ball gowns floated down the runway, featuring words & phrases like: “I’m not shy I just don’t like you,” “I am my own muse,” and “No photos please.” The slogan trend isn’t exactly new, especially with the whole “say how you really feel” on a T-shirt craze — which has exploded over the past decade.

Not to be outdone by sayings on coffee cups, purses, gym bags, shoes — the list goes on. This day and age, it’s all about expressing yourself and no word or saying is off-limits, especially if you add a hashtag. I’m partial to the “Slogan Gown” trend because of its quirky, unexpected nature. Pulling the look off isn’t easy, but with the help of ISA Couture Fabrics, originality is not a problem…

The boutique isn’t just a South Florida staple, it’s the best couture fabric store in Miami. Not only is it a family-owned business with more than 50 years experience; its owners, Jason & Jackie Castro, are working hard to modernize the way people understand & utilize fabric, hence the DALE’ dress.

They created it to celebrate the “Slogan Gown” trend, adding a unique Miami spin. Combining exquisite tulle and organza, they layered the dress with tropical personality. The detachable train gives it just the right amount of sophisticated drama. If you’re thinking “WOW, that’s a lot of dress,” well, that’s kind of the point. ISA Couture Fabrics can help any fashionista stand out in a crowd and that’s no easy task in a city that eats and breathes head-turning fashions.

Whether they’re customizing a special dress or elevating textiles for local, national and international designers, ISA Couture Fabrics is doing it like no other place in the Magic City. And, instead of just writing about it, this time I’m wearing it, too and that’s why “Wordy Woman” is one of my Favorite Things. DALE’!

ISA Couture Fabrics
200 NE 30th Street
Miami, Florida 33137

Be Social:
IG: @isacouturefabrics
FB: @isacouturefabrics
Twitter: @IsaCoutureMiami

“I like good strong words that mean something.” — Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

James Woodley Photography
Dale Dress by @isacouturefabrics
earrings: @baublebar
Sunglasses @amazonfashion
Booties: @mackinj_shoes
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Wordsmith” Auerbach

Runway With the Circus Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:00:17 +0000 What:
Highlights from an amazing night judging Design Mix 2019 — a runway show featuring art, fashion and design — hosted by The International Interior Designer Association.

When someone invites you to judge a fashion event called “Peculiarium,” with a vintage circus theme, it definitely gets your attention. Step right up! Cue the ring master and feast your eyes on one of the coolest, most creative events I’ve seen in Miami in a long time. How’s that for an introduction?

Every year, the South Florida International Interior Design Association hosts Design Mix, an amazing runway competition. It’s a great concept that pairs design companies with textile sponsors; as a team, they collaborate to create a unique, show-stopping garment. The result? An explosion of originality and innovation on the runway.

Judging the event was not only awe-inspiring, it reignited my passion for fashion. Sometimes, I’m guilty of getting stuck in an artificial Instagram world, where the only mojo available is “How to Keep Up” rather than “How to discover what inspires.” At Design Mix…

They use tile, carpet, paint, drapery and other interesting textiles to create the fashion-forward, festive and even freakish — it was a circus theme, after all. The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, in the Valley of Miami overlooking the river, was the backdrop for the stylish soiree, and it didn’t disappoint. The Egyptian-inspired architecture added a sense of mystique to the already magical “Peculiarium,” theme.

Before the runway show, there was a cocktail party where circus food like hot dogs, french fries, peanuts and popcorn were on the menu, not to be outdone by a photo booth, adult beverages and carnivalesque performers. The main event opened with clowns, jugglers and the always entertaining Athena Dion, who happens to be one of the most popular drag queens in South Florida. Talk about entertainment!

Once the runway show started, the crowd was electrified, cheering for its favorite model wearing its favorite creation. Each ensemble delivered way more than just a walk down the runway, it was more like a deliberate saunter. Music, background video and choreographed steps were part of each presentation. They pouted/twirled/clawed/grimaced/smiled/danced/lunged, pretty much OWNING their respective themes. It was totally orgasmic, fashionably speaking.

I’m not gonna lie, judging Design Mix was no easy task. I don’t want to sound clique, but seriously, everyone should have won for pushing the visual envelope. I’m sure my fellow judges (fashion TV host, Lucia Riano and fashion professor, Mario Braghierri) would agree. There were different winners for different categories, but for overall fabulousness we could only choose one. The winner was … drum roll please …

Edge of Architecture (EOA) was the design firm and TileBar, the sponsor — and yes — tile was one of the outfit’s main themes, not an easy textile to manipulate, mold and eventually master into fashion, but WOW, what an outcome.

Congrats to everyone who worked it like the rent was due or in this case, the mortgage and thank you for inspiring me to take risks and embrace my individuality, which is what fashion is ultimately about. Design Mix 2019 is officially one of my #FavoriteThings. See you next year! Wanna see the winning outfit and other entries? Visit


Be Social:
IG: @iidasfc

“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” — Billy Baldwin

James Woodley Photography
dress: Homer Avenue IG: @shophomeravenue
earrings: @lexijewelry, clutch: @aldo, boots: @bcbg #LincolnRoad #SouthBeach
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Circus Boy” Auerbach

Special thanks to Susset Cabrera & Peacock Public Relations

Neon Dreams Wed, 03 Apr 2019 18:30:24 +0000 What:
Embracing the bright side of #SpringFashion with a little help from Miami’s iconic & colorful Little Haiti and trying to figure out why everyone is acting a little crazy, including myself. Thanks #MercuryRetrograde.

I’m not gonna lie, I wanted to mail this blog in. Put on a cute neon outfit, take a few snaps, write a couple of paragraphs and be done with it, but I can’t because I have all these feelings and emotions gnawing at me and I’m not sure where to put them and how to deal with them, so writing them down seemed apropos. And, let’s face it, it’s cheaper than therapy.

About four weeks ago, for whatever reason, my phone started blowing up like Mount Vesuvius; favor, after favor, came pouring in. Shireen, can you do a story? Shireen, can you do a blog? Shireen, can you make an appearance? Shireen, can you wear my clothes? Can I borrow something from your closet? Can I stay at your house? Can you meet for lunch? How about dinner? Can you ask James to hook me up with FREE photos? The requests were endless & relentless.

INHALE. EXHALE. Turn phone over as if it’s a piranha about to devour my hand which, coincidentally, did happen a week later – not by a predatory fresh water fish; by a dog leash that accidentally got wrapped around my right hand while walking my beloved Rigby. It snapped back so severely, I fell to my knees and wept. I was so disoriented from the pain, I crawled onto someone’s lawn and passed out. The doctor fixed me up, ordered me to rest and see a hand specialist ASAP. I didn’t.

The next week, armed with inflammation-reducing pills, ice and tenacity, I muscled my way through my busy life. Ding, ding, ding, ding; my phone wouldn’t stop. Shireen, can I borrow money? Shireen, can you pass my resume to your boss? Shireen, can you get me a job at Channel 7? Shireen, can you feature my hair salon on Deco Drive? Shireen, can you help with my charity? Shireen, can you tell me a good TV agent? Shireen, why aren’t you answering my IG messages? SHIREEN, are you there?

When I mentioned the onslaught of requests/demands/favors to my best friend, Jackie, we talked it out. We came to the conclusion that, more than likely, it was about my boundary issues. I had always had a hard time saying NO and turning a blind eye to people who, for whatever reason, had nabbed my phone number over the years (for stories, blogs or events) and used it with absolutely no discretion. Ahhh…so, that’s what this was about: taking care of myself. The universe was allowing me to practice and if I didn’t listen, I’d have to learn the lesson over and over again. Noted.

INHALE EXHALE. Bury phone in stylish purse. Go to CVS. Buy hand brace. Rip package open in car. Fumble with Velcro. Wrap contraption around hand. Lay head on steering wheel. Cry. Go to work. Type with left hand. Carefully drive home. Lay in bed awake. The pain can’t last forever, can it?

By the weekend, my hand started to swell and stiffen and my daily tasks became impossible. I could no longer brush my teeth, put my hair in a pony tail or do Pilates comfortably. I backed off social media, stopped texting as much and promised myself to call the hand doctor first thing Monday morning. Still, life went on. I attended a beautiful wedding, a chic birthday brunch and tried practicing those all-important boundaries…

Message after message, text after text, I replied NO (in one form or another.) If I valued the person and/or organization, I asked politely if they could please STOP pitching stories to my personal phone and/or private social media platforms. More importantly, I called the hand doctor. Nothing. No answer. No returned call. I called another one. Nothing. No answer. No returned call. I fumbled through the next few days in a haze of pain.

Like a broken record, I cried to Jackie about the ongoing barrage of messages and the excruciating pain in my hand. “Maybe this isn’t a boundary thing,” she said frankly, “Maybe it’s because Mercury is in Retrograde.” I grew quiet. I didn’t know a lot about astrology, but I did believe in the universe and all of its beautiful mysteries. Mercury. Retrograde. Noted. Will look it up when not in pain. Jackie added: “GO TO THE DOCTOR.”

(If this were a movie, this would be the part where I turn and talk right into the camera: “I’m not an idiot. I fully know I should have gone to the doctor earlier. In fact, I should be there right now, but something so medically earth-shattering and tragic happened to me years ago, going to the doctor is a stark reminder of some of the darkest days of my life. Despite therapy and a decent recovery, I suffer chronic pain, CIDP relapses and seem to be prone to injury. So, as you can imagine, denial has turned into a powerful friend. On that note, things are about to get real.”)

INHALE. EXHALE. Walk into television make-up room. Clutch hand. Nauseous. Dizzy. Collapse into chair. Co-worker calls hand doctor. Exam. X-ray. Prognosis. Needle. Pain. Swollen man-hand like Seinfeld episode. Then, like magic, everything stood still. Someone hit the pause button. I couldn’t pick-up the phone, couldn’t blog, couldn’t email, couldn’t be on TV. The universe wanted me to STOP and this time, I listened. Healing is never easy; it takes patience and a willingness to admit your own limitations and frankly, I should be a professional at it by now, but we all have our issues. So, there I was, alone with my fat hand and my mile-a-minute thoughts. I went home, drifted off to sleep and dreamed of #MercuryRetrograde…

An optical illusion that a planet is moving backward, but somehow, it is not: representing communication issues, psychic clutter, frazzled behavior, intensity and if you’re a Leo, like myself, it can pose the question: “Am I getting exactly what I want outta life?” And, perhaps, most pertinent, Mercury Retrograde can also mean coincidences are extra-ordinary. Demanding favors, aggressive social media messages, hundreds of emails and a hand injury forcing me to IGNORE all of the above. A serendipitous twist of fate? I think not.

They say we dream in black and white, but it’s not true, because just before I woke up from my post-hand procedure nap, I floated through a cocoon of neon colors, mainly, pink and yellow. The vibrancy of the moment stayed with me and is the inspiration for this blog. Google says, “Neon Dreams” represent a person who’s seeking a solution or a change, in order to find relief. Coincidence? I think not.

My hand is finally healing and for the most part, the crazy favors/messages/demands have stopped. Intensity doesn’t have to be a bad thing, I guess, but how you handle or interpret it can make all the difference. Life is all about pacing: realizing what’s important and giving those things your unbridled attention. The rest is just noise. A LOT of noise. As I type the last words of this entry, Mercury has officially creeped its way out of retrograde and it seems all is right in the universe again and that’s why, “Neon Dreams” is one of my Favorite Things.

Be Social
FB: @HotMiamiStyles
IG: @hotmiamistyles
Twitter: @HotMiamiStyles

“I dream of you in colors that don’t exist.” — anonymous

James Woodley Photography
Pink Neon Dress by Hot Miami Styles
Yellow Neon Purse & Accessories: Aldo, Lincoln Road
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Shireen, can I talk to you for a minute?” Auerbach

Jumping into Spring Wed, 20 Mar 2019 16:14:42 +0000 What:
Celebrating the ease of spring in a Julian Chang one-piece; because chic and effortless jumpers are the perfect way to usher in the beginning of a new season. 🌷

I’ll never forget the first time I wandered into Julian Chang’s boutique on Miami’s Upper East Side — I was mesmerized. His designs were bold, beautiful and original. In fact, I’d never seen anything like them. I remember it clearly: I was a budding entertainment journalist with little fashion sense and even less money, but for whatever reason, I knew l was seeing something special, so I promised myself a quick return when I had more time and, of course, more moolah..

Believe it or not, THAT moment was over a decade ago. I know, I know, not exactly the quick return I promised myself, but there’s more to the story than just passing time; which, by the way, has been pretty good to me. Despite a great career and even a few raises 😉 over the years, Julian Chang remained one of my elusive fashion unicorns — until a few weeks ago…

That’s when my Deco Drive Co-Host, Lynn Martinez, casually informed me one of my clothing sponsors wanted to dress HER, not ME. “At least for the time being,” she said pleasantly. “The time being?!!! What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, flabbergasted. The news really upset me; making matters worse, she delivered the “fashion bombshell“ right before our LIVE broadcast.

(If the owner of the boutique wasn’t happy with me or wanted to move in a different direction, why didn’t she tell ME? #Embarrassing and to think I’d been so loyal, posting social media pictures in her clothing, highlighting the store on my beloved blog AND wearing outfit after outfit of her brand on Deco. Our relationship wasn’t just a passing phase, either; I had been working with the boutique for almost two years. #LiveAndLearn…)

Lynn knew it wasn’t cool either and all but said so. What’s more, she knew it was a breach of one of our hard, steadfast rules: NEVER EVER take someone else’s clothing sponsor. In her defense, SHE wasn’t actually taking anything; THEY were flat-out offering. Lynn was just being transparent about it which I appreciated and when she saw how visibly upset it made me, she insisted she wouldn’t go through with it, especially after I quipped: “What if I did that to you? You know, just for the time being?”

I knew at that point, though, no matter what I said or how Lynn reacted, there was NO going back. I wasn’t using the boutique anymore, if only out of principle and I definitely wasn’t going to let television clothing come between Lynn and I. We’re besties, sisters and sometimes sisters don’t see eye-to-eye, but at the end of the day, we’re family and we love each other and there’s no midi dress or cute skinny jean trend that could possibly be more stylish than a woman supporting another woman. I relinquished with…

“You have my blessing,” but what fell out of my mouth next surprised even me: “They can dress you if I can feature Julian Chang on Favorite Things.” Julian had been providing Lynn with wardrobe to wear on Deco for years and because of our hard, steadfast rule of NEVER EVER taking someone else’s clothing sponsor, I kept my distance and believe me, it wasn’t easy; especially as he’s considered one of the most gifted fashion designers in the Magic City. Alas, my #ElusiveFashionUnicorn.

Without hesitation, though, Lynn generously agreed and DM’d Julian immediately. The Peruvian-born designer, who’s now a worldwide fashion go-to, was more than happy to help. And, just like that, I was “Jumping into Spring” at Julian’s boutique; modeling three of his easy-peasy, one-piece creations.

If you like sumptuous materials, vibrant colors and generous figure-hugging cuts, you definitely need one of Julian’s jumpers for your spring/summer wardrobe. If you’re more of a dress girl or love a great pair of palazzo pants, his new collection is a must-see: it’s fun, fabulous and functional, especially when it comes to our South Florida weather. 🔥

For me, “Jumping into Spring” is so much more than a fashion blog, it’s been a lesson in life. Sometimes, you have to let go of what you think is comfortable to actually find the perfect fit; one you’ve always known existed, but for whatever reason, weren’t brave enough to try on or, in this case, ask for. By the way…

When I confronted the aforementioned boutique owner about her decision to dress Lynn and not me, she responded: “Don’t take it personal, I wanted more exposure.” Well, unfortunately, I did take it personal, mainly because of the way it was handled. Maybe I’m wrong, but professionally speaking, I think giving me a heads-up would have been the right thing to do. Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. I’m human and sometimes, things hurt.

But then again, you have people like Lynn and Julian who restore your hope in mankind. Pushing you forward with fashionable acts of love and kindness. The universe truly is inspiring, especially if you’re open to growing, changing and evolving, after all, that’s what new beginnings are all about and that’s why “Jumping into Spring” is one of my Favorite Things.

Julian Chang Boutique
7246 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, Florida 33138

Monday-Saturday: 11 A..M. – 6 P.M.

Be Social:
IG: @julianchangusa
FB: @julianchangboutique
Twitter: @JulianChang

“If winter has
the courage to
turn into spring
who says I can’t
bloom just the same?” — s.r.w

Danielle Margherite Photography
all jumpsuits by Julian Chang
accessoriies available at Julian Chang Boutique
Make-up & Hair: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Sisterhood is Powerful” Auerbach

Timeless Beauty Wed, 27 Feb 2019 18:03:45 +0000 What:
Discovering the exquisite and one-of-a-kind time pieces by jewelry designer, Sevan Biçakçi. They’re totally, #DropDeadGorgeous and then some 💫

I don’t wear a watch. I know, I know, so WHY am I doing a blog about one? Because “Timeless Beauty” with Sevan Biçakçi has simply bewitched me, that’s why. Let me explain…

As a television journalist, I live and die by the clock. I have multiple daily deadlines; meaning I’m constantly trying to outsmart, outdo and/or outrun father time. So, on my precious days off, reminding myself how little or how much time I have to enjoy myself with a *watch* isn’t exactly relaxing (no matter how cool the technology is.)

When I’m not at the Deco Drive studios, I try my best to live in the moment and if I do have Pilates, a blog shoot, a hair appointment or a dinner date, I look at my phone and leave my wrists responsibility-free. It’s the only way I can remain sane in our “time-driven, phone addicted, social media obsessed society.”

But — for whatever reason — when Sevan Biçakçi’s email slid into in my inbox a few weeks ago announcing the designer’s foray into timepieces, it peaked my curiosity. So, I clicked & scrolled down to the pictures. WOW! It was awe-inspiring, to say the least. My mind was #shooketh, fashionably speaking, and I knew, right then and there, I had to change my mind about wearing a watch. What’s more, I knew I had to feature one of his fabulous time pieces on #FavoriteThings.

Sevan, who’s no stranger to Hollywood’s elite (they love wearing his ornate one-of-a kind rings,) has officially upped the ante with the debut of his new watch collection; which he describes as “slow luxury.” Meaning, his elaborate timepieces are meant to evoke a feeling, not tell you when to run your next errand. Even the designer himself admits telling time on one of his watches isn’t necessarily the goal; it’s about hiding the time, slowing things down and enjoying life and perhaps, its finer things — like, say, one of his creations.

One glance at his 85-piece collection, which was recently showcased at Watches & Wonders Miami, and you’ll understand exactly what the Istanbul artist is talking about. His timepieces are pure decadence; taking years to cultivate and create. Not only that, they possess qualities of the mystical and magical, which Sevan’s jewelry is known for. FYI, pictures don’t even do his detailed and impeccable fashionings justice.

In “Timeless Beauty,” I’m wearing the “Naiads” — which in Greek mythology is a female spirit who presides over bodies of fresh water like fountains, springs, brooks and streams. The gorgeous timepiece is flanked with dragonflies (my spirit nymph) made of 24-karat gold, sterling silver and features over 40 carats of diamonds with sapphire crystals. My favorite part of the watch is the reverse engraved dragonfly on its crystal face, not to mention its graceful carved gemstone dial. #YouFeelMeNow?

Of all the places in the world Sevan could set up shop, he chose Miami and our inspiring Design District for his second boutique. An electrifying thought when you discover his only other store is in his native Turkey. When it comes to “Timeless Beauty,” the beyond-talented designer is making Miami all the more magical and he’s officially turned me into a bonafide watch-wearer and that’s why it’s one of my #FavoriteThings.

Seven Biçakçi
Miami Design District
140 NE 39th Street
Suite 205
Miami, Florida 33137

Monday-Saturday: 11 A.M – 8 P.M
Sunday: 12 P.M. – 6 P.M.
For more pictures visit

Be Social:
IG: @sevanbicakcijewellry
FB: @SevanBicakci

“Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” — Anonymous

James Woodley Photography
watch: The Naiads by @sevanbicakijewellry
(price available upon request)
blue dress: #BCBGSouthBeach
clutch: London
earrings: @swarovski New York
ring: (a gift from Dad)
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Hour Back” Auerbach

Prints & Patterns Wed, 13 Feb 2019 17:31:47 +0000 What:
Fashionistas never fear: wearing Spring’s hottest #PrintsAndPatterns doesn’t have to be weird — thanks to MVM Miami, one of my favorite boutiques in The Magic City.

When Duchess Meghan Markle first burst onto the international fashion scene, I was less than overwhelmed. In fact, I found some of her outfits bland — even boring — and I didn’t care HOW much they cost or WHO the couture designer was — I just wasn’t feeling it; but that’s the thing about love, you forgive easily. Meghan loved Prince Harry and Prince Harry loved Meghan and I was so rooting for their ‘happily ever after,’ I mean, who wasn’t? So, when she stepped out looking like a monochromatic old maid, I looked the other way.

Then — somewhere between her royal wedding, numerous public engagements, that never-ending Australian tour and her pregnancy, something in my fashion perception shifted. I realized Meghan’s outfits weren’t stodgy at all, they were streamlined, sophisticated and classy. It wasn’t just the #MarkleSparkle either, although, I do love her smile, it was this innate sense of style she seemed to possess. Maybe it was her stylist/BFF, the now-famed Jessica Mulroney. Maybe it was my need to live more simply (hence, The Blouse Report blog) or maybe I was just exploring new style possibilities. Whatever it was, I started falling for the fashionings of The Duchess of Sussex.

After discovering my new-found taste, I purged my closet, lessening my ‘boho beach-y meets Santa Fe hippy chic’ look and invested in more straightforward dresses and suits; trying to tame my sometimes over-the-top #DecoDrive television fashion persona. I’m not gonna lie, it was hard and some pieces were impossible to part with, so I settled for a happy medium and wondered if anyone actually noticed. They didn’t 😂…

And so, life goes on and so does the blog and so did my semi-conservative dressing, until low and behold #SS19 whipped my wardrobe overhaul into a complete trend tizzy. Let me back up…I’ve been wanting to do a feature on MVM Miami for awhile. It’s not only one of the best boutiques in The Magic City it’s one of my secret weapons when staying fashion-forward on Deco.

When I booked the blog with owner, Melissa Mosheim, she sent some outfit suggestions featuring “Prints & Patterns” and I was sold. When doing a little more research on #SS19, it was obvious that monochromatic and color blocking was a thing of winters past. It was all about florals, animal prints, stripes, plaids, paisley, butterflies, snake skin, polka dots, pop art motifs and more. You can even mix your “Prints & Patterns,” think *more is more* on crack and that’s where the aforementioned trend tizzy comes in.

With my mind set on the distinctive duchess, I almost forgot about my OWN quirky style and how I love expressing my own life’s journey through what I’m wearing. I grew up in the desert, traveled the world as a journalist and live in one of the most vibrant cities in the world; if that doesn’t scream “Prints & Patterns”
I don’t know what does. Now, I’m just trying to find an eclectic balance and that’s why MVM Miami boutique works for someone like me. It’s worldly, avant-garde, yet romantic and Miami-esque. It’s a store with a pulse for what’s happening on the runway and in real life.

Spring is the the perfect time for new beginnings, reinvention or adding “Prints & Patterns” back into your wardrobe and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. PS. Just in the nick of time, Meghan wore a flower-y print dress last week to one of her royal engagements. #TwinningIsWinning

2119 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33127

Monday – Saturday: 11 A.M. – 7 P.M.
Sunday: 12 P.M. – 6 P.M.
full blog:

Or shop on-line:
Be Social:
FB: @mvmmiami
IG: @mvm_miami
Twitter: @MVM_MIAMI

“I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little – if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.” —Coco Chanel

James Woodley Photography
all outfits, sunnies & jewelry by MVM MIAMI
Styling: Melissa Mosheim
Make-up: Tabitha Rey @makeupbytabs
Hair: Jess Stuver
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I Used To Be A Happy Medium” Auerbach

In The Bag Wed, 06 Feb 2019 18:13:28 +0000 What:
Celebrating SS19 by Ximena Kavalekas & checking out her new retail space at the Faena Bazaar on Miami Beach. Hello, lovah…. 👛

You know the song, “Girl On Fire,” by Alicia Keys? Well, she must have written the catchy tune for handbag designer, Ximena Kavalekas. There’s literally #NoStopping the woman. In fact, her success has been so meteoric, I actually have trouble keeping up with it and that’s what I do for a living. 😂

The first time I met Ximena back in 2016, her luxury handbag line was launching from a small room inside “The Fashion Workspace of Miami,” but my-oh-my, have things changed. Not only has she set up shop inside the world class Faena Bazaar, her handmade python accessories are being worn by the Who’s Who of Hollywood: Priyanka Chopra, Sofia Vergara, Sofia Carson and even fashion queen, Margherita Missoni. Speaking of…

Margherita, who happens to be a huge fan of Ximena’s, recently collaborated with her on a limited-edition handbag series. Going with Ximena’s signature #BoxBag style, the two women created “a simple yet sophisticated” petite suitcase-like design. I especially adore the colors of the #Capri, not to mention its decorative zigzag star stitching which is a combination of the duo’s initials: MM + XK — what a chic and fashionably witty idea. Its whimsical laser cut daisies are the perfect finishing touch #BeautifulBag.

If all that weren’t enough, Ximena’s purses are breezing their way through Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdales, NET-A-PORTER, Saint Germain, Moda Operandi, the retail elite list goes on and don’t even get me started on the editorials: Vogue Mexico, Vogue Brazil, Vogue India, Elle, People, US Weekly, DUJOUR, InStyle, Miami Magazine, Brickell Magazine, just to name a few. This is where the DJ pipes in: “This girl is on fire…”🔥🎼

Bloggers love Ximena, too. I’d include myself in that group, but television is my full-time job and blogging is what I do to express my love of fashion with, of course, Channel 7 as my partner in crime. Speaking of, Ximena is always supportive of local media, especially #DecoDrive and understands the importance of connecting on that kind of level. In fact, her second bag collaboration is with Miami Fashion Stylist extraordinaire, Elysze Held, who runs “The Magic City” when it comes to what and whom you should be wearing.

In full disclosure, Elysze styles for Deco Drive and her fab personality coupled with her elegant fashion sense is sure to produce the IT bag of the season. I can’t wait to see what Ximena & Elysze come up with. I better start saving my money now. Hmmm… what about a Go Fund Me fashion account ? In all seriousness…

I’m so happy for the success of the #XimenaKavalekas brand. Not only is it deserving, Ximena has stayed firmly planted in South Florida; making the Miami fashion scene better, brighter and exponentially more might say, Ximena has it all “In The Bag” and that’s why it’s one of my #FavoriteThings.

Ximena Kavalekas
inside Faena Bazaar
3rd Floor
3400 Collins Avenue
Miami, FL 33140

Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Sunday: 11am-6pm

or shop on-line

Be Social:
IG: @ximenakavalekas
FB: @ximenakavalekaspython

“A woman’s mind is as complex as the contents of her handbag; even when you get to the bottom of it, there is ALWAYS something at the bottom to surprise you!” — Billy Connolly

James Woodley Photography
featured purses in order: Weekender (small) Hot Pink Scaled Water Snake, XK x MM Capri, Angeles Red/Cheetah
pink dress @bcbg, two-piece animal outfit @born2dress_, flowery dress vintage @Betseyjohnson & puffy pink jacket @bcbg
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “The Bag Man” Auerbach

Pretty at the Pegasus Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:38:49 +0000 What:
Ooh-ing & ahh-ing over race day runway fashions by Neiman Marcus at Bal Harbour Shops — celebrating the Pegasus World Cup 2019 Championship Invitational Series. #GiddyUp 🐎

When I first got the invite to attend the “Off to the Races” fashion show celebrating the Pegasus World Cup, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve been to the Kentucky Derby before and I can assure you: style-wise, it’s world’s away from anything going on in South Florida.

I’m not a big fan of ginormous hats, bold flowery prints and aggressive pearl accessories — especially when worn together — and that’s definitely something you’ll see at “Running of the Roses” (one of the Derby’s nicknames.) Lucky for me, and Miami fashionistas, Pegasus is an entirely different style event.

The race itself is incredibly prestigious because of its 16 million-dollar purse, the largest in North American thoroughbred racing, but it’s also the glamorous crowd attending that makes it so popular and appealing. In fact, every year Deco Drive does a story on the rich, famous & fashionable who show up to show off what they’re wearing.

Taking a cue from The Who’s Who of the premier event, Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour & Pegasus World Cup teamed up for the first time last week for an elegant runway show featuring race day fashions with a Miami flair. After all, we’re not in Kansas anymore — or would that be Kentucky?

Beautiful dresses, form-fitting suits and fancy fascinators stole the spotlight. I’ve included pictures of some of my Favorite Things from the show highlighting this spring’s biggest trends…because with outfits like these, frankly, we’re all “Pretty at the Pegasus” and that’s what I call #winning.

Gulf Stream Park & Casino
901 S. Federal Highway
Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009

Race day is Saturday, January 26th.
For times & ticket information:

Be Social:
FB: Pegasus World Cup Invitational
IG: @pegasusworldcup
Twitter: @PegasusWorldCup

Shop the looks:
FB: Neiman Marcus
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Twitter: @neimanmarcus

“A horse is poetry in motion.” —anonymous

James Woodley Photography
dress: @bcbg #SouthBeach
shoes by pourlavictoire
jewelry by @jillzaleski
a special thank you to Marysol Patton
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Let The Big Horse Run” Auerbach

The Blouse Report Wed, 23 Jan 2019 17:49:45 +0000 What:
Who doesn’t love a great blouse? It’s the perfect way to perk up your winter wardrobe.

A lot has happened since my last post: I went on a mini-vacation with three of my best friends, worked like an animal through the holidays, made a new year’s resolution to buy more blouses AND took a long break from the blog.

I needed it. Now, I’m refreshed and ready to tackle 2019 with style and hopefully, substance. First up on my fashionable list for the new year: “The Blouse Report” …and while I’d love to say the garment is making a cool comeback, the truth is I don’t think it’s ever really gone out of style.

The blouse trend of the moment is something the French call “The Pussy Bow Blouse”…which features a big sumptuous bow at the top of its button line. It was bequeathed the cheeky title back in the 19th century by aristocrats who insisted the fashion statement reminded them of fancy cat collars.

The blouse really bloomed in popularity during the Gibson Girl era, when women expressed themselves through cascading waterfall curls and high-collar, button-up shirts with fancy neck tie accessories; mainly, the pussy bow. By the 1960’s, Coco Chanel & other haute couture designers made the blouse modern while keeping its feminine frivolity intact.

Now, in a day and age where anything goes fashion-wise, the blouse has a lot of different personalities: gypsy, Boho, fancy, casual and professional. Staying on trend means adding a blouse with a bow, no matter the size of its loops. I love mixing romance with structure, so I usually pair mine with my favorite Filomena Fernandez work pants. If you prefer a more masculine take on the trend, wear a necktie instead.

My resolution for 2019 is about living life simply which isn’t always possible in my high octane career, but “The Blouse Report” adds an easy sophistication to my sometimes complicated life & wardrobe, that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

shop Zara’s new collection

Be Social:
IG: @zara
Twitter: @ZARA

“Where’s the man that could ease a heart like a satin gown?” —Dorothy Parker

James Woodley Photography
all blouses by Zara
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Happy 2019” Auerbach

The Winterfest Black Tie Ball Wed, 12 Dec 2018 19:24:22 +0000 What:
A festive night of dinner & dancing at the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Black Tie Ball presented by Ford, in association with Republic National Distributing Co. #HappyHolidays & here’s to my #FavoritePartyOfTheYear

Before the Winterfest Boat Parade sets sail, the Black Tie Ball officially kicks off the holiday season in South Florida. While I’ve had the great privilege of hosting the event for almost a decade, I’ve never done a blog on it. It’s always such a stylish, awe-inspiring soirée, so, why not?

The musical, “Anastasia,” by Broadway Across America, was this year’s theme, transporting party goers from the decadence of old Russia to the romantic streets of Paris. If you’re not familiar with the production, good news — the musical is making its way to the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in the spring and it’s definitely a must-see.

This year’s Ball happened to be extra special because my Deco Drive TV wife, Lynn Martinez, joined me for the FIRST time at the gala and man, did we cut a rug. My dogs are still barking. LOL. When we were dancing, I think we scared everyone within a half mile radius, except for one of our producers, Danny Cohen, who was busy showing off his Pulp Fiction moves. We did our best Uma & John impression from the famous dance scene in the movie.

Vivian Gonzalez, one of our rock star meteorologists at Channel 7, was also on hand. The Viv-ster, as I loving call her, had her “Bust A Move” shoes on, too. Both Viv-ster and myself were lucky enough to wear gowns by Zola Keller who, by the way, has an amazing store on Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale. If you need a WOW kind-of dress for any occasion, she should be your go-to, she’s definitely one of mine.

The Black Tie Ball is, of course, the precursor to the Winterfest Boat Parade, which is celebrating its 47th anniversary this Saturday with the theme: “Best of the 80’s”. I can’t wait to see all the shoulder pads, blue eye shadow and teased hair. I’ll have to pull out my vintage “Like A Virgin” Madonna-esque lace gloves. Speaking of the 80’s, pop icon Huey Lewis is this years Grand Marshall.

I’m looking forward to seeing him cruising down the New River in downtown Fort Lauderdale singing “I Want A New Drug …one that won’t make me sick” or “happy to be ..Stuck With You.”  If you haven’t see the “Greatest Show on H20”, I highly recommend it. It’s Florida’s version of the Macy’s Day Parade, except our floats really do float and our weather is waaaay better than NYC this time of year and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. Happy Winterfest everyone!

Winterfest Boat Parade
Saturday, December 15th
Fort Lauderdale (on the New River traveling east on the Intracoastal Waterway)
Starting at 6:30 p.m.

For places to watch the parade:
or catch WSVN’s Winterfest Television Special
December 22nd at 7 p.m.
December 25th 5 a.m. & 12 noon
January 1st 5 a.m. & 12 noon

Be social:
IG: @winterfestinc
FB: @winterfest.parade
Twitter: @WinterfestInc


IG: @hardrockholly
FB: @seminolehardrockhollywood
Twitter: @HardRockHolly

“Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.” — It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

James Woodley Photography
dress & styling: @zolakeller
light blue furry jacket: Hollen & Jen Vintage
evening purse: @bcbg
jewelry: @baublebar
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Zuzu’s Petals” Auerbach

Party Pizzazz Wed, 28 Nov 2018 19:58:13 +0000 What:
Gearing up for the glitz and glamour of the holiday season with dresses & accessories by Dominque Boutique in Coral Gables. Oh, and did I mention I’m headed to The Keys for the ultimate girls trip? 🥂

By the time you read this, I’ll be barreling toward Key West with three of my closest friends. Each are besties from different decades of my life and strangely, they’ve never met one another. God help us! Lol. It’s going to be “Thelma & Louise” on crack.

Who needs to drive off the edge of the Grand Canyon, though, when you have places like Aqua Night Club? Famous for its cabaret Drag shows! Or Louie’s Backyard? Where a decadent martini can only be upstaged by a spectacular Key West sunset. I’ve even seen “people” skinny dip right by Louie’s popular pier-inspired porch. 🤫

If I’m arrested, it probably wasn’t my fault (wink, wink.) Seriously, though, it’s a trip I’ve been looking forward to for a really long time. It’s such a rarity, I’ve bequeathed it the title: “Rock Star Weekend.” Eating, drinking, shopping, laughing, reminiscing. I’ll be in full beast mode and my best friends will be right there with me. So, what does any of this have to do with holiday fashion? Everything, nothing and something.

I’ve actually been struggling with a meaningful topic to share during “the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” but then it dawned on me, the very essence of my girlie getaway is the perfect way to explain how many of us long to feel during Hanukkah, Christmas & on New Years Eve, and I’m not talking about bloated, tipsy and anxiety ridden because you’ve spent too much on your credit card. I’m not judging #BeenThereDoneThat 🤪

I’m talking about human connection, which in turn, can make a person feel special. I’ve been to The Florida Keys more times than I can possibly count, lucky me, but each trip is marked with the memories of whom I shared it with and how it made me feel at the time. Whether it was friendship, love, intimacy or heartbreak, they’re all an indelible part of who I am now.

The same holds true for “Party Pizzazz”. It may sound corny, but a gorgeous gown, sparkly jewels, a pretty purse and sexy shoes are a form of self expression: how you’re feeling, what you’re projecting and what you’re hoping to get in return. Don’t get me wrong, I know worldly things don’t solve problems or buy self esteem, but showcasing the best of what you got for a special occasion can be a powerful thing and ultimately, it’s about connection.

Whether you’re dressing up for yourself, a lover or to relish in the holiday spirit, it’s about opening ourselves up to what most of us long for — feeling special — if only for a moment, in our own little slice of this gi-normous, sometimes isolating world. When I look my best, I feel my best and I think that’s just part of being human. Maybe I’m vein, but I’d like to think I’m just being transparent.

When I was a young journalist, l used to go through severe bouts of depression. The long hours, working holidays, being away from my family, it really got to me. When I’d call home to be consoled, my mother would bark: “Get out of bed, wash your face, put some lipstick on and do something.” It was tough love, but it was also my mom’s way of telling me when you look half way decent, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself and if you go out and connect with someone, make friends, meet a special someone or heck, go for a walk in the park, you’ll probably be a more fulfilled person who sees the special qualities life has to offer.

Speaking of special, it’s easy to feel that way at Dominque Boutique in Coral Gables. It’s been a secret fashion weapon of mine for years, especially around the holidays. When it comes to “Party Pizzazz” there’s no other place in Miami that offers such beautiful, unique, one-of-a-kind dresses and that’s not all, it’s literally one stop shopping.

You can build an entire outfit there with ease, they have jewelry, purses, gloves, evening shrugs, hats and more. It’s perfect for a girl on the go or a woman who has a lot demands on her life, but still wants something incredibly jaw-dropping. And, if you’re lucky enough while you’re there, you’ll meet Dominque herself. She’s an inspiring fashionista who oozes class and sophistication, so it’s no surprise her store is a direct reflection of her fabulousness.

Whatever you’re wearing this holiday season, I hope your “Party Pizzazz” is accessorized with whatever your heart is longing for: love, peace, family, forgiveness, healing energy, health or just a moment of complete and utter happiness. I know this week I’ll be lucky enough to feel so many of those things with my closest friends and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. #KeyWestOrBust #HappyHolidays 🎄

Dominique Boutique
247 Miracle Mile
Coral Gables, Florida 33134

Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Be Social
IG: @dominiqueboutique
FB: @dominquecoralgables
Twitter: @dominiqueok

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” — anonymous

James Woodley Photography
Gowns, Purses and Jewelry provided by Dominique Boutique
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew Auerbach

Faux Fabulous Wed, 14 Nov 2018 20:59:37 +0000 What:

Showcasing the IT jacket of the season and why my first real fur coat broke my heart.


I’ll never forget my first fur coat. It wasn’t something I bought; I come from humble beginnings. Instead, it’s something I inherited. Albeit, reluctantly.

My best friend in high school was a debutante from Texas and when she moved to New Mexico, we became fast friends. I loved everything about her; she had great style, oozed southern charm and was generous with her time and friendship. We got on famously. Actually, I wanted to be more like her. She was worldly and wise beyond her years.

A year before she became the new kid on the block, I had just moved to the Land of Enchantment, too. In the beginning, I think that’s what drew us together, but as time passed, it was more than that. There’s nothing like young friendship. The bond is indescribable and helping one another get through those awkward, coming-of-age years was a pretty special thing, although I didn’t know it at the time.

We would spend hours in her basement boudoir. Lol. That’s what we used to call it. Her parents had converted it into a mini-apartment with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette and living room. She lived there in her own little paradise. She had beautiful things — gorgeous furry carpets, a gold trimmed vanity, a fluffy down comforter and a closet stuffed with designer clothes. She taught me about tennis, interesting books and how to match my perfume to my personality. I still miss her.

She died on a hot August day, a few weeks after my birthday and even though it was over twenty years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I wish I could say I was devastated, but I sat in the front row at her funeral void of any kind of emotion. After everyone left, I lingered by her casket and wondered when the tears would come. They didn’t.

I told her I was sorry we had drifted apart after high school and that I had always wondered why she stayed behind when everyone else had left for college. At the time, she seemed lost to me, but looking back on it now, maybe I was the one who was trying to find my place in the world while she had always known hers.

A few years later, she finally flew the coop. Not only did she find new purpose at a college in Las Cruces, she found love, too. She described him perfectly in her letters and when I talked to her on the phone she seemed genuinely happy. It made my heart sing and I couldn’t wait to be reunited and talk about all the exciting things happening in both of our lives, but I would never see her again.

The knock at my dorm room came at an odd time and the person standing in the doorway wasn’t someone I was expecting a visit from. He was a few years older than me and one of my brother’s best friends. He also happened to be from my hometown. We didn’t run in the same circles. He was popular, good looking and most of the time ignored me when he saw me on campus, so his presence was disconcerting.

After an awkward “hello,” he grabbed my hand and led me to a chair and told me to sit down. I’m not exactly sure what happened after that, but I do remember the words falling out of his mouth in slow motion and only being able to comprehend some of them. Car, injuries, died. “I’m so sorry,” he said and then, I heard nothing. I told him to leave. He didn’t want to, but he did. My parents collected me the next day and we headed home so I could pay my respects.

After her funeral, her parents asked me to stop by the house. It was weird being there without her. It was sad, empty and grief was thick in the air. Her mother handed me a garment bag and said: “She would have wanted you to have it.” I thanked her and left without opening it.

When I got home, I discovered her mother had gifted me my best friend’s most prized possession, her decadent fur coat. She used to dance around in it singing Madonna songs. She always promised to loan it to me, but I cheekily refused. I took the coat off its hanger, slipped it on, wrapped my arms tightly around myself and wept.

I never wore the coat again (until I put it on for the blog) but I did cry again – and again – and again. Over the years, I would buy more fur, but only re-purposed, as in vintage. As I grew into an educated woman, I stopped wearing it altogether for humane reasons. And while fashion today allows me to be “Faux Fabulous,” the trend still reminds me of my sweet friend from all those years ago.

I still have her coat. I’ve never been able to part ways with it. I hope some day I’ll be able to see her again and I hope every now and then her spirit brushes by me to say hello, even if I don’t know it.

I realize now, the extra time she spent at home with her parents while her classmates, including myself, left for college was a true gift to her family. They got to spend more time with her before her life was cut short. All things have purpose, even if at the time they make no sense whatsoever. All these years later, that coat still breaks my heart, but it’s all I have left of her, besides my fleeting memories.

I find peace knowing if she were still alive, she would have eventually turned into a “Faux Fabulous” fashion lover like me and we would have danced in on our coats together; laughing, smiling and enjoying life, because it was one of our Favorite Things. ❤️

Lincoln Road Mall
744 Lincoln Road
Miami, Florida 33139
(on the corner of Lincoln Road and Meridian)

Be Social:
Local IG: @bonchic_miamibeach
Twitter: @BCBG

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” — Queen Elizabeth II

James Woodley Photography
Faux Fur Red Coat by @BCBG #SouthBeach
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Just Faux You” Auerbach


Special thanks to Marina of BCBG South Beach

Tea Time Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:12:17 +0000 What:
Fabulous heels & hats at the 7th annual #HauteTea Luncheon & Hat Party benefiting the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation — the best hope for a cure.

I’ll never forget my first time at #HauteTea; it was Miami fashion at its finest with amazing hats, gorgeous dresses and saucy shoes. Even more impressive…

The women attending the event who were community-minded, charity-driven and impossibly chic. I was so in awe, I could hardly concentrate on the task at hand: dishing details of the event for Deco Drive. After the story aired, I promised myself I’d go back, just to enjoy the beauty of it all.

Fast-forward four years and one fashion blog later, and #FavoriteThings was the perfect way to feature #HauteTea. Without pretense or my normal “gotta get the story and get out” agenda, I walked around the event last Friday, during its pre-lunch cocktail hour, oohing and aahing over all the gorgeous headgear.

Instead of a fascinator for myself, though, I went with an elegant cocktail hat designed by Danielle Kukar, Founder of FeatherHeart Millinery in Fort Lauderdale. This year’s theme was #GardenParty, so I chose a sultry eggplant colored retro-inspired dress with a lively vine pattern by BCBG.

The one-shoulder design was a definite selling point for me because it easily mixes our summer & fall seasons, tropically speaking. While I love autumn textures, the heat and humidity is still alive and well in October; it’s just part of living in South Florida. Another highlight of the outfit? Streamlined metallic stripes woven into the material, hinting at the holidays to come.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed an afternoon of hats & heels — because fashion with a charitable cause is always one of my Favorite Things.

Haute Tea is held at the St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort
9703 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33154

Be Social:
IG: @diabetesresearch
FB: @DiabetesResearchInstitute
Twitter: @Diabetes_DRI

“Where there’s tea there’s hope.” — Arthur Wing Pinero

James Woodley Photography
dress & boots by @BCBG #SouthBeach
cocktail hat @featherheartdesigns
vintage clutch from the UK
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Metallic” Auerbach

Hollywood Glam Wed, 10 Oct 2018 17:02:05 +0000 What:
A quick trip to Hollywood to interview the cast of the new movie, “Bad Times At The El Royale” and #WhenInRome, a fashionista has to get glammed up to go sightseeing, shopping and spend time at the first place to ever host the Academy Awards. #AndTheOscarGoesTo…..

I haven’t been to my old stomping grounds, a.k.a Hollywood, in four years. After getting promoted to Co-host of Deco Drive, my #JetSetLife came to a well-deserved end. l hate to admit it, but after zigzagging the globe for almost two decades, I had grown tired of life on the road and was ready for a new challenge. Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t miss interviewing the word’s biggest stars in fabulous far away places. I actually do — sometimes.

So, when my Assignment Editor, Odette, asked if I wanted to attend a press junket for “Bad Times At The El Royale” in Los Angeles — I was game. Not only would I get to interview the cast of the movie, I’d get to do a fashion blog, too. #SignMeUp Sweetening the deal was a weekend stay at The Hollywood Roosevelt, which happens to be where the very first Academy Awards were held in 1929. 🎬

While LA hasn’t changed much, movie making sure has, or at least the kind of movies Hollywood is generating nowadays. If it’s not a superhero bonanza, it’s a blanket comedy or a cheesy romcom, which makes “Bad Times At The El Royale” all the better: it’s original, unique & provocative. In fact, I’ve never seen anything like it in all my years as a movie critic. Set in the 60’s…

The story centers around 7 very different people who are drawn to a mysterious hotel called the EL Royale. As each character checks in, you learn their “surface” backstory and how, coincidentally, they’re all looking for some kind of redemption. You know, like righting a personal wrong. The beginning of the movie starts with lighthearted tongue-in-cheek banter, subtlety hinting at the craziness to come and boy, does it ever…

As night falls on the El Royale, a suspenseful thriller is born with more twists and turns than the Kingda Ka at Six Flags in Jersey. Btw, Kingda Ka is said to be one of the scariest roller coasters in the world. 🎢😱 And all those surface backstories I mentioned boil over like a messy pot of overheated turkey chili (turkey chili happens to be my favorite. I eat it with extra cheese and sour cream) 🤓…

So, what’s the movie ultimately about? Don’t think this is a cop-out, but it’s a matter of personal interpretation. #GoodVersesEvil #Perspective #Perception #NothingIsAsItSeems #OldHotelsCreepMeOut speaking of, eventually the El Royale reveals itself as a house of indiscretion, filled with two-way mirrors, secret rooms and buried skeletons. And you, the audience, are the ones doing the spying alongside hotel “management.” Meaning, you really get to see what’s going on in each character’s life.

The movie, which is the brainchild of writer/director Drew Goddard (best known for nail biting stories like “Cabin in the Woods,” “World War Z,” and “The Martian,”) delivers more than just a hair-raising cinematic ride… “Bad Times At The El Royale” is beautifully shot and edited and the ensemble cast is icing on the cake. Talk about acting chomps — while Chris Hemsworth is a stand-out and not just because he walks around the majority of the time with his shirt hanging off (okay, maybe that helps a little,) newcomer Cynthia Erivo is the #bombdotcom, too…

She delivers a breakout performance as Darlene Sweet, a down-on-her-luck singer. Although Cynthia is a theater veteran, this is her FIRST feature film role and WOW, if this performance is any indication of what’s to come, she’s headed for superstar status. Her on-screen presence is electric and her singing a revelation.

I’m not gonna lie, this film heads in a direction I didn’t see coming, not by a long shot, which is kind of the point. It’s a bag of thought-provoking tricks mixed in with a little Quentin Tarantino meets Robert Rodriguez. If you’re not big on violence, consider yourself warned. It gets really ugly, really fast. I’m not big on blood and guts, but support it if done in an artistic way that enriches the story and moves the plot forward and in this case, it does both alongside delivering a shocking ending. Want more?

Check out my interviews with the cast of the movie and see my full review at  ND enjoy the blog pictures of a day well spent strolling the Hollywood Walk of Fame and shopping on Rodeo Drive — because #Movies and #Memorable places (especially where I can buy a great pair of shoes,) will always be one my Favorite Things.

I interviewed the cast at
Isn’t the junket set cool?

Bad Times At The El Royale opens in theaters October 12th
for more info:

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IG @thehollywoodroosevelt
FB @TheHollywoodRoosevelt
Twitter: @hwood_roosevelt

“It’s not the having, it’s the getting.” — Elizabeth Taylor

James Woodley Photography
dresses, grey hat & snake skin boots: @BCBG #SouthBeach
jewelry: @handmademiamibeach
fur purse @bebe_Stores
Silver buckled black boots: @NastyGal
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Did Jeff Bridges Ask About Me?” Auerbach
Special Thanks to 20th Century Fox

Suited Up Wed, 26 Sep 2018 18:18:14 +0000 What:

“Suiting Up” for fall; inspired by the fabulous fashions featured in the new movie: “A Simple Favor.” Now, can someone pass me a martini?


I bought my first suit more than two decades ago at a strip mall outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. God, I loved it. It was bright red with a sassy side tie (think the top half of a DVF dress) and in true 90’s style, it came with matching pants that featured a slightly flared leg. I felt like a million bucks in it and even though it was made out of a suffocating wool blend, I wore the crap out of it. It was proper and serious with just the right amount of pizzazz.

It was my go-to outfit for dozens of auditions before scoring my first big break hosting news cut-in’s at a local television station in Amarillo, Texas — after that, it became a wardrobe staple. It gave me confidence and, in turn, I performed better — if you call white-knuckling it and hoping for the best when the tally light came on as “better”. Lol. I was so inexperienced, yet wearing that suit was a complete revelation: it was the first time I felt the power of fashion and how wearing something that I truly loved made me feel good about myself. ❤️

Isn’t it funny how a certain article of clothing can take you back in time and remind you of pivotal moments in your life? Years later, the thought of that red suit is still deeply rooted in the memories of my budding television career. Eventually, it wore out on me: reporting on brush fires, chasing storms and schlepping all over the High Plains of Texas did a number on it. It was torn, tattered and drenched in hard work; I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

When the time came to give it away, I became silly & sentimental and instead, folded it like a military uniform and put it in a plastic bin with a handful of mothballs. I still remember the sound of the lid when I sealed it: “click, click, click” and just like that, my sassy red suit was officially cataloged into the scrapbook of my life.

Since then, I’ve owned and worn A LOT of different suits and while the evolution of the garment has woven its way in and out of my wardrobe for years (especially as a broadcast journalist,) it’s also taken its place in fashion history. And while being “Suited Up” is always a good idea because the look is so versatile, its popularity has soared this fall even more, thanks to actress Blake Lively and her new movie: “A Simple Favor.”

Blake plays Emily, a mysterious and chic fashion exec who suddenly goes missing. A stylish and suspenseful game of cat-and-mouse ensues as her best friend, played by Anna Kendrick, goes looking for her. Not only is it a great thriller, it’s a film that manages to breathe new life into the already popular “Suited Up” trend. In the movie, Blake is dripping in gorgeous jackets, vests, trousers, and two-toned loafers sure to make any fashionista drool with envy.

Believe it or not, the masculine-feminine costume choices were initially Blake’s idea, inspired by the film’s director, Paul Feig — whose style is nothing short of a walking magazine ad. Paul has an unprecedented fashion sense, especially for a man…think Bugsy Siegel meets Sherlock Holmes mixed in with a little bit of James Bond. #Dashing #Suave & #Handsome. When he heard Blake’s idea of taking his “Suited Up” sensibility and translating it into her character’s on-screen wardrobe, he immediately gave it the green light.

That’s where Costume Director, Renee Ehrlich Kalfus, comes in. Not only did she comb over couture designs by Helmet Newton and Chanel, she also made mood boards featuring classic photos of actresses like Marlene Dietrich and Lauren Bacall. #SuitDivas Ultimately, though, she enlisted the help of Ralph Lauren who generously loaned some of his vintage pieces to help bring the “Suited Up” look to life on the big screen.

Putting my own spin on the trend for #FavoriteThings was fun and interesting because let’s face it, this much material in South Florida is a novelty. Still, there’s nothing like shiny textures, bold prints and accessories that’ll turn heads. Whether you go boxy, baggy, fitted or total 80’s glam, getting “Suited Up” is definitely this season’s must-have trend and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. #ShakenNotStirred, please.

PS- I still own my first sassy red suit.


shop the blog look here:

Be Social:
IG: @Zara
FB: @Zara
Twitter: @ZARA

“I don’t design clothes. I design dreams.” —Ralph Lauren
James Woodley Photography
Suit by @Zara
Hat @ragandbone
Sunnies: @AmazonFashion
Shirt: @Theory
Tie from James’ closet
Shoes by Ava & Aiden
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Ralph Lauren Grew Up Two Blocks From Me” Auerbach
A Fashionable Cause Wed, 12 Sep 2018 19:05:55 +0000 What:

Thrifting fall fashions at Dragonfly Boutique — “a LEAP initiative helping women empower their lives by putting prison in their past.”


God, I love the movie, “The Shawshank Redemption,” and not because it glorifies prison life in that gritty Hollywood way. I love it because of its message of friendship, hope, love and ultimately, rehabilitation; which is the message of this week’s blog: “A Fashionable Cause” (alongside thrifting some killer fall fashions.)

I stumbled across Dragonfly Thrift Boutique & Consignment Store on IG a few weeks ago and I was excited about it because I had just finished working with “The House of Findings” — a beautiful store featuring glorious vintage and up-cycled clothing, accessories and decor in Upper Buena Vista. It was an enriching experience both personally & professionally, so I was hoping to keep that theme going for not just my readers, but for myself, too. #LuckyMe because…

Dragonfly is truly one-of-a-kind and not just because you can find couture labels, unspoken vintage, cool accessories, stylish shoes and incredible furnishings and decor there. Of course, that’s a major perk, but it’s the store’s mission that makes it worth exploring on more than just a retail therapy kind of level.

100% of Dragonfly’s proceeds go toward LEAP (Ladies Empowerment And Action Program,) a non-profit organization helping women find their footing after prison. They provide post-release jobs at the boutique, help with housing and most importantly, teach life skills. For most of us, education, income and a place to call our own equals #Security & #Empowerment

Not only can you shop for “A Fashionable Cause,” you can donate, too (new or gently used items,) or volunteer, become a mentor, employ a LEAP graduate, even host an event. There are so many ways to get involved. Another thing worth mentioning: there’s no other organization like LEAP in ALL of Florida; making it that much more important.

As far as the boutique itself, it’s not even a year old and has already garnered enough buzz to be named “Best Thrift Store 2018” by Miami New Times — one look inside and you’ll see why. It’s a fashionista’s playground and then some. When I told them about my fall fashion idea they pulled a rack of designer suits, velvety blazers and boho dresses to choose from.

Inspired by Versace’s 2000 fashion campaign “Valley of the Dolls,” I piled on the boutique’s best accessories; earrings, bracelets, necklaces, scarves, purses and shoes. The bold and interesting furniture and decor (all for sale) served as the perfect photo backdrop. For me, fall fashion should be inspiring; filled with ample warmth and creative textures. The outfits chosen definitely expressed that.

In the meantime…

After the blog pictures were finished and my article filed, I went to dinner, alone, and spent a lot of time staring into the abyss thinking about what life after prison must be like. It was a traumatizing thought. I also wondered why the boutique chose the name Dragonfly, which I had failed to ask. After DM’ing one of the lovely ladies involved with LEAP, she explained: “Dragonflies symbolize transformation, adaptability and self-realization.” Of course, now it all made sense.

And, while “The Shawshank Redemption” is just a movie, LEAP shares its ultimate message, but thankfully in real life — which is freedom without hope, purpose and community isn’t freedom at all and that’s why “A Fashionable Cause” is one of my Favorite Things.


Dragonfly Thrift Boutique
3141 SW 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33135

Parking is in the back of building


Monday – Friday: 11am-7pm
Saturday: 11am -5pm
Pick-up or delivery: 833-757-5327

Be Social

IG: @dragonflythrift
FB: Dragonfly thrift Boutique @LadiesEmpowermentAndActionProgram
Twitter: @LEAPS_DragonFly

Learn more about LEAP

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

Danielle Margherite Photography
All Clothing & Accessories by Dragonfly Thrift Boutique
Boots & Shoes from my own collection
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Tim Robbins Fan” Auerbach

Cups O’ Fun Wed, 29 Aug 2018 18:43:31 +0000 What:
Cheeky, sarcastic and really cool sayings I can finally get on board with — served with a side of morning coffee by #SheMugs. Oh, and after 5pm, “Cups O’ Fun” could be filled with something a little stronger. #JustSaying 😉

I may look like a frilly girl with my love of fashion and all, but when it comes to my personality, I’m pretty much a straight shooter. As a journalist, I have to have thick skin and somewhat of a sarcastic sense of humor because let’s face it, sometimes the world sucks and a good laugh can help you get through the BS of it all.

That’s why I’m totally digging the new online coffee cup company, SheMugs. They’ll slap anything on a #CupOfJoe and I do mean anything. Quirky sayings, pop culture quotes, even your deep-seated thoughts and believe you me, I have some pretty good ones or would that be bad ones? 😂

The first time I read some of their mug logos on Instagram, I howled with laughter and found myself talking out loud to my phone saying things like: “Exactly!” and “Oh, hellzzz to the yezzzz.” SheMugs doesn’t just say what you’re thinking, they manage to come up with things you didn’t even know you needed to say, but actually do. Lol. Does that make sense? The concept isn’t just fun, it’s refreshing. Especially in our “post a positive saying or inspirational quote” social media society.

Speaking of, there’s nothing I hate more than one of those cheesy spiritual posts telling me to “Love Myself” or “Be the person nobody thought I could be.” Blah, blah, blah. It’s the fastest way for me to unfollow someone. I get it, you need it for yourself, but why do I have to hear what your therapist is telling you? Or what you’re trying to extract from the universe yourself?

I’m all about positivity, but societal pressures are enough, I don’t want to see it on my feed, too. I need a healthy dose of realism that can help me cope with oversleeping, stubbing a toe, breaking a nail; you know — life stuff. Emotional & spiritual exploration isn’t going to help me meet my writing deadlines or get me through a 12-hour, non-stop day. For me…

SheMugs has those secret feel-good ingredients. It makes me laugh, it makes me smile; it takes the sting out of everyday life. It even gives new meaning to the simple pleasure of a great cup of coffee, tea, wine, sake, even vodka? I’m not judging. And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, they customize personal sayings, mottos or, in my case, tagline: #ShireensFavoriteThings. The mugs themselves are great quality, too, or I wouldn’t put my name on one.

In full disclosure, there’s another reason I’m crazy about these cups. The company was created by my good friend, Jessie Neft-Swinger, who also happens to be the Digital Editor of my blog. She’s a computer guru, but sitting behind a desk all day was starting to zap her juju, so she came up with the idea of SheMugs and I have to tell you, I think it’s bloody brilliant. I’ve known Jessie a long time and even watched her get married on a beautiful December day. I cried because seeing people happy and in love is incredibly special and so is “Cups O’ Fun” and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. Cheers! (literally).

For more fashion photos visit


Be Social
IG: @shemugs
FB: @shemugs

“I’m not one to brag, but I totally got out of bed today” — SheMugs

James Woodley Photography
All coffee cups by SheMugs
Hair: Jess Stuver
Make-up: Tabitha Rey @makeupbytabs
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger — Creator of SheMugs
Editor: Matthew “Blah Blah Blah” Auerbach

Dream Closet Wed, 15 Aug 2018 19:33:12 +0000 What:
Discovering Lakzya — a place where you can rent high-end couture to keep up with your glamorous lifestyle. And yes, you’re gonna wanna post that outfit.

I had a complete break-down last Monday while shooting my #ootd picture. It was hot out, my dress was too tight and I just felt bad about myself. I chalked it up to the beginning of the week, but I knew it was more than that.

Over the weekend, I had been sick in bed suffering a CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) flare up. It loves rearing its ugly head when I’m stressed-out or if I’ve exercised too much. In this case, I had done BOTH, so now, I was paying the price.

Normally, a few days off from my busy life would be a nice respite, but nerve discomfort doesn’t really work like that. You have to rest, take meds, but keep the mind busy, so you’re not thinking about the pain. During my episodes, I spend a lot of time watching television, shopping online and of course, looking at social media. Ahhhh, social media. It’s a blessing and a curse. Last week, it was the latter.

IG was killing me — all those intriguing vacations, perfect romantic relationships, challenging work-outs, sculpted bodies, amazing parties and perfectly posed bloggers. I closed my eyes and wished the images away, but they penetrated my psyche. Eventually, I drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep of not feeling good enough.

A few days later, after my flare-up had passed, there I was, tugging at my dress, trying to smile for the camera in the blazing noon day sun. Even though I had sworn off social media a few short days ago (when I was feeling sick,) there I was trying to “Keep Up with the Joneses” or I guess, in this day and age, it would be more like the Kardashians? Perhaps, though, I was just trying to keep up with myself. Speaking of…

My daily IG posts are to support my fashion & food blog, but over the years it’s grown into showcasing what I’m wearing on Deco Drive, too. Hence my #ootd pictures, and that’s not all — whatever I wear (whether it’s to a gala, cocktail party, work event, night on the town, vacation, brunch, lunch) it’s usually planned out to be picture perfect. #SayCheese It’s not just part of my job, it’s the modern-day way and while I do have a killer closet, more often than not, I find myself with NOTHING TO WEAR. #HowIsThatEvenPossible?

—Enter: LAKZYA—

A boutique that specializes in giving fashionistas their “Dream Closet” by renting out a highly curated selection of designer dresses, gowns and coats. When I first heard about it, “Rent the Runway” came to mind, of which I’ve never been a big fan. It’s not that I don’t like the concept; it’s because I need to see, feel, touch and have an experience with what I wear before I invest in it and #renttherunway is more of an online thing. I mean, they do have “some” stores, but good luck finding one.

While Lakzya does have an online presence, their main approach is hands-on. You make an appointment and a stylist helps you find what you’re looking for. My experience there was pretty amazing. I thought I’d find one, maybe two dresses to supplement my wardrobe demands but honestly, there were so many great things I actually had a hard time choosing. It wasn’t just about the choices, either, it was the diversity of them. I tried a Stella McCartney Jumper, a Christian Dior dress originally designed by John Galliano, a Fendi Belted day-to-nighttime dress and a gorgeous Preen by Thornton Bregazzi red and pink number.

Need a bag to match? No problem. Lakzya has Chanel, Ferragamo, Ximena Kavalekas, Balenciaga and more. Everything in the store is in mint condition. Some have never been worn, worn once or they’ve been beautifully restored to their original state. The fashions at Lakzya didn’t just make me happy, I giggled at the ease of it all. Forget “Dream Closet,” it’s more like a “Dream Present” that never stops giving, with weekly wardrobe coming in and out you’ll always find the BEST fashion has to offer.

What makes it even more appealing? The company was started by three incredibly chic women (Natalie, Anna and Valerie) who over the years, like most fashionistas, carefully invested in designer dresses and accessories, but after one wear that was it. With pictures, social media and intimate party circles, the beyond-expensive outfits would get pushed to the back of their closets where they lay in waiting for their next “possible” wear and that’s when the idea of a “Dream Closet” was born. #SharingIsCaring

Lakzya easily restored my faith in finding the perfect outfit for any occasion, especially after months of muttering: “I have nothing to wear” and I’m even feeling better (suck it, CIDP.) On that note, I realize social media is what you make it. Being interested and interesting online is how things roll these days, and finding healthy boundaries is important too, but first — let me post a picture of my “Dream Closet” outfit, because it’s definitely one of my Favorite Things.

For more fashion photos visit

1160 Kane Concourse
Suite 101
Bay Harbour Islands, Florida 33154

or shop-online

Working Hours: 9am-6pm
or call/email to make an appointment 305-864-4746

Be Social:
IG: @lakzya

“Fashion is life-enhancing and I think it’s a lovely, generous thing to do for other people.” — Vivienne Westwood

James Woodley Photography
Outside wardrobe by Hot Miami Styles
Inside clothing & handbags by Lakzya
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “McCartney” Auerbach

Music & Manicures Wed, 01 Aug 2018 17:06:05 +0000 What:
“Get Nailed” at the hippest new salon in the Magic City.

When I first heard my good friend, Michelle Pooch, was opening a cool new business in Wynwood, I knew it was going to be special — because she is. I’ve known Michelle for years; in fact, when I first moved to Miami, she was one of my biggest cheerleaders, asking me to host charity events she was involved in or inviting me to fabulous parties she was promoting.

Back in the day, Michelle was always flanked by the rich and famous, but she was the one who stood out. So it didn’t surprise me when I heard she’d been cast on VH1’s, “Love & Hip Hop: Miami”— a reality show about all things Miami; mainly, its fabulous music scene. Her success, though, doesn’t stop there. Michelle’s just added #BossBabe to her already impressive resume.

Combining her world-renowned deejaying skills, party acumen and savvy television personality, she’s opened “Get Nailed Bar” — a full-service nail salon seamlessly mixing “Music & Manicures” #SignMeUp! The funky little space, located in Wynwood, feels like New York City on the outside, but on the inside, it screams MIAMI. With glamorous artwork, a cocktail area, a “Love & Flip Flop” bar & a cool little corner where Michelle can spin her tunes, you’ll feel like you’ve stumbled onto the best-kept secret in the city (at least, for now.) When I went last week to “Get Nailed,” I was completely enamored with my posh pampering experience.


Good-byeeeeee, elevator music and stank eye from your conservative nail neighbor (especially if you’re on your iPhone) and HELLLoooo, energetic tunes, music videos and vixen-style nail art. From the manicure/pedicure menu you can choose from saucy services like The Mary J, The Mona or The Pippen Pedi. You can even customize with add-on’s like The Britney Bitch (nail art), The Mariah (glitter application), The Cardi B (drippin’ in dippin’ powder) and so on. There’s even a thousand dollar “Queen Bey — The Gold Record Edition,” featuring 24K exfoliation & nail polish. Believe you me, I thought about it, but the Deco Drive credit card doesn’t have that kind of limit. Instead…

The lovely, Annick (@glamdbyannick on IG, check her out, she’s amaze,) cleaned up my cuticles and carefully crafted my fingertips into complete fabulosity, all while sipping on a cocktail. (Me, not her. Lol. 😂) With help from Michelle, I decided on “The Mary J” with a “Trina Rockstar” add-on (which means custom crystals on my ring fingers.) After the digit-dust settled, I squealed like a school girl and Annick and I hit up social media to show off her artistry — fuzzy white hand prop and all.

Getting your nails “did” in the Magic City is easy; there’s practically a salon on every corner. But having an experience that energizes you and breathes new life into your beauty routine is something Michelle not only believes in, she does it for herself, too and now, I totally get why. “Music & Manicures” doesn’t just match my Miami lifestyle, it elevates my entire fashion game and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. 💫

For more fashion photos visit

Get Nailed Bar
2328 NE 2nd Ave. m
Miami, Florida 33137

Book an appointment here:

Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm
Sunday 12-6pm

Be Social:
IG: @getnailedbar
FB: @getnailedwynwood

“Nails — one thing you can get into shape without exercise.” — anonymous

James Woodley Photography
Manicure by Get Nailed Miami
white suit: @touchdolls
purse: @katespadeny
purse scarf: @camarrero
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Cuticle Cutie” Auerbach

Treasure Hunting Wed, 18 Jul 2018 15:58:18 +0000 What:
Shopping for the unique and eclectic at “The House of Findings” in Upper Buena Vista.

Magical, inspiring and one-of-a-kind: “The House of Findings” is just one of those special places. When I stumbled onto its social media profile about a month ago, I knew I had to see the chic new boutique in person AND the fashion Gods did not disappoint on this one. It’s simply, #HeavenOnRetailEarth …

Tucked inside the just opened “Upper Buena Vista” bohemian shopping community, “The House of Findings” is an enchanting experience from the moment you see it and its whimsical windows are just a warm-up of what’s to come. From the magnificent to the marvelous, once inside, you’ll find mint condition vintage clothing & accessories so unique, you’ll hardly believe you’ve found such treasures.

If I had my dream closet, “The House of Findings” would definitely be my template. It’s warm lighting gives way to a cornucopia of well-placed nick-nacks, hats, broaches, sunglasses, purses, dresses, skirts, blouses and shoes, but it’s the way it’s all harmoniously presented that’s truly mesmerizing. Every square inch of the lovely little space evokes a need to explore, touch and discover.

Its irresistible quality didn’t happen by chance. In fact, it’s a direct reflection of owner Mayra Gonzalez. Not only is she is a modern fashionista with a gypsy soul, her sweet smile and charming personality could disarm even the grumpiest Miami shopper. When I met her on a quiet Sunday morning, alongside her husband,
Dr. Biorn (who’s just as much a part of the business,) she happily explained how her travels and family life helped shape the character of her store.

Mayra, of course, has great style, but what makes her exceptional? Her fashion instincts: she’s able to see beyond herself and identify what others would like, look good in or what they’re truly “Treasure Hunting” for. She styled me in bold and beautiful clothing and accessories. I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I’m convinced she’s a mind reader.

The night before our blog collaboration, I was droning on to a close friend about breathing new life into my wardrobe. Working in TV News (albeit , entertainment) doesn’t always give me the opportunity to express my true fashion individuality and I think Mayra got that about me. She chose pieces that said something, made a statement and let my true self shine through. If you’re a regular blog reader, you know my take on fashion — it’s not just an extension of your personality, it’s a form of true artistic expression and looking for places to cultivate that can be difficult. Especially in this on-line, cookie-cutter, buy one. get one free shopping society we’re living in. I want to see, engage, lament, emote and eventually, identify with what I’m buying.

Whether you’re looking for something no one else will have or just longing for a quality boutique that puts people first, “Treasure Hunting” at “The House of Findings” is the perfect place to do it and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. Happy shopping, fashionistas!

For more fashion photos visit

The House of Findings
5030 NE 2nd Avenue #404
Miami, Florida 33137

Tuesday – Sunday: 12pm-6pm

Be Social:
FB: @TheHouseofFindings
IG: @thehouseoffindings
Twitter: @HouseofFindings

“Collect things you love, that are authentic to you, and your house becomes your story.” — Erin Flett

James Woodley Photography
Outside wardrobe by Touch Dolls
Inside clothing & accessories by The House of Findings
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “BOGO” Auerbach

Sole-ful Art Wed, 04 Jul 2018 19:30:09 +0000 What:
Beautiful hand-painted slide-on’s for charity.

I’ve been trying to do this blog for about a year, and I’m not even exaggerating. ALEPEL approached me months and months ago about its newest Capsule Collection; featuring beautiful one-of-a-kind hand-painted slide-on’s, but then IRMA happened and my schedule fell apart and then LIFE happened and now, here we are.

I’ve always been a big believer that things happen in life as they should; when we’re open and ready to receive them. That’s how I feel about “Sole-ful Art”. I’ve needed something “feel good” and meaningful, especially now.

Like a lot of people in our country, I’ve been in despair over some of our extreme and sometimes heartbreaking problems: mass shootings, political rhetoric and societal issues. Making matters worse? How we’re treating one another.

Listen, I don’t wanna open up a can of worms here. After all, this is a fashion blog AND over the years I’ve dedicated myself to making Favorite Things a safe harbor of feel-good stories & experiences, but my heart is heavy as I watch our country fuel its own vitriolic divide. Fighting for what you believe in is one thing, but disparaging others and becoming a mean-spirited tyrant is another.

When I open social media these days I literally wince, especially Facebook and Twitter. My friends, family, even journalists (who btw are supposed to be non-biased) spew opinionated hate. Is this really the world we’re living in? Of course, I already know the answer. YES.

I don’t expect us to all hold hands and sing “Kumbaya;” I know how the world works and it can be a cold, hard place. I’m talking about just common human decency. Love thy neighbor? Treat people the way you want to be treated? Is the Golden Rule dead or is she just taking a leave of absence? My gut instinct makes me shudder.

Then I remember something my parents taught me. One person’s attitude, decorum and behavior CAN make a difference and that’s where “Sole-ful Art” comes in. ALEPEL by Adriana (a shoe company based on modern architecture and provocative design,) released their 2017 Capsule Collection to pay homage to Venezuela, the designers’ home country, but that’s not all. The company’s mission? Giving back.

Employing the talents of a young disabled Caribbean artist, ALEPEL released a line of joy-inspiring slides. The whimsical hand-painted themes centered around Venezuela’s national flower, bird and tree. Proceeds from the sale of the shoes went to a local non-profit organization in the region dedicated to helping abandoned children. The project was so successful, it extended into Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Partnering with social media influencer, Angeles Almuna, ALEPEL released another one-of-a-kind, Capsule Collection celebrating the beauty and strength of women fighting breast cancer. These slide-on’s featured delicate hand-painted peonies symbolizing good fortune, happiness and positivity for the future. A portion of the sales were given to GLAM4GOOD, an organization that ignites positive social change through style and fashion.

As “Sole-ful Art” has grown more popular, so has ALEPEL’s collaborations; most recently with on-line luxury retailer, Moda Operandi and one of my favorites, (when you shop on this site, they donate to children in need at no extra cost). When I finally received my own pair of slides a few weeks ago (mind you, almost a year later,) I was happy and emotional. Sure, I love shoes, but it’s more than that — it’s the gesture of good people in our community doing good things for those who need it.

And while there are a lot of things about the world that make me sad right now, there are also things like “Sole-ful Art” that give me hope and re-calibrate my purpose. Even if it’s just one pair of shoes, it’s certainly a step in the right direction — and that’s something every fashionista can wear well and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

shop the collection

Be Social
Twitter: @AlepelByAdriana
FB: @alepelbyadriana
IG: @alepel_byadriana

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” — Pablo Picasso

James Woodley Photography
Jumper by @forloveoflemons from @EtiquetteBoutiques Shoes are called: “Paisley Mule in White Pastels” by Alepel by Adriana Epelboim-Levy & hand-painted by Miami artists shot on location at Miami Beach Botanical Garden Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Sole Man” Auerbach

License to Frill Wed, 06 Jun 2018 17:53:01 +0000 What:
Getting to wear a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted couture gown in a setting that would make even James Bond jealous. The name is Sandoval, Shireen Sandoval.

A few months ago, I got an email that rocked my fashion world. Mind you, with the hundreds I get on a daily basis it takes me days, sometimes weeks, to open them and even longer to respond. For whatever reason, this one was different. I clicked on it right away, scrolled down to the pictures and there it was — THE DRESS.

In a stroke of genius, TA Couture & Aston Martin Residences downtown Miami decided to join forces for a night of art & fashion and one of the impressive results? The gorgeous gown featured in “License to Frill” — which is by far one of the most awe-inspiring things I’ve ever put on my body. Now I fully get the “fairy tale princess” thing. #Swoon

The one-of-a-kind, eye-popping masterpiece was created by Fashion Designer Tammy Apostol (TA Couture) and hand-painted by artist Griselda Lechini. The princess-cut strapless gown features a full skirt with 60 yards of fabric & is embellished with crystals and silk flowers. The combination of impressionism artwork and ornate trimmings allows for a three-dimensional fashion experience. Adding an extra touch of elegance, fascinators from TA Couture’s millinery atelier.

So, where does Aston Martin Residences come into all this? Besides being a beautiful backdrop for the TA Couture event and “License to Frill” — it’s also awe-inspiring in its own way. Soon to be the tallest luxury condominium building in Miami-Dade, its extreme quality is married to its exceptional design and when you think about it, that’s exactly what couture embodies, too.

And, it’s what Aston Martin prides itself on when designing cars like the Vulcan, which shares the spotlight in “License to Frill” (shot inside the showroom at the Aston Martin residences.) With 820 horsepower and curves to make any man drool, the 2.3 million dollar hyper car isn’t just engineering, it’s art. There are only 24 in the entire world. It’s simply spectacular, but then again, what element of this blog isn’t? #JackpotBlog

If you’re not ready to jump into a ball gown, TA Couture also released a line of limited edition art tunics that incorporate Griselda’s paintings. They’re perfect for a cocktail party, romantic dinner or just to add a burst of summer color to your wardrobe. By the way, if you’re not familiar with TA Couture, you need to be. Especially if you’re a glamour puss like myself. Tammy is an infectious and experienced designer who’s creations are expressive, chic and feminine.

It’s not everyday a girl gets a “License to Frill” — but with the perfect combination of fashion, art, architecture and engineering, one can’t help but get special permission to show it all off and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

IG: @ShireenSandoval
FB: @ShireenSandoval
Twitter: @ShireenSandoval

For more fashion photos visit

Shop Tammy’s creations:
IG: @tacouture
FB: @tacouture

Get to know the artist:
IG: @griseldalechini

Shop a residence:
IG: @amresidencesmiami
300 Biscayne Boulevard Way
Miami, Florida 33131

“Dress changes the manners.”

James Woodley Photography
Dress & Fascinators by Tammy Apostol Couture & Artist, Griselda Lechini
shot on location downtown Miami at Aston Martin Residences
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Double Oh No He Didn’t” Auerbach

~In loving memory of Kate Spade~

Summer Romance Wed, 23 May 2018 17:54:59 +0000 What:
Falling head over heels for Kendra Scott’s 2018 Summer Collection, because who doesn’t want to wear eye-popping statement jewelry, drenched in vibrant colors, that leaves a lasting impression? That’s not all: if you smell it, they will come or something like that…introducing Kendra’s newest conquest: “The Candle Collection”.

I remember my first “Summer Romance” as if it were yesterday. It blossomed in a sleepy seaside town in North Carolina. The smell of the salty air, the feel of the sunburn on my fair skin and the taste of my boyfriends soft lips — it was all heavenly. We were both fourteen at the time and hopelessly in love.

That summer was one of the most special times of my life; wrapped in the warmth of a group of young friends, whose parents had bravely invited a dozen of us on an extended trip filled with endless days of laughter on the beach and lazy nights with planned putt-putt outings and picnic food to feed us. Once the house fell silent with sleep, my boyfriend and I would sneak outside and rendezvous on one the house’s large balconies.

We held hands under the stars, gazed into one another’s eyes and let the gentle breeze of the ocean do the talking. When we felt comfortable enough, we kissed and kissed some more. It was innocent, pure and nothing about the weight of life had complicated it yet.

Looking back, not only do I remember the bright blue color of my boyfriend’s eyes, but I recall the deep aqua-greens of the ocean, the vibrant textures of a summer well-lived and the smells of the sea, salt and sand. Even at a young age, it made me feel incredibly alive and present.

And now, thanks to Kendra Scott’s 2018 Summer Jewelry Collection, those moments seem to be more than just a distant memory. The designer, whom I’ve always adored, has somehow managed to capture the essence of my “Summer Romance” with her unique and memorable new pieces.

Bathed in exotic colors and enhanced with something called Raffia (a paper-thin tropical texture,) Kendra’s created fringe and tassel- centric necklaces, bracelets and to-die-for earrings. Her new baubles are brave, bold and have individual styling power. My favorites are the Kristen & Denise (both pictured in the blog.) When you wear a pair, you don’t need any other accessory. #EarCandyAtItsFinest

And while Change isn’t easy for any of us, Kendra does it with sophistication, sex appeal and the kind of “Summer Romance” you can’t help but fall in love with. Her fashion-forward summer trends can literally transform any outfit. Speaking of transformations — using the power and healing energies of crystals and the rich & delightful smells of nature, Kendra is also introducing a new Candle Collection with three distinct creations.

The Rose Quartz, a stone of both the heart and unconditional love, smells of peony, vanilla & rose. The Amethyst, which can cleanse, calm and protect, has notes of blackberry, sandalwood & lilac blossom and Malachite, used for deep energy cleaning, is a fragrance of green ivy, frankincense & warm amber. The candles, which come with gorgeous crystals, are specifically designed to reflect different moods because as Kendra says: “Somedays I want to feel flirty, or even sultry. Others, I need a moment of calm and rejuvenation. But everyday I always choose optimism.”

No matter what kind of mood Kendra’s in these days, she’s channeling beautiful energy into some of the things I adore most: jewelry and home decor. Whether you’re making a fashion statement or filling your home with the positive and powerful — a fabulous “Summer Romance” is always a great place to start and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. Happy Shopping!

Kendra Scott
Brickell City Centre
701 S. Miami Avenue
Miami, Florida 33130

The Kendra Scott Boutique is located on the second floor of Brickell City Centre. There’s garage parking and it’s free for the first two hours or shop the jewelry looks & home candles here:

Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Sunday: 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Be Social:
IG: @KendraScott
FB: @KendraScott
Twitter: @KendraScott

“She lived in me
like the first days of summer
she was warm
and new
infinitely possible.” — Atticus

James Woodley Photography
Shot on location at Kendra Scott located at Brickell City Centre
All Jewelry provided by Kendra Scott
Two-piece white dress
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew ” Summer in the City” Auerbach

A Day on Espanola Way Wed, 11 Apr 2018 20:36:23 +0000  What:

Spending the day doing what I do best: shopping, eating, dancing, snoozing and exploring one of Miami Beach’s most iconic streets: Espanola Way.


“I can’t think of a better way/ to spend the day/than on Espanola Way.” Especially after its massive multi-million dollar renovation. Sure, it’s always been a popular thoroughfare and yes, it’s always been inspiring, but now, its bustling personality is even bigger and better than before.

The secret ingredient? The street is FINALLY closed to cars, making it pedestrian-only. Now, you can easily stroll down the middle of the road like a boss, fully absorbing everything that makes Espanola Way so special — the enchanting Mediterranean architecture, lively restaurants, eclectic shops and secret nooks and passageways that lead to beautiful boutique hotels.

The area, originally formed as an artist colony back in the 1920’s, reminds me of my beloved Santa Fe and while it’s not necessarily the Wild West, it does have an outspoken bohemian spirit mixed with a European flair I truly appreciate. It’s a place where everyone fits in — I emphasis this because I’ve noticed Miami’s recent penchant for pigeonholing people & places into categories: artsy, hipster, urban, nouveau riche; the list goes on…(for the record, I hate that and happen to live in an up-&-coming “seedy” area). #Whatevezzzz

In full disclosure, for years I’ve avoided “A Day On Espanola Way” because of its touristy reputation but now, the area is flourishing with local activities: yoga classes, salsa nights and free monthly events open to the public. My day there was such an amazing experience. I felt transported to another city; another country even. After a leisurely morning of getting reacquainted with the area, I decided to have lunch, too.

Lucky for me, Havana 1957 was eager to host. The Cuban restaurant, which happens to be a South Florida staple, is not only a true reflection of one of Miami’s richest cultures, it’s also a nod to Havana in its heyday and I’ll drink to that! Speaking of…

I’m crazy about their large selection of mouthwatering mojitos. I tried the Strawberry & Classic, but they also have interesting ones like Red Bull & Diet, perfect for the partier who needs a pick-me-up or for those of us constantly watching our waistline. My favorite appetizer is “Tostones Rellenos Havana 1957,” which are heartbreakingly good. You get an assortment of plantain cups stuffed with garlic shrimp, shredded roasted chicken, ropa vieja and ground beef. Sweet baby Jesus, these are #LIFE…

The Signature chicken, served with rice and plantains, is called Pollo Frita A La Cubana. It’s a crispy marinated half-chicken served in a yummy garlic and onion sauce. The pork is amazing, too. Lechon Asado, a slow roasted pork leg with Cuban mojo, is served with moro rice and yuca. If you prefer eating lighter, Havana 1957 also has a nice selection of salads, perfect for a hot summer day. I ended lunch with Guava Cheesecake. It was so good, I dreamed about it later that night. There I was, in a cloud of pillows eating that very dessert, taking gi-normous bites while trying to talk on live TV. LOL. I’m not sure what that was all about…

But I do know, rediscovering a place I’ve always loved is a magical feeling. It’s like reconnecting with an old friend, you know the in’s & out’s of the relationship, but years gone by have made them more textured, interesting and even better — that’s exactly how I feel about “A Day On Espanola Way” and that’s why it’s one of My Favorite Things.

FB: @OnEspanolaWay

IG: @OnEspanolaWay

Twitter: @OnEspanolaWay FB: @Havana1957Restaurant IG: @havana1957 Twitter: @havana1957miami

 “An invitation to a beautiful street is an invitation to walk within a dream!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan

 James Woodley Photography

1st look: Black Sundress by @BCBGsouthbeach, Sun Hat by Black Fringe Purse @V73 Boots: turquoise jewelry from my New Mexico Collection

2nd look: Yellow & White Sundress & Hat Lip clutch Under The Big Top Heels by

Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez

Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger

Editor: Matthew “NYC 1952” Auerbach

Frills & Flowers w/ Alice + Olivia Wed, 28 Mar 2018 15:56:03 +0000  

Celebrating spring fashions at alice + olivia’s gorgeous new flagship store in the Miami Design District.

Bold colors, flirty flowers and fancy frills as far as the eye can see; it’s everything I dreamed the new alice + olivia flagship store would be and then some. The chic new boutique, which held its official grand opening a few weeks ago on International Women’s Day, is a direct reflection of the wonderfully whimsical woman who started it all: Stacey Bendet.

Like any good idea, Stacey gave birth to alice + olivia quite naturally. As fashion legend has it, she was searching for the perfect pair of pants but came up empty. What started as an exciting trouser treasure hunt ended in a fruitless and frustrating fashion moment. However, the good news is a “Frills & Flowers” seed was forever planted.

That was back in 2002 and apparently, Stacey was onto something because sixteen years later, her brand is a global sensation producing clothing, jewelry, shoes, purses and sunglasses. Her designs are eclectic, personality-driven and insanely unique, not to mention high-quality.

For spring, Stacey is using more than just flower power and incredible colors to engage fashionistas. She’s added fun t-shirts with sayings like, “The World Needs More Sparkle” and “When Women Support Each Other Great Things Happen.” As you may have guessed, Stacey is all about empowering those around her and personally, that’s the kind of #ladyboss I want designing what I choose to put on my body. Speaking of…

Stacey’s new flagship store, in the heart of the Design District, is filled with the gorgeous and glamorous. The two-story ode to clean architecture and a decadent life style is enhanced by natural light with gi-normous floor-to-ceiling windows. Every corner of the place is well thought-out and creatively crafted. I especially love the dressing rooms; they make you feel and look good. I can’t remember the last time I said that while getting my retail therapy on. From the wall paper to the carefully angled mirrors, you’ll wanna take a few #selfies. I know I did.

So, why a flagship store in the Magic City? Because Stacey believes the women in Miami embody her brand: they’re sexy, stylish and not afraid to express themselves through fashion. Feeling special in your clothing is a beautiful thing, but finding a way to execute that “IT” factor without looking like everyone else around you is where alice + olivia owns the market and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

alice + olivia
99 NE 39th Street
Miami, Florida 33137

Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 12pm-6pm

Be Social:
IG: @aliceandolivia
FB: @aliceandoliviabystaceybendet
Twitter: @aliceandolivia

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” — Theodore Roethke

James Woodley Photography
All clothing, jewelry & shoes by alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet
shot on-site at alice + olivia in the Design District
styled by Andrea Jacobs of alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Wonderfully Whimsical” Auerbach

Spring Fever Wed, 14 Mar 2018 20:52:49 +0000 What:
Discovering & falling in love with Yara Bashoor’s handbags and styling them with looks inspired by Springtime in South Florida.

If you’re looking for a new bag to beautify your Spring wardrobe, look no further…

Designer Yara Bashoor isn’t just prettying up the Miami purse game with her gorgeous pieces; she’s also giving a girl on a fashion budget (that would be me) a chance to enjoy luxury for less. My 401k is rejoicing as I type this and I’m about to throw up an “amen” to the fashion gods — AMEN!

Using Alligator and South African Ostrich skins, she carefully curates bold, interesting and sophisticated clutches and totes. What I love most about her bags, besides the undeniable quality, is their decadent colors, textures and shapes.They remind me of that old-school board game, “Candy Land” – bright and mood-lifting. Better yet, they trigger childhood memories of rainbow-colored snow cones ready to be devoured on a hot summer day.

Instead of sticky fingers, though, Yara’s purses feel more like butter: soft, supple and sinfully expensive. Usually a bag of this caliber would cost you a kidney or your first-born. Luckily, Yara’s ingenuity has led her to cut out the middleman, leaving costs solely wrapped up in craftsmanship and that, of course, benefits her customers.

Besides being entrenched in South Florida’s fashion community, where Yara’s purses are featured at local events and in the occasional local/luxury magazine, she’s gained true “Spring Fever” footing on social media and by word-of-mouth, which is how I found her.

There’s something else, too.

Yara is the kind of woman I straight-up admire. She’s an architect, lawyer and designer (yes, in that order, but who’s keeping track when you’re that successful.) I don’t think it’s a coincidence that her purses are a direct reflection of her chosen education and career path: structured lines, effortless durability and chic sophistication. Could she be any more fabulous?

While Yara describes her totes as “smart, stylish and confident,” you can’t help but notice she’s actually describing herself, and that’s why “Spring Fever” is one of my Favorite Things.

Be Social:
FB: @ybhandbags
IG: @yara.bashoor

Shop “The Joey L Clutch” or “The Adam L Tote” here:

“A tax rebate is pretty much the government telling me – I must buy this bag!” — Randy Miller

James Woodley Photography
Purses designed by Yara Bashoor
Wardrobe: @bcbgsouthbeach
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Butter” Auerbach

IMG_1115 (1)
Beauty at the Beach Wed, 28 Feb 2018 20:04:31 +0000 What:
Glamming it up on South Beach wearing Lexi Jewelry; a line inspired by nature, femininity and fashion.

I have a special place in my heart for Lexi Segre. Not only is she one of the first jewelry designers I featured on ‘Favorite Things’ when I first started the blog, but she also happens to be an incredibly talented artist who effortlessly captures the essence of ‘life on the beach’ with her beautiful baubles.

It’s not all hippy dippy, surfer girl either. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good gypsy vibe, but I also need structure for my day job, which is TV Chic and sophistication for the city side of my personality. Lexi not only delivers that delicate diversity, she also inspires fashionistas to reach beyond seasonal trends and wear pieces that truly speak to them, hence the title of the blog: “Beauty at the Beach.” Meaning…

I’m not the kind of girl you’ll necessarily find frolicking in the ocean — because working and living in Miami is an entirely different beast than vacationing here — but how I dress and the jewelry I wear IS a direct reflection of my surroundings: surf, sand, art deco buildings, a sparkling skyline and sexy people.

Using stones, shells, horns and bone, Lexi captures all of it with her one-of-a-kind pieces. While nature shapes and molds her creativity, the timeless elegance of the ancient Greeks and Romans — think Aphrodite mixed with Helen of Troy — gives her her true inspiration. What kind of fashionista doesn’t want to serve up a little bit of earthy Greek goddess or some “Beauty at the Beach” goodness? I know I do!

This year, as I’ve dedicated my blog to ALL things that truly make me happy, revisiting Lexi and her gorgeous line is something that feels like home. Maybe it’s because the designer, who’s based in Miami, seamlessly blends everything that truly “speaks to me” and if that doesn’t make you sparkle, I don’t know what will and that’s why “Beauty and the Beach” is one of my Favorite Things.

IG: @ShireenSandoval
FB: @ShireenSandoval
Twitter: @ShireenSandoval

For more fashion photos visit

Shop the jewelry featured in the blog and then some:

IG: @lexijewelry
FB: @LexiJewelry

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

James Woodley Photography
All jewelry designed by Lexi Segre of Lexi Jewelry
Pink Duster & Tights: @vchicstore
Pink Betsey Johnson Slides
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “TV Sloppy” Auerbach

Scent of a Man Thu, 15 Feb 2018 00:52:37 +0000 What:
The intoxicating smell of love.

The first time I got a good whiff of my boyfriend, James, I knew it was true pheromone love. He was so intoxicating, I could hardly contain myself. In fact, I inappropriately sniffed him up at a cocktail party after one too many glasses of wine. He laughed it off, but I followed him around like a giddy school girl the entire night. It wasn’t just his cologne; it was something stronger, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on — or, in this case, my nose.

Months would pass before we saw each other again, and when we finally did, we were both going through rough break-ups. I can’t speak for James, but the guy I was dating at the time had unceremoniously dumped me for being “too successful” and making him feel like “less of a man.” Strangely, I never liked the way he smelled anyway, which was a mix of pastrami, onions and dirty mop water. I know, I know…

So why was I dating him in the first place? Well, after two failed marriages and a string of sucky boyfriends, I let someone at work (who happens to be editing this blog) talk me into taking a chance on someone I wouldn’t normally date. I was game. I mean, why not? Growing up, my mom always used to say: “The face of love will surprise you.”

I don’t think she meant FORCE YOURSELF TO LIKE SOMEONE, but I was desperate and slightly immature. It’s not that I didn’t like him; it just never really clicked. He knew it, and I knew it. So he put “US” out of our misery. I took it pretty hard, but honestly, it was about more than just the break-up, it was ALL of it.

I thought I’d never find true love or any love, for that matter. I was so good at making bad decisions, I made Flava Flav’s obnoxious dating show “Flavor of Love” look like a romantic Hollywood classic.

Anyhow, a few days after we parted ways, I became extremely depressed and despondent. I spent hours over-analyzing my life, drinking too much and drunk texting another ex-boyfriend. My inadequate feelings led to a brief reunion. Boy, oh boy, was THAT a mistake. As if he wasn’t crazy enough the first time, on our second go around he gave Charles Manson a run for his money. He didn’t murder anyone, but he was a spitting image of the serial killer and did I mention crazy? #WeAllMakeMistakes #SometimesTwice 🤪

After that, I gave up on men altogether and did something out of the ordinary. I followed my nose…

When I first called James, it was purely innocent. I had no idea he was going through a break-up and/or how he’d respond to me ringing him up out of the blue asking for relationship advice. He was cordial and generous with his time and told me if any man felt threatened by my success that was on them and had nothing to do with me.

Our conversations spilled into emails and then text messages and eventually into a few get-togethers with mutual friends. Along the way, I noticed that James did things that no other man in my life had ever done. He called when he said he would, he texted without fail, he didn’t play games and he never, ever magically fell off the face of the earth. My ex-husband was astonishingly good at that last one.

James was stable, reliable and acted like he genuinely wanted to be around me, but what about taking it to the next level? Was I misreading him? I didn’t have the confidence to ask him in person, so I decided to text him instead…

Me: You know I really like you, right?
James: I like you, too.
Me: No, I mean I like you, LIKE you.
Me: I want to be more than just friends.
James: I feel the same.

Those four little words would change my life BIG time. After that text exchange, James has never stopped loving me (through the good and the bad.) During our first few months together as a couple, I stumbled around in a haze of love. I was completely ridiculous, ask me if I cared? NOPE.

When James left for work, I’d sniff the pillows he slept on or the shirts he left behind. When he’d go out of town, I’d wear his clothes around the house and squirt myself with his cologne. Eventually, I confessed my “Scent of a Man” obsession to which James replied: “I kind of figured that out the night of the cocktail party.” Was I embarrassed? NOPE.

That’s the thing about the right kind of love: it gives you the confidence to be yourself. In my other relationships, I was always jockeying for position; trying to figure out exactly what was happening and where I stood. Not with James, though: it’s clear, straightforward, undeniable love and attention. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy, but it means it’s ALL worth it.

Four years later and I’m still sniffing my way around the relationship. The only difference now is James and I have a life together, we have history and a more mature love – still – whether I’m smelling his shirt, pillows or his delicious neck: “Scent of a Man” will always be one of my Favorite Things. Happy Valentines Day!

IG: @ShireenSandoval
FB: @ShireenSandoval
Twitter: @ShireenSandoval

For more fashion photos visit

Don’t have someone to sniff? Create your own “Scent of a Man” look with a shirt like this:

“The best smell in the world is the man that you love.” — Jennifer Aniston

James Woodley Photography
Shirt: @Forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I’m No Matchmaker” Auerbach

The Ultimate Traveling Companion Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:33:18 +0000 What:
If I collected all of my special travel memories & awe-inspiring moments on the road and put them into one place, it would look and feel like a Boucle Bag.

When I caught my very first glimpse of a Boucle Bag, I was completely intoxicated by its originality. Yes, it actually made me HAPPY, something I talked a lot about in my first blog of the year: “A Fashionable Change.”

Purses don’t usually evoke emotion out of me; I mean, I’m a shoe girl, but this one? WOW. With its bold colors, yummy textures and individual styling, I could hardly ignore HOW it made me feel.

Boucle Bags aren’t just purses, they’re travel bags inspired by the Far East and one of the area’s creative customs: people write wishes on colorful tags and tie them around tree branches. Whether it’s love, health, success or happiness, those hopes and dreams are sent into the universe, leaving a kaleidoscope of fascination behind.

Not only does Boucle bring that beautiful tradition to life via fashion, it does it with exquisitely handcrafted quality. No two bags are alike and all that gobsmacking detail isn’t just reserved for the outside. Boucle Bags are roomy, sturdy and ready to help you chicly conquer your next destination: work, play, a long weekend getaway or how about that trip you’ve always dreamed of?

Speaking of…

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to truly express the impact traveling the world has had on my heart. My first golden sunset in Australia, the incredible visual impact of Hong Kong’s cityscape, the lush green rolling hills of Scotland and the rich architecture and opulence of Russia. I can’t wait for my next exciting adventure and you can bet my new Boucle Bag will be right there with me and that’s why “The Ultimate Traveling Companion” is one of my Favorite Things.

Shop the Gabriella Boucle Bag here:

For more fashion pictures visit

Be Social:
IG: @bouclebag

“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” —Mary Anne Radmacher

James Woodley Photography
Outfit by @xobetseyjohnson
Shoes: @Forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Completely Intoxicated” Auerbach

A Fashionable Change Wed, 17 Jan 2018 20:27:22 +0000 What:
A day at the beach with Solea Cangas and figuring out what I really want Shireen’s Favorite Things to be.

You may not know this, but when I first started the blog it was a way for me to express the pain and hurt of some devastating things that happened in my life: the loss of a baby, a major illness and the break-up of my marriage. It was some heavy stuff and I wasn’t exactly parading around South Florida in stylish trends. I was just trying to keep my head above water. Actually, if I’m being totally honest, I was a complete disaster. The writing/blogging helped with my grieving process and sharing my stories eventually healed me. At least to the point where I felt I was OKAY…

After the s*** storm hit. Because frankly, there’s no other to describe it…

The blog took on a more “stylish” turn. I felt guilty about it for awhile, mainly because my more serious storytelling had developed a strong online following. Taking a lighter, less “important” direction felt like a complete sell-out. It wasn’t, though; I promise you. Instead, it was a way of giving myself permission to leave my deep sadness and the morose introspection that always followed it behind.

When I first started the blog as it’s known now: “Shireen’s Favorite Things”…

I got A LOT of push back. Career-based fashion bloggers turned up their noses at me, my television co-horts didn’t understand it and key people around me (who pretended to care) just wanted to capitalize on it. What’s more, some readers didn’t want the “happy” me; perhaps the “sad” me was more relatable. In the meantime, all I wanted to do was write, tell stories, find creativity, inspiration and hopefully give birth to the new person I wanted, needed and hoped I could be.

The first year of ‘Favorite Things’ (everyone involved) worked like gangbusters. We gave up everything — especially our free time. It was hard at first, but we grew accustomed to it, then we got better at it and learned not to sacrifice what everyone needed: a break (even fashion has seasons for a reason.) As the years passed and the blog grew in popularity, Deco Drive got involved and WSVN supported my stylish storytelling like a proud mother, giving me creative liberties, cheering on my original content and awarding me an on-air fashion segment to run in tandem with the online blog.

Since then…

I’ve tackled almost every topic: movies, celebrities, famous and local fashion designers, seasonal, solo and eccentric trends, boutiques, interesting South Florida places and eventually, food (which happens to be an incredibly popular part of the blog now called: Shireen’s Spotlight.)

During the thick of it, I’d always ask myself: Do people care? Are they reading? Are they clicking onto something that’s enriching their lives? Is it enriching mine? And — what’s the ultimate outcome?” I didn’t know the answers beyond what the analytics were telling me. What I did know was…

When I pressed those closest to me (like my own mother,) most hadn’t even read the blog; including people who were working on it. “I haven’t read it, but I do love the pictures,” was the typical response I’d get. Still, I pushed on.

I’m not stupid. I mean, I get we’re living in a phone-driven, photo-taking, time-pressed society. Easy immediacy is the name of the game. Plus, I’m at THAT age — the one where you do things for yourself and not other people. Writing, blogging, exploring, reporting, traveling, working weekends, eating a lot of food..I did it for myself and it’s been enough — until now.

Over the holidays, I took a long break from blogging. I needed it because I felt tired and uninspired and it was gnawing at me. WHY? Why had something I loved so much changed? Most of us hate change and I’m one of those people. I like a good challenge, but when feelings and emotions start twisting and turning inside me, I panic because I know it’s time to re-evaluate and get real with myself.

At first, though, I ignore it for as long as humanly possible, but eventually, it spills over into everything I say and do, followed by long bouts of anxiety, crying jags and unhappiness. It’s almost as if my inside emotions are forcing me to change my outward path and begrudgingly, I HAVE to do it.

So, here we are — at the edge of the cliff of change — about to jump (and thank you if you’re actually reading this and not just looking at the pictures, especially Matty, because he has to and Jackie, because she’s my biggest cheerleader.)

From now on, I’ll be featuring things on the blog that evoke a special kind of emotion out of me: mainly, HAPPINESS. Like the very thing highlighted today — — a company inspired by the ocean, uplifted by art and started by strong, entrepreneurial women. It’s a wrap-slash-beach blanket, with yummy lightweight material. The idea hails from the beaches of Rio, one of my favorite places on earth.

As I continue reinventing myself and Favorite Things…

I want more simplicity, as in less explaining. Yes, I’m caving, while a lot of people don’t have time to sit down and read, imagine what it’s like finding time to write pages upon pages of heartfelt fashion stories (especially with another full-time uber-demanding job.)

Not everything I focus on from here-on-out will be featured on TV. Not only can an aggressive deadline squash my creativity, but it takes away from the original “je ne sais quoi” of the blog.

I hope my new direction leaves you feeling good, inspired and yes, even happy after checking out the blog. It’s the least I can do for my faithful followers because YOU are one of my Favorite Things.

For more fashion pictures visit

Be Social
IG: @soleacangas
FB: @soleacangas

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move into it, and join the dance.” — Alan W. Watts

James Woodley Photography
Outfit by @forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I Like This Job” Auerbach

Slay in Herve Wed, 20 Dec 2017 18:55:16 +0000 Slay in Herve … because it’s the best way to end a fashionable year

Wrapping up 2017 wearing one of my Favorite Things: HERVE LEGER. Plus, a little jibber-jabber about hopes, dreams and fancy things in 2018.

Ahh, romance & glamour…

Nothing used to say “New Year’s Eve” to me like a fabulous dress, a festive party and a fantastic man.

Think the popular 80’s movie: “When Harry Met Sally.”

More specifically, that famous last scene in the film when Harry & Sally realize they’re freaking nuts about each other.

It starts out with a hurried Harry pushing his way through a crowded New Year’s Eve party trying to find a heartbroken Sally. He’s in street clothes, she, of course, is in a gorgeous off-the-shoulder dark blue cocktail dress, looking every inch the fashion goddess.

Despite being broken up for months, the “meant to be” couple finally comes face-to-face on one of the most iconic nights of the year.

And, while their chemistry is ELECTRIC and their love PALPABLE, their happily-ever-after hangs delicately in the balance (Get me a tissue!).


Harry proceeds to tell Sally she’s the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He adds sweetly: “I love you.” “What?” She says perplexed. “I love you,” he says emphatically.

Sally doesn’t believe Harry (because, well, most of the time men suck,) so she explains: “It doesn’t work that way! You can’t just barge back into my life expecting to pick up where we left off, because it’s New Year’s Eve and you feel lonely.”

Just as the traditional countdown begins, Harry tells Sally he doesn’t love her because he’s lonely, he loves her because of her special idiosyncrasies; like how she gets cold when it’s 71 degrees, how her face wrinkles up just above her nose when he says something annoying and how it takes Sally an hour or so just to order a simple sandwich.

“Auld Lang Syne” starts playing in the background and Sally cries: “I hate you, Harry,” but of course, she doesn’t really hate him, she LOVES him, they love one another. As they embrace and fall into a passionate kiss, the camera zooms out revealing the landscape of the party: the balloons, the confetti and dozens of couples dancing… Happy New Year!! 🎉

OMG! Be still, my besotted heart. 💝

Not only is that scene major movie magic, it’s something I’ve tried recreating for the better part of my adult life. The dress, the party, the man, the romance of it all and the trappings I assumed came along with it.

LUCKILY, somewhere along the way, life grabbed me by the shoulders and shook the hopeless romantic out of me. I know, I know, it sounds kind of morose, but actually, it was more like divine intervention.

Hollywood happiness isn’t just fleeting, it’s not even humanly possible. In fact, it’s a fool’s set-up for complete and utter disappointment. And while I’m at it, so is all the “politically correct” love rhetoric floating around in today’s society.

I don’t like ad campaigns, movies, social media, fairytales, religion, race or even my parents telling me how to love, who to love and what I should be wearing while I’m doing it.

You see, I tried all that on for size and it didn’t fit. In fact, it was suffocatingly small for what life really had in store for me. Two divorces and a lot of emotional baggage later…

I realized…

Life is ridiculously messy and heartbreaking and more often than not, it doesn’t come with witty Billy Crystal dialogue, good movie lighting and a perfect wardrobe (believe me, some of my early New Year’s Eve outfits were real doozies.)

Eventually, that dress, that man, that party, it all changes. The focus appropriately shifts to the woman you’re becoming, how the man treats you (with loving actions, not gilded words) and just as important, it’s about who you choose to surround yourself with (even when at a party.) We are, after all, the company we keep.

As New Years pass, I’ve had a lot of time to think about “When Harry Met Sally” and exactly what I was trying to extract from the last scene of the movie. And…

The answer is still somewhat elusive because it’s not necessarily tangible. Instead, it’s this incredible *feeling* that washes over me when I watch it. One of warmth, hope, dreams and desires…

Which is impossible to find during an hour and thirty six minutes of cinematic romance. It simply takes a lifetime of mistakes: highs, lows, self-tolerance, growth and trusting yourself to find out exactly WHAT it is that YOU need and what YOU want and no one else.

And while I still love a fabulous dress, a festive party and a fantastic man, I’ve learned to go about it the right way — MY WAY — because we all deserve our own #HappilyEverAfter even if it’s not something Hollywood would ever write about and that’s why “Slay in Herve” is one of my Favorite Things.

A special thank you to BCBG South Beach & Herve Leger for supporting my ambitious fashion writing and television career everyday of the year.

This blog is dedicated to Jackie Kay.

Herve Leger inside BCBG South Beach
Lincoln Road Mall
Miami, Florida 33139
(On the corner of Lincoln and Meridian.)

Monday-Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Thursday-Saturday: 10 a.m.  – 12 a.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Be Social:
Twitter: @HerveLeger &

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different…” — C.S. Lewis

James Woodley Photography
Styling: Marina, Shireen & Jackie Kay
Make-up: Tabitha Rey & Hair: Jess Stuver of
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I’m Not Harry” Auerbach

Topping It Off for 2018! Wed, 06 Dec 2017 20:10:49 +0000 What:
Making my New Year’s Eve outfit extra-special with some magnificent millinery AND trying to breath new life into my usual “Auld Lang Syne” traditions.


That’s how I’d describe my typical New Year’s Eve. At least over the past decade, but it’s probably not what you’re thinking. Especially if you’re taking GANGBUSTERS positively. Sure, yes, it’s a success, but barely.

My night usually goes something like this…

After hosting Deco Drive, I jump OFF the set and INTO a Channel 7 live truck, where I’m whisked away to the biggest party in Miami. I know, I know, it sounds kind of glamorous, but it’s sooooo NOT. At some point during our hurried drive, we hit cra-cra traffic and that’s when the nail-biting nightmare begins.

My heart races, my palms sweat and my mind goes through a million trouble-shooting scenarios. Not because I’m nervous to be on TV; it’s about what goes along with it…

Getting timely interviews, writing a comprehensive story about the night’s revelries and dealing with the boozers — who love giving mom a shout-out or yelling obscenities at me — while I’m on live TV (don’t be THAT person 😂).

Even worse, the journalism part has to happen BEFORE 10 o’clock.

Okay, okay, so I know what you’re thinking: if I get off the set at 8pm (when Deco’s over) and head to the party, it seems do-able. Challenging, but do-able.

The problem? Traffic, crowd congestion, DUI checks, finding the other crew who are set up and waiting for me. Tick tock, tick tock…

One year, I landed in front of the camera ONE minute before I was supposed to be on. My story wasn’t done and I was panting from running a few blocks to get to my crew (obviously before my bad knee situation. Although, honestly, when it comes to live TV, you run despite a bad knee).

It was a disaster, but it’s live television and the show must go on. In fact, it always goes on, with or without you. I had some props (squeaky toys and some confetti) so I made due and for my next live-shot was able to string together something resembling a story.


Around 11:30 p.m., the news ENDS and the crew packs up (we call it break down) and we’re left deciding exactly “what” to do.

If I’m working with a photographer who has a family or significant other, usually he or she is motivated to make it home before the New Year countdown, but more often than not, we find ourselves stuck in traffic or just not physically able to wiggle our way out of the situation we’re already in.

And just like that, sitting in a nondescript news vehicle somewhere alongside I-95 or Biscayne Boulevard, the clock unceremoniously turns midnight. Uh, Happy New Year?

Listen, I’m not belly-aching (okay, maybe I am just a little,) it’s what I signed up for. You know, the whole journalist thing. You move away from home, work on holiday’s, early in the morning, late at night, on weekends, you travel more than a 747 and sometimes, you spend New Years Eve at the last place in the world you wanna be. I’ve made my peace with it so don’t feel sorry for me.

The good news is…

As I get older and have more seniority, I get SOME holidays off, but man, I always have wicked bad luck with New Years Eve. Last year, I actually spent it on a plane. Don’t ask. I tried doing a silent NYE countdown in my head, but the guy next to me was so busy telling me about his new rap video and how I should put it on Deco Drive, I couldn’t concentrate. Uh, Happy New Year?

This year, though…

The holiday falls on the weekend AND I happen to be OFF or at least my bosses haven’t told me I’m working (yet) and I’m not about to ask (don’t worry, they don’t read my blog. Hi, Tom! Hi, Geoff!)

In celebration, I’ve been planning like a mad “hatter.”

Caviar for everyone! Send a case of champagne to the station and don’t forget that all-important outfit so you can “Party Like It’s 1999” or in this case, 2018.

Am I over-doing it? Well, maybe the Caviar and champagne part, but as far as what I’m wearing? I’ll be “Topping It Off for 2018” because…

I want more than just a dress, more than just sparkly earrings, I want pizzaz, originality and of course, a special night off! That’s why I enlisted the help of Featherheart Designs by Dannielle Kukar; a skilled milliner, who knows how to take fashion to the next level with her fancy fascinators and sophisticated hats.

When I ask her why a woman should “Top It Off for 2018,” she coyly says: “It gives an outfit that special oomph; besides, you never forget a person in a hat.” And, I totally agree and believe you me, I don’t like fuss. I like ease and elegance and that’s exactly what her creations are. They slip on just as easy as they slip off. (BTW, You place a fascinator and you wear a hat.)

Dannielle, who’s a trained graphic artist, understands shapes, lines and composition. She started making fascinators as an outlet to get away from her computer. Now, if you dream it, she custom makes it. “I just follow the muse,” she says and she does so with the highest quality silks and materials. She also has pieces “ready to wear.”

This New Year’s Eve, I’m also dreaming of a sultry atmosphere with an Art Deco flair like the National Hotel (pictured in the blog.) I’m reminiscing, laughing and singing a new kind of “Auld Lang Syne” — one that’s far away from the time crunch of live television.

Even, if, for just one night…

Don’t miss Deco Drive at 7:30 & 11:30 p.m. as we “Top It Off for 2018” with Featherheart Designs by Dannielle. From how to wear a fascinator to fabulous hat trends, we’re showing off gorgeously glamorous headgear, because a fashionable and Happy New Year is one of my Favorite Things. Cheers!

For more fashion photos visit

Shop Dannielle’s creations at

Be Social:
FB: @featherheartmillinery
IG: @featherheartdesigns

Shot on location at the uber glamorous …
National Hotel
1677 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Wanna spend News Years Eve at the National?
click here for info:

National Hotel Reservations: 305-532-2311

FB: @NationalHotel
IG: @nationalhotelmiami
Twitter: @NationalMiami

“Hats are about emotion. It’s all about how it makes you feel. I like hats that make the heart beat faster.”
— Philip Treacy

James Woodley Photography
All fascinators by Featherheart Designs by Dannielle
shot on location at National Hotel
Styled by Jackie Kay
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Hat’s All, Folks” Auerbach

A Christmas Clutch Wed, 22 Nov 2017 18:54:02 +0000 What:
The perfect holiday purse sure to add pizazz to any kind of party outfit and more importantly, you won’t have to sell a kidney to buy one.

I’ll never forget the first time I wrapped my stubby little fingers around a Judith Leiber handbag; I was absolutely mesmerized. The sparkles, detailing and quality — I was stunned. In fact, I don’t think I’d ever seen anything like it. I asked the woman behind the purse counter at Bergdorf Goodman: “How much?” She barked out a price so astronomical, I almost passed out. After a deep sigh…

I carefully placed the bedazzled clutch back into her already outstretched hand and fled the swanky department store like a fashion criminal. As I pushed through the heavy revolving doors, the brutal NYC winter wasn’t the only thing that slapped me in the face. My mother’s voice did, too..

Even though she lived in New Mexico, I could hear her like she was standing right next to me on 5th Avenue: “You know, Shireen, if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” My mom used to do that a lot when I was young, give me what she called “tidbits of wisdom,” which were usually met with a dramatic eye-roll or better yet, an impressive lip sync. When I became a teenager, I’d memorized all the tricks in her bag, so when she droned on, I could silently mouth her advice verbatim.

After that humiliating Bergdorf Goodman moment…

I found myself in the same situation; albeit, a few years later. This time, a dazzling clutch called to me from the window of a chi-chi hair salon on the Upper East Side. It was so awe-inspiring, I stopped dead in my tracks, swung open the salon door and asked if I could see the pretty purse up-close. I was determined to buy this one.

“Is it a Leiber?” I asked quietly.

As the receptionist unearthed it from its glass case, she blurted out: “No, but it may as well be for the price!” Sweat beaded on my upper lip as she passed the purse off to me like a sloppy football play. “Isn’t it gorgeous?,” she purred in her thick Long Island accent. “How much?” I asked, like someone who was about to get hit. “For you? Two-thousand.”

I stared at her briefly, handed it back and finally realized my mother was on to something…

That day, I decided to bury my whimsically wonderful dream of owning a fashionable, high-quality, exquisitely beaded bag. Instead, I settled for clutches that were more like: “it’ll get by in the dark if no one inspects it.” I don’t wanna be a total naysayer; I mean, over the years I’ve had some pretty good ones (a few I’ve even worn in the light of day,) but that Leiber? Man, that thing haunts me like a “Ghost of Christmas Past”…

That is, until a few weeks ago.

Let me back up a little to tell you exactly how “A Christmas Clutch” came into my life. When I get blog submissions, I divide them into five categories: YEZZZZZ, yes, maybe, no and NEVER EVER (even if I lived on the left side of Mars.) If the topic falls somewhere in-between “yes & maybe,” I usually ask the person/designer to send me a sample of the product/ fashion, not as a gift, as a way for me to make a solid judgement..

Come on, we all know how it goes these days: a decent camera, a few filters and a beauty app later and anything or anyone can look like a million bucks, but that’s not the TRUTH and telling the truth is imperative if you’re a journalist, even an entertainment one. (Full disclosure: I do like a good beauty app.)

Unfortunately, I’ve learned the “buyer beware” lesson the hard way. Don’t get me started on the products and fashions that have missed the mark. It’s an on-line epidemic fed by social media and solidified by “product exchange” by social media “influencers.”(Fake followers, etc.) Sometimes it works, but a lot of the times, it just doesn’t. QUALITY IS KEY and buyers remorse sucks for all of us.

It was a rainy morning when I first opened the medium-sized box from “The LimeLight Collection.” I was skeptical, but curious. I had seen a few photos of their purses and they looked pretty legit, but the aforementioned paragraph kept me from becoming a true believer and there was that whole Bergdorf thing, too.

Then, it happened…

“A Christmas Clutch” — lit up my life like the noon day sun. First, though, I took it out of its sleek black container that gave way to a soft, velvety pouch and carefully slid out the most glamorous, eye-popping purse (move over, Judith Leiber, there’s a new fashion sheriff in town.) It felt good, it looked great and I was INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED.

Note to self: call the brainchild behind “The LimeLight Collection” ASAP.

I’ve never met Ebony Daniels Sanon in person, but when we talked over the phone the following day, she was warm, direct and affable.

Ebony described “The LimeLight Collection” as “daring, classy and unique.” What’s more, she told me they had more than just holiday flair. She insisted: “You can wear them anytime, anywhere and with anything.”

Then came the question I was dreading, but HAD to ask: “How much?” Without hesitation, Ebony happily shared: “Around two hundred dollars.” She didn’t know it, but on the other end of the line, I was smiling wide like a Cheshire Cat.

Ebony knows what women want and it’s not just an amazing clutch, it’s about the experience of it and how a trend can hold its maturity; eventually becoming a classic. When that happens, “A Christmas Clutch” can easily find a permanent place in your closet.

Handmade, inspected to perfection and one-of-a-kind, “The LimeLight Collection” definitely made one of my most elusive fashion dreams come true and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. Happy Thanksgiving!

For more fashion photos visit

Shop the collection here:

Be Social:
FB: @TheLimeLightCollection
IG: @thelimelightcollection
Twitter: @LimeLightColl

“Move like you move
Oh, dance for the night
Everyone’s turned to watch you
Hold the spotlight.” —Alex Parks

James Woodley Photography
All holiday clutches by “The LimeLight Collection”
Peach Dress @Vchicstore – Purple Velvet Dress @bcbgsouthbeach & Green Peacock Dress @laundrybyshelli
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Captain Clutch” Auerbach

’Tis the Sequin… Wed, 08 Nov 2017 18:45:16 +0000 What:
Turning up the wattage on my Holiday wardrobe, because a girl can never go wrong wearing sequins from November through December (and some other stuff I felt like writing about, too.)

My editor, Matty, always says when you’re a writer: “There’s nothing scarier than a blank computer screen staring you in the face.” He hates the blinking black cursor, too. “It’s like it’s taunting you, making fun of the fact you have writer’s block,” he quips with his brash New York sensibility. I agree.

I don’t have writer’s block, per se, but I’m torn between writing a deep moving piece about what the holidays mean to me verses what I like wearing during the “most wonderful time of the year.” So, with fair warning: this blog is a bit of both. If you’re a regular reader, you know I have fragile health, so the next paragraph is a must-read.

I feel GOOD, better, stronger (not my body, necessarily, but my mind) and THAT is a powerful thing. After hurricane Irma, I struggled A LOT, which I know most of us did, but a few weeks later (when things got back to normal) I went through a surprising mini-transformation. The storm gave me a sense of strength I didn’t know I still had. I thought my GBS/CIDP had, frankly, beat it out of me. It didn’t.

Exhausted, I pushed through almost two weeks with no power, a major knee injury and a hole in my heart; I worried about everyone and everything around me. My little family was struggling, but instead of letting trauma divide us, it brought us closer together. After the storm…

I de-cluttered my house and personal closet (which is no easy task when you’re a fashionista.) I️ did so partially because of storm damage, but also because I needed to for my sanity. I got rid of STUFF (from a previous relationship) that was weighing me down. We all know how that extra “baggage” goes. After I was done, I could hear the parapsychologist from the 1982 movie “Poltergeist” saying matter-of-factly: “This house is clean.” Next…

I focused on elevating my performance at work (on TV); paying close attention to skills that often fall by the wayside because of age and experience. I took notes, worked on inflections, breathing and mulled over what it meant to be an entertainment journalist in 2017.

I also took a few days off, left Miami and spent time with my family. THIS always helps me, because I feel loved, nurtured and part of something more important than the rat race of my career. As I’ve grown older, spending quality time with special people is food for the soul.

During my mini-transformation, I also found out I have high blood pressure — like, dangerously high; forcing me to re-evaluate the necessary and cut out the evil (like gas station wine, turkey jerky, needy people, DRAMA and anything or anyone high maintenance…) I’m slim and watch what I eat, but STRESS is trying to kill me. Imagine the humor I find in that.

I survived some crazy virus that wreaked havoc on my nerves & immune system and now, high blood pressure wants to have its way with me? Take a number and stand in line. 😂

As the year gallops toward its end, my mini-transformation has given me a deeper sense of gratitude and thankfulness which, coincidentally, is how a lot of us feel around Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years. The holidays are special for a lot of different reasons, but as a woman, it’s a time when I do a little more for the people I love, my house and my wardrobe. And, MAN, do I eat it all up (literally & figuratively)…

The generosity of spirit, the togetherness, the food & drink (turkey and stuffing is my favorite,) my Christmas tree and especially the extra sparkle and shine I add into my #OOTD. That’s where Vchic Boutique in Hallandale comes in.

It’s just one of those places where you can always find what you’re looking for and moreover, something special: a great top, a fabulous dress, a sexy romper.

Owner Andreina Hernandez, who happens to be a gorgeous brunette with a smoking hot body, knows fashion, but in a way that’s romantic, feminine and chic — all the things I believe clothing should be. “For the holidays, it’s all about the sequin,” she says, as she describes what’s in for the woman who wants to dress on trend.

“You can wear them day or night, you just have to commit to one color scheme,” she adds. Avoid looking like a holiday display by keeping your sequins to one portion of the body (top or bottom.) If it’s a full-on glittery dress, accessories should be simple. AND, if you’re showing a lot of leg, cover your boobs and vice versa. Leaving something to the imagination is a gift we can all appreciate.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 & 11:30 p.m. as we go inside Vchic Boutique and get dressed up for the holidays. From day to night, work to play, ‘Tis the Sequin…is one of my Favorite Things and I’m hoping it will be yours, too. ✨

Vchic Boutique
1011 Hallandale Beach Blvd.
Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009

Monday-Saturday 10 A.M.-8 P.M.

Be Social:
IG: @vchicstore
FB: @vchicstore

“I’m just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.” ~ Lady Gaga

For more fashion photos visit

James Woodley Photography
Holiday looks by @Vchicstore
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I Can’t Think Of Anything” Auerbach

It’s in the JEANS Wed, 25 Oct 2017 18:12:04 +0000 What:
My elusive hunt for the perfect pair of jeans at CAVEAT in Wynwood.

I have a fashion confession: I don’t like jeans. In fact, sometimes I actually despise them and not for lack of trying. Believe you me, I’ve worn them all: skinny, wide, tight, lose, stretchy, stiff, cuffed, ripped, patchwork, pre-washed, raw, regal, dark, light, designer, department store, expensive, cheap. You name it, I’ve wiggled my way into the best of them, “butt”…

When I turn to check my backside, Sir Mix A Lot’s “Baby Got Back” creeps in to my head. “Oh, my, God Becky, look at her butt.” While I don’t mind having “junk in my trunk,” so to speak, it’s all about presentation. Even though I have a slight build, I do have curves and when stuffed into the wrong pair of denim, that famous line from the 1989 movie “Steel Magnolias” comes to mind…

The one where Olympia Dukakis’ character, Clairee, refers to a woman’s backside as “two pigs fighting under a blanket.” And don’t even get me started on trying to bend over in the latest pair of must-have’s! That’s when my apple bottom jeans scream: “Crack is Whack!” Or better yet, “Crack Kills” and showing one’s nether regions is never on trend unless, of course, you’re living in a nudist colony and why would you need jeans while living in the buff? #JustSaying

Over the years, I’ve often dreamed of designing my own denim. Imagine the possibilities?! A pair of jeans accentuating the positive and carefully concealing the negative. Frankly, it’s never been a possibility — until now.

Enter: CAVEAT, a place where you don’t just “find” the perfect pair of jeans, you “create” them. It’s called #TheCAVEATexperience

It’s an approach from days gone by mixed with modern technology. It involves personal attention built around a quality product; something we’ve lost sight of in a retail world driven by medicinal on-line shopping.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing like shopping in my pajamas with a vodka and soda, but sometimes you just need to touch, try and mull over a purchase in person and that’s where CAVEAT comes in.

The denim destination is housed in a nondescript building in Wynwood; inside, it’s anything but. The open-air interior exudes modern day glamour with a chic retail space. Directly behind it, though, is where the real magic happens. A large wall of raw denim is flanked by a cutting-table and just beyond that is a glass wall, giving a clear view into the manufacturing room, where on-site tailors create your custom order.

And it’s your say all the way. After getting measured, you handpick your own denim and the details: stitching, buttons, hardware, even your own zipper.

Stacy Glover, who’s the brains behind the company, told me: “You shouldn’t have to worry about your jeans. It should be one less decision in your busy life.” He means it, too. Everyone at CAVEAT wears a t-shirt that reads #OneLessDecision ….

Before our interview, I confessed I tried on at least 5 pairs of jeans, trying to find something he’d approve of, as well as keeping my crack concealed. We both had a good laugh, but I’ve just never had that go-to pair of jeans and it’s really bothered me over the years.

When I ask Stacy what the biggest mistake is when it comes to wearing denim, the answer easily rolls off his tongue. “Not living in them long enough,” he says. When I ask him to expand, he shares what I believe to be the true Yoda secret of good denim: “You have to give them a chance, break them in, let them mold to the body and that doesn’t happen after just a few wears or seasons.”

I feel good about Stacy and CAVEAT, and I can’t always say that about fashion. I often wonder if certain boutiques and designers have the tenacity to make it. What I mean is: does the idea or concept have strength and longevity?

Anyone can open a business, but can they put their finger on the pulse of fashion? It’s a fickle fraternity that spits out the best of them. Jeans, though? It’s a staple, a sure thing, everyone has them. They’re just not all created like CAVEAT.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 & 11:30p.m. on Channel 7 as we go inside CAVEAT; showcasing their personalized experience. It’s interesting, unique and fun. Yes, fashion can still be fun, even satisfying, especially when “It’s in the Jeans” and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. 👖

448 NW 28th Street
Miami, Florida 33127

Monday -Friday: 11a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday: 12-6 p.m.

Be Social:
FB: @caveatmiami
IG: @caveatmiami
Twitter: @caveatmiami

“I want to die with my blue jeans on.” — Andy Warhol

For more fashion photos check-out

James Woodley Photography
Styling: CAVEAT & Shireen Sandoval
Denim provided by CAVEAT
Tops & boots by Zara
Make-up: Tabitha Rey & Hair: Jess Stuver of
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Jean Genie” Auerbach

Natural Woman Wed, 11 Oct 2017 20:54:20 +0000 What:
Exploring the beautiful new apparel and home store OAK, which stands for one-of-a-kind.

Airy, soft and welcoming: OAK is the kind of boutique you can get lost in. It reminds me of a store you’d find in California (say, Malibu), mixed with a hint of Southwest mysticism. I love everything about it; it speaks to all of my girlie senses. From beautiful pillows, pots and dried flowers to casual cool T-shirts, jeans, jumpers and jewelry, there’s something for every kind of fashionista.

The new apparel and home hot spot, snuggled into the heart of Coral Gables, is the brainchild of Kelly Nelson and Nicolle Mailal, who just happen to be first cousins.

The two have an easy way about them; you can tell they’re very close. Kelly procures the home decor pieces and Nicolle hand picks the fashion. Although both were raised in Miami, the duo has traveled extensively, taking their love for different parts of the world and infusing it into their new store.

It’s different than anything I’ve seen in South Florida before and I really like the premise of one-stop-shopping. I’m a busy person and making stop after stop to shop just doesn’t suit my lifestyle. Not only can I get an entire outfit with accessories at OAK, I can also find unique touches for my personal space.

The natural textures of the home goods and the ease of the clothing is a direct reflection of what’s going on in fashion right now. People want less fuss, more quality and of course, individuality or what I like to call living as a “Natural Woman.” With that being said, everything at OAK truly is one-of-a-kind.

For fall, a bold jacket is emerging as a major trend as well as high-waisted jeans and the all-important body suit. In the tropics, you can never go wrong with a wide-legged jumper, perfect for any occasion.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m., as we go inside OAK to show off what “effortless style meets casual comfort” looks like, because being a “Natural Woman” is one of my Favorite Things.

OAK apparel & home
116 Valencia Avenue
Coral Gables 33134

Monday-Saturday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Be Social:
IG: @oak__miami
FB: @OAKMiami

“You are already what you are looking for.” — Anonymous

For more fashion photos check-out

James Woodley Photography
Styling: Nicolle Mailal
wardrobe, accessories & home goods provided by OAK apparel + home
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “One-of-a-Kind” Auerbach

Piece by Piece Wed, 23 Aug 2017 17:50:12 +0000 What:
Building a couture wardrobe the best way a fashionista can: “Piece by Piece” — mixing and matching tops and bottoms by one of the most inspiring young fashion designers in the Magic City.

Tucked away inside Aventura’s industrial warehouse district, designer Michelle Meler is building her fashion empire with quiet resilience. When I ask what sets her apart from other designers in Miami, she doesn’t hesitate: “You have to have a great concept.”

And she does.

With seven tops and five bottoms, she guarantees you can build up to 70-plus looks with her line. She got the idea after exhausting her entire wardrobe getting ready for a night out on the town. “I tried on everything I owned and that was it. I had nothing to wear.”

Her wheels started turning as she wondered why cocktail attire was such a one-time event. “Who designed it that way?”, she asked me curiously. Meler, who is in her 20’s, fully understands society’s insatiable need for the perfect selfie or the everyday social media pic: “showing casing” or, as Fergie would call it, “The Fabulous Life.” I even do it with my television #OOTD.

Armed with a need for versatility, the one-time architecture student, who interned for a New York City fashion designer, decided to venture into haute couture clothing. Meler sketches beautifully, understands material, sews and chases originality; all characteristics of a budding artist. I like her style a lot. It oozes femininity, but not in an overly frilly kind of way. I see myself wearing her clothing, investing in them “Piece by Piece.”

“My designs are about movement, but also about being still,” she explains. I have an image of water as she pensively describes her designs. The ocean is textured with many different sides to it: interesting, peaceful, moody and never underestimated; an analogy that seems to fit her fashioning.

Clothing in versatile combinations isn’t Meler’s only talent; she also makes custom cocktail dresses and gowns AND they are to-die-for. Check out that purple number I’m wearing. Holy smokes. It screams old Hollywood. I can’t remember the last time I put on a dress of that caliber.

During our interview, Michelle is timid, but passionate. Something in her switches, though, when I ask what makes her designs stand out. “It’s about a moment, even if it’s simple. I always have in mind that moment when a woman first walks into a room: how does she feel, how do I feel looking at her…” she trails off.

Even though there are a lot of years between us, I fully grasp what she’s saying; I’m a woman, after all. I’ve had a lot of those moments: bad, mediocre, good and GREAT. I don’t want to sound trite, but the GREAT ones feel a helluva a lot better then the other adjectives on the list. That’s when I realize “Piece by Piece” isn’t just about what I’m wearing, it’s about what I’m feeling, too.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight on Channel 7 at 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., as Michelle takes us inside her creative space and gives us an up-close look at her decadent designs.

In this day and age, it’s not just about that one “wow” look, it’s about working your wardrobe in more ways than one and that’s why “Piece by Piece” is one of my favorite things.

Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

or visit the showroom
1644 N.E. 205th Terrace
Miami, Florida
(use google maps for the best directions)

Be Social
IG: @michellemelerstudio
FB: @MichelleMelerStudio
Twitter: @MichelleMeler

“Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.” — Donna Karan

For more fashion photos check-out

James Woodley Photography
Styling: Michelle Meler
wardrobe provided by Michelle Meler Studio
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Timid, but Passionate” Auerbach

Wild Things Thu, 10 Aug 2017 18:37:53 +0000 What:
Discovering the eclectic universe of artist & designer MaryJane Claverol, who’s redefining modern day beauty one creepy critter at a time.

Unique, whimsical and awe-inspiring, artist MaryJane Claverol creates jewelry, home accessories and art collectibles like you’ve never seen before. The first time I spied one of her pieces on social media, I was mesmerized and had to know more.

MaryJane, who’s traveled the world, started her artistic ventures a few years ago while living and working in India. It was a tough place to socialize so, to pass the time, she turned inward to tap into her innate creativity.

Instead of the typical artsy-fartsy self-expression (painting, sculpting or writing,) MaryJane chose to do something more provocative. Confronting her own fears and phobias (like things that gave her the real heebie-jeebies), she started out on a journey to master the macabre.

First up: insects and spiders, all made pleasing to the eye with pretty Swarovski crystals and other perfectly placed embellishments. Then it was on to creatively making crustaceans look couture. The world of “Wild Things” quickly became MaryJane’s playground or as she likes to call it: “universe.”

Just to be clear, MaryJane doesn’t go around killing fear-inducing creatures or any animal, for that matter. She procures them humanely and the larger taxidermy pieces she works on are given a second life after she rescues them from being dumped. Sometimes, she even unearths them from warehouse obscurity or old vintage vanity.

Since bedazzling her first artistic phobia, MaryJane’s universe has grown more diverse. At her studio in the Leah Arts District in Hialeah, you’ll find a mix of the funky, fashionable and fabulous. I adore her glamorous necklaces and bejeweled sunglasses.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. on Channel 7, as we go on an intimate tour of MaryJane’s studio; her infectious spirit and love of all artistic mediums will leave you inspired and I bet you’ll even develop a new found appreciation for the “Wild Things” surrounding us. I know I have and thanks to MaryJane, they’re now one of my favorite things.

Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

MaryJane Claverol Studio, Art Gallery & Boutique
Leah Arts District
1050 East 17th Street
Hialeah, FL 33010 USA
Phone: +1 (786) 202 2702

Be Social
IG: @superclaverol
FB: MaryJane Claverol

For more fashionable photos visit

“There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion.”—anonymous

Danielle Margherite Photography
Sunglasses & Necklaces provided by MaryJane Claverol
Styling; Shireen, Maryjane & Danielle
Grooming: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Wild Thing” Auerbach

The Right Kind of Ruffle Wed, 02 Aug 2017 17:53:44 +0000 What:
How to work summer’s ruffle trend without looking like a character out of “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

I have a love/hate relationship with ruffles.

On one hand, I’m super girlie and love basking in flouncy femininity, especially when it comes to my house. I’m practically the queen of Shabby Chic-cottage living (think Rachel Ashwell meets Ralph Lauren.) From throw pillows, comforters and table runners to curtains, you’ll find a bunch of beautiful materials accenting my most prized home possessions.

On the other hand, when it comes to WEARING “The Right Kind of Ruffle,” I get overwhelmed and fear I’ll end up looking like Captain Jack Sparrow from the popular movies series, “Pirates of the Caribbean.” While he’s a great film character and all, I don’t want my sleeves dragging through my vodka (why waste good liquor?) or my upper body resembling a layered curtain (on TV, your mid-body is a focal point) or my bottom half screaming: “Look at me! I’m a cute bed dust ruffle!” (extra material on or around your booty can make one look bigger and not in an attractive, Kim Kardashian way.)

Lucky for me, my good friends at Etxart & Panno, located at Brickell City Center in downtown Miami, know a thing or two (OK, maybe five or six) about wearing “The Right Kind of Ruffle.” First off, ruffles are definitely in and it’s not a passing phase; the trend gets stronger come fall. They don’t discriminate, either: small, medium, big or gigantic, ruffles are all the rage.

The best way to wear them? By ACCENTING a blouse, dress or skirt. In other words, don’t go all Carmen Miranda on us (unless you’re heading to your weekly samba class.) Wearing the trend from head-to-toe could ruffle some serious fashion feathers or worse, cause a traffic accident.

I know, I know, if you’re a regular blog reader, you’re probably saying: “Duh? Everyone knows not to wear too many ruffles,” but you’d be surprised. Sometimes (especially in South Florida) more is well, MORE and I’m even guilty of that. Excessiveness isn’t necessarily a bad thing in fashion; you just have to pick and choose which trends deserve the over- abundance treatment. This isn’t one of them.

Etxart & Panno (which hails from Spain and recently opened its first U.S. location in Miami), is a clothing line inspired by 50’s fashion with a tropical flair. Think “Mad Men” meets “Gilligan’s Island”; more specifically, the character Ginger (classy, sexy and sophisticated, even when stranded on a deserted Island). And they know ruffles!

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 & 11:30 p.m. (on Channel 7) as we, along with Etxart & Panno, feature the best ruffle fashions of the summer season. The trend is also a great way to ready your wardrobe for fall, which will be here before you know it. Finally, my pirate lookalike phobia has been set free, because wearing “The Right Kind of Ruffle” is one of my favorite things.

Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Brickell City Centre
701 South Miami Avenue
Miami, Florida 33131

The boutique is located on the ground level. There’s garage parking and it’s free for the first two hours.

Get social:
IG: @etxartpannous
FB: @etxartpanno
For more fashionable photos visit

“The Frenchman invented the ruffle; the Englishman added the shirt.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Photographer: James Woodley Photography
Ruffle wardrobe & styling by Etxart & Panno
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Pirate” Auerbach

UnderCover Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:59:10 +0000 What:
Sophisticated and fashionable swimsuit cover-ups by Carlos Marrero, who also happens to be my favorite scarf designer.

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” — it’s a saying a lot of South Florida fashionistas live by, but what if you’re still working on IT or prefer keeping IT “UnderCover?”

Like any tanned and toned Miami beach bunny (OK, so I’m pale and always trying to get in shape). I love a good swimsuit, but I prefer one that expresses fashion, not one that shows off what the good Lord gave me. My grandmother always used to say: “Leave something to the imagination”.. She’d obviously never been to Miami in the summer. I’m sweating just writing this. Anyhow…

Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s the fear of people picking me apart because I’m on television, but I always try for class and comfort when it comes to swimwear. Besides, sometimes “lady bits” can be overrated (actually, any kind of “bits” can be).


What I wear WITH my swimsuit is just as crucial: hat, sunglasses and the all-important cover-up. Living in the tropics is always a challenge style-wise because of the heat and humidity; add fashion sensibility to the list and finding the perfect summer pieces can be downright difficult.

But thanks to the Marrero Collection by Carlos Marrero, my “UnderCover” warm weather wardrobe just got a major upgrade. BTW, Carlos and I just worked on the blog “Summer Chic”, showcasing his new scarf designs, but we also featured his new cover-up collection.

The designs were literally hot off the presses when they appeared on Deco Drive, allowing us no time for a photo shoot for Favorite Things. I was so enamored with the cover-ups, I asked Carlos if we could feature them during #MiamiSwimWeek as an ode to all things fun in the sun. Plus, his new creations were featured during this year’s worldwide swimwear extravaganza on South Beach.

I love the light and airy personality of his designs, but its the textures — bold, sexy and feminine — that truly makes them something special. Carlos gets that whole beach-to-pool thing, too and it’s expressed in the line’s versatility. I chose to style four of his cover-ups for my particular lifestyle.

While I love the beach, I’m not a sun worshipper, per se. I enjoy walking the shore line, watching the sun rise or set or just taking time for myself to feel the positive and healing energy of the ocean. During those moments I dress for (as I mentioned before) class and comfort, but also for myself. I love being able to throw something on and feel effortlessly put together.

If you’re looking to give your summer/pool/beach/party wardrobe some fashion-forward pizzazz or you just wanna look great while going “UnderCover” — you’ll love the Marrero Collection cover-ups; they’re one of my Favorite Things and I’m sure after you toss one on, they’ll be yours, too.

Happy Shopping!

P.S. Don’t forget your sunscreen.


Be Social:
IG: @camarrero
FB: @marrerocollection
Twitter: @camarrero
For more fashionable photos visit

“But people are oceans, she shrugged. You cannot know them by their surface.” —Beau Taplin/Surfaces

James Woodley Photography
All cover-up’s by Marrero Collection
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Class and Comfort” Auerbach

The 12 Minute Escape Wed, 12 Jul 2017 17:09:24 +0000 What:
A new rest & relaxation treatment called “Timeless Capsule” at Ritz-Carlton, South Beach and yes, it only takes 12 minutes. The question is: does it really work?

My daily life is crazy. It goes something like this…

Alarm, iPhone, computer, coffee, eat, work-out, shower, sit in traffic, get to work, hair, make-up, meet early writing deadlines, live television, eat, meet late writing deadlines, live television, drive home, sleep, repeat.

In between those moments — there are blogs to be written, pictures to be taken, social media postings to be tended to, a boyfriend to spend time with, a dog to be loved and a life to be lived. Who has time for rest & relaxation?

Well, according to the good folks over at Ritz-Carlton, South Beach (who’ve just given their spa a gorgeous renovation,) I actually DO have time.

Maybe not a lot of it, but just enough to give myself a much-needed break during one of my hectic days.

It’s called: “Timeless Capsule” and it only takes 12 minutes.

It’s a specialized seating area of the spa featuring two massage chairs.

One is called “Fusion + Studio” — the other — “ZG Recliner.”

I chose the recliner because it reminded me of something you would see on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, plus it promised a zero gravity-like effect. I always wanted to be a stylish astronaut.

BTW, during your quick beauty fix there’s no disrobing, sticky oils or excess creams that usually leave you looking like a hot mess.

Instead, you just wear your work clothes and have a seat. Once you’ve reclined (under the watchful eye of a therapist,) your scalp or neck and feet are rubbed into submission and the “ZG Recliner” does, in fact, suspend you into a neutral position.

During my time in the pod area, the pain I usually feel in my lower back, hips and knees grew weaker until it eventually subsided and before I knew it, I was surprisingly relaxed. It was H-E-A-V-E-N.

Tonight on Deco Drive, we’re featuring the “Fusion + Studio” chair as well, which uses sight, sound, touch and smell to relax you. Don’t miss the show at 7:30 & 11:30pm as we get totally zen (in no time at all.)

Life is busy, I get it, but taking time for yourself is as important as all the other stuff, even if it means squeezing in “The 12 Minute Escape” and yes, it works; that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things.

The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach
One Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Be Social

FB: @ritzcarltonsouthbeach
IG: @ritzcarlton #SouthBeach
Twitter: @RitzCarlton #SouthBeach
For more fashionable photos visit

“A woman’s beauty is not a gift to man – only a bribe.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

James Woodley Photography
dress: @bcbgsouthbeach
purse: @stevemadden
Grooming: Odett Hernandez Styling: Jackie Kay
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Recliner” Auerbach

A Stylish SoFlo Soiree Wed, 05 Jul 2017 18:06:24 +0000 What:
A fashionable gathering at The Betsy Hotel celebrating Ready-To-Wear Fall/Winter Trends 2017 with Fashion Group International of South Florida.

I’m always inspired by the world around me, especially stylish people and the chance to spend the afternoon with “Fashion Group International of South Florida” (A.K.A the movers and shakers of Miami fashion,) was no different.

The organization, which is a global, non-profit, professional group, is made up of people who help one another turn their stylish dreams into a fashionable reality. FGI also gives its members access to people who have insight into what’s going on in the fashionable world around them.

Enter: Shireen’s Favorite Things & Deco Drive TV.

As a Television Host/Fashion Reporter & Blogger, I was invited to take part in a special Q&A , alongside my stylist, Jackie Kay, about what’s going on in the world of Miami Fashion.

For about an hour (which was moderated by the amazing Tara Gilani, also known as the Trend Tracker,) we talked about clothing, accessories, shoes, social media, red carpets, movies, movie stars, TV shows, TV stars, politics and art, and how all of these topics shape the world around us and, in turn, produce fashion that’s more fluid, open, textured and incredibly provocative.

That’s exactly what the Ready-To-Wear Fall/Winter 2017 Trend slide presentation expressed, too. When the group gets together, they view Haute Couture slide shows of the latest and greatest runway fashions from Milan, Paris, New York City, just to name a few.

In television, we tend to talk AT people, giving them all important information. I can’t help but wonder, though, if sometimes we’re truly listening. These days, information comes at a breakneck speed and having a conversation isn’t always the way we go about journalism, but the Q&A at the event was exactly that — a conversation.

And something I appreciated and learned from. Despite having strong opinions, I respect what others say; it opens up a much-needed dialogue in my mind about the all important ideas of what others think and feel.

Fashion isn’t just about what you put ON your body, it’s about the emotions it inspires, hence the “lifestyle” aspect of how designers promote themselves in this day and age.

Each blog I write is inspired by a happening in my life, but this one was also inspired by the look I chose to wear.

I saw the dress about a month ago on BCBG’s (South Beach) Instagram page. I fell in love with its romantic personality and boho sensuality.

With the help of my good friend Marina (who helps style me for BCBG,) we put together this special look and I knew I wanted to wear it to “A Stylish SoFlo Soiree”.

In a world where everything is changing at a rapid pace and what we feel, think and do about it actually matters, it’s nice to enjoy an afternoon with like-minded people who want more than just a nice outfit but also, a meaningful display of artistic expression…

And that’s why “A Stylish Soflo Soiree” is one of my favorite things. For more fashion photos visit

Learn more about Fashion Group International at

Be Social:
Twitter: @FGISouthFlorida
IG: @fgisouthflorida
FB: Fashion Group International, South Florida

Shot on location at
IG: @thebetsyhotel FB: @thebetsyhotel Twitter: @TheBetsyHotel

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” —Robin Williams

James Woodley Photography
dress, jewelry, belt, bag & shoes by BCBG South Beach @BCBGSouthBeach
Styling: Shireen & Marina
Grooming: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew (“Mover & Shaker”) Auerbach

special thanks to Marina of BCBG/Herve Leger & Tara Gilani

My New Miami Vice (and a few other things that happen to be on my mind) Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:22:44 +0000 What:
Writing a heart-felt obituary, standing up against an online bully and falling in love with Michele Lopriore’s popular wing-tip oxford. (Yes, it’s been a busy few weeks since my last post.) 😁

Writing an obituary sucks; not just for the people grieving, but for the reporter who doesn’t really KNOW the person they’re writing about, at least in the traditional sense.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had my head lodged in front of a computer, carefully crafting an obituary for a famous person who isn’t even dead yet. I know, I know, it sounds morbid, but it’s actually a compliment.

At least coming from us news types.

When you leave your mark on the world, especially if you’re a member of the rich and famous, you can’t show one ounce of mortality. Even a small dose of it can leave the press on high alert.

As a journalist, I can tell you “The End” is pretty significant when it comes to storytelling; even the anticipation of it. Right or wrong, it’s the world we live in and something I’ve grown accustomed to dealing with, although I do still have my moments…

Especially when my boss slinks up to me from across the Newsplex and whispers: “Sandoval, you need to write an obituary on so-&-so.” I act surprised and say: “Are they dying? Are they dead yet?” He always gives me the same look. I call it the “get your head out of your derrière look.” I used “derrière” to be polite.

Like a good reporter, I do the research, read, watch, listen; searching for the most compelling moments of the person’s life.

Then, I do a few drafts combining facts, highlights and low lights. Adding some magic is a must, too. After all, it’s Hollywood we’re talking about.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older, but this last obituary really did a number on me. After dividing the person’s life into six decades and some change, the party was basically over or at least it seemed that way.

It made me sad, irritated and overly emotional. The piece came out good, but after it was edited and filed “in waiting,” I felt bad. Icky. Depressed.

Making matters worse, over the next few days, I saw the person everywhere: on the cover of a magazine in the grocery store check-out line, on a national morning show talking about a new project, even guest starring in a movie special on my favorite cable network, HBO.

He/she sure didn’t seem like they were dying to me…

But neither did Prince, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson or Joan Rivers. I realized, however sobering the obituary, the point was to be prepared and we were.


After breaking down the person’s life, I realized for the first time in mine, there were probably more decades behind me than in front of me, although the “Guinness Book of World Records” can really give a girl hope.

Not that I would look forward to being the oldest woman alive. I don’t think there’s enough botox in the world to keep me going until 117 (which happens to be the age of the oldest person on the planet. I looked it up.) 👵🏻

By the way, I realize I’m not entirely special here and that at a certain age most people come to this realization, but I have to admit, I’ve been acting a wee bit crazy because of it.

Some people call it a “mid-life crisis” — I call it “more shoes” (at least more than usual,) “more carbs” (spaghetti with marina sauce and fresh parmesan cheese) “more vodka and soda” (with extra lemon AND lime; why choose one?) And more of NOT turning the other cheek.

Without going into too much detail (because frankly, it’s not worth it), a woman attacked my appearance on social media the other day.

In TV, we’re taught to look the other way and not respond because it adds fuel to the fire and you just can’t win or maybe the hater is just looking for attention …

Believe me, I get it, BUT it really depends on what the person is saying and WHERE they’re saying it. I do not and will not tolerate any kind of cyber-bullying.

Look, if someone doesn’t like my outfit or thinks I shouldn’t have made a joke on Deco Drive and has genuine constructive criticism, that’s one thing; but a mean-spirited attack on how I look is another.

Especially when it’s on my OWN Facebook page. People get brave behind a computer, spew hate and it’s NOT RIGHT. So…

I stood up for myself and told the nay-sayer (in so many words) to take a hike and not a scenic one. I wasn’t rude or mean; who wants to be what they’re trying to deflect? I was, however, true to myself and you know what? It felt GOOD.

Say what you want, when you want and how you want to your own friends and family. Heck, put it on your own social media, but why would you come to MY page and attack me? SMH.

In this crazy age of Twitter, IG & FB, it’s easy to forget while swiping, liking and re-tweeting, there’s an actual person on the other side of that phone and/or computer. One with feelings, hopes, dreams and only a certain amount of decades behind or in front of them. We’re all creatures of humanity, are we not?


During all this mid-life crisis stuff, I was also thinking about my next blog: “My New Miami Vice” featuring wingtip loafers from Michele Lopriore Shoes and, how I’d actually go about writing it.

Then it dawned on me: at the “sole” of the blog (other than a stunning pair of bowling shoes) was another unexplainable shift in my behavior.

I live, eat and breath fashion, especially shoes, but I’m not always practical in my styling choices. Beauty is pain, no? At least it is for me. I try for comfy heels, but it doesn’t always work out that way. (I digress.)

When I first walked by Michele Lopriore Shoes at Brickell City Center downtown Miami, I was mesmerized by a pair of wingtip loafers in the window.

As I walked closer, I saw them in a variety of vibrant colors: red, blue, orange, pink and green. The shoes practically screamed “Miami!”

They had an incredible mix of textures, too, like linen, suede, sparkles, tassels etc. Once I tried them on — it was a done deal.

My foot easily slipped into the soft and supple shoe. Its bold wedge added extra comfort. It felt like — HEAVEN.

Was it really possible that I liked a Chic effortless loafer? Who was I? And where were the stilettos I had walked in with? Oh yeah, I stuffed them into my purse so I could wear “My New Miami Vice.”

I have a feeling those stilettos are going to be joining the decades behind me. Can you blame me? I never thought I’d feel beautiful in a loafer, but I did and do. Heck, my body feels better, too.

Michele Lopriore Shoes, which is new to Miami via Milan, is known for its exceptional Italian craftsmanship. The designer himself (Michele) has been perfecting his talents for 30 years. Translation: he really knows what he’s doing!

When you put on a pair of his shoes, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. The best part? You don’t have to sell an organ to afford a pair. It’s a good thing, too, because mine are running low 😆.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30/11:30 p.m. as we go inside Michele Lopriore Shoes to try-on their latest loafer trends. And…

Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on my heels just yet, but a girl does need a little down time every now and then — literally — and that’s why “My New Miami Vice” is one of my favorite things.

ps: The obituary is still in waiting.
pps: I blocked the hater.
ppps: I’m still having a midlife crisis.

For more fashion pics visit

Michele Lopriore Shoes
Located on the 2nd floor of Brickell City Centre
701 South Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33131

Monday- Saturday 10 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Sunday 12-7 p.m.

Be Social:
IG: @michelelopriorebrickell
FB: @micheleloprioresheos

“They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God, all they found were beautiful shoes.” —Imelda Marcos

James Woodley Photography
All loafers provided by Michele Lopriore at Brickell City Centre
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Flats Are Where It’s At” Auerbach

Summer Chic Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:52:36 +0000 What:
Looking chic in the South Florida summer heat with Scarves & Swimsuit Covers by designer Carlos Marrero.

Have you ever seen that “Sex and the City” episode where Carrie Bradshaw makes fun of women who wear hair scrunchies?

She basically tells her boyfriend that women in Manhattan don’t wear scrunchies because they’re too sophisticated. They get in a fight over it — even break up.

Her boyfriend thinks it’s nonsense, mainly because he’s just written a book featuring a female protagonist who, yes, wears a scrunchy. Carrie ribs him for it. He obviously can’t take the criticism.

At the end of the episode, they agree to meet at a bar to work things out. As they stand there waiting for their drinks, a beautiful woman walks by and sure enough, her hair is tied back with a scrunchy.

They glare at one another as they overhear the woman explain she’s from Georgia and is only in NYC for a couple of days to go sight-seeing. There’s more to it than that, but you get the gist.

After that particular episode, I rummaged through my accessory drawer and trashed all of my cloth hair ties. Then, in dramatic fashion, I looked myself in the mirror and vowed to NEVER EVER wear a scrunchy again. After all, I was grooming myself to be one of those chic city women, who would leave their mark on Manhattan (scrunchy-less).

And, I did.

I got married, moved to the city, dabbled in television, shopped, ate and socialized my way through the five boroughs without ever once wearing a scrunchy. I was so proud of myself — until my life started to unravel (pun intended.)

My marriage fell apart, I got incredibly depressed and on a whim, decided to leave New York. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best decision, but I was good at running away; I inherited that trait from my mother.

After moving back to South Florida, I did what most normal people do: clean, organize, grocery shop and go to the drugstore. That’s when I saw it, squished between the shower caps and fake eyelashes in Aisle 1: a large pack of multi-colored scrunchies.

They seemed to be illuminated by a higher power, but I knew it was just the cheap overhead lighting playing tricks on me. I stood there, just staring at them, powerless. Who was I? And why in God’s name would I judge myself or anyone else for that matter for wearing a scrunchy? I felt ridiculous.

I threw the pack in my basket, paid and went home. The next day, the ever-so reliable scrunchy, once again, became part of my life and not only was I proud of it, I knew…

I was a changed woman.

The same thing happened to me a few years later, when I met designer Carlos Marrero, who doesn’t like it when you call him a designer. He prefers: “Renaissance Man.”

In 2015, the Renaissance Man and I worked on “Wrapped & Bagged,” a blog featuring his new scarf and purse collection.

Although I had always loved a good scarf, I shied away from them because I thought they made me look old, outdated and, even worse, like a washed-up news reporter or old-time anchor. Think Connie Chung in the mid 90’s.

I’m not gonna lie, I judged people who wore them, too. Yes, like that snotty Carrie Bradshaw character who, despite being an IT girl, didn’t understand the true meaning of fashion: unadulterated self expression. Even if that meant wearing a scrunchy or a scarf.

Then, like a cool summer breeze, Carlos blew into my life.

The one-time fashion illustrator, who used to sketch images for magazines like Glamour, Cosmo and Vogue, showed me what real scarf fashion was all about.

His brilliant idea of taking his fabulous fashion sketches and transferring them onto quality scarves breathed new life into my accessory game. Move over, Hermes! The best part — I didn’t have to sell a kidney to buy one.

Everything he makes I adore: the minimal, colorful and outrageous. He’s all about energy, vibe and glamour. I have a drawer full of his creations (a happy Buddha, beautiful boho flowers, a detailed Hamsa, intricate mosaics and more.) I wear them everywhere and with just about anything.

Now, Carlos is expanding his line; introducing a capsule collection of bathing suit cover-ups. He’s always had a penchant for sophisticated beauty and it’s easily conveyed in his new pieces.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight at 7:30 & 11:30pm, as we get the FIRST LOOK at Carlos’ new beach-to- cocktail clothing. Being “Summer Chic” has never been so easy and stylish thanks to the Marrero Collection and that’s why scarves, scrunchies and pool cover-up’s are one of my Favorite Things.


Be Social:
IG: @camarrero
FB: @marrerocollection
Twitter: @camarrero

“Not all Superheroes wear capes…some wear Scarves.” — anonymous

Shot on location at the beautiful Loews Miami Beach Hotel, which has just undergone a magnificent $50 million transformation. The new St. Tropez-inspired oceanfront pool-scape includes private and adult-only cabanas. I can’t wait to go back for some serious rest and relaxation. Check out its amazing amenities here:

IG: @lowesmiami
FB: @LowesMiamiBeach
Twitter: @Loews_Hotels #MiamiBeach

reservations: 305-604-1601
Toll Free Reservations: 855-563-9744

Loews Miami Beach Hotel
1601 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Special thanks to Linda Villafane

For more  pictures visit

James Woodley Photography
All scarves by Marrero Collection
off-the-shoulder black dress: @covetiqueclothing, White top and palazzo pants: @FilomenaFernandez Black one shoulder dress by Nibatti.
Sandals provided by Jamaica Sandal Co.
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Ever-So Reliable”Auerbach
